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Petite Chardonnay (2012) · Short Film

Petite Chardonnay (2012) is an American film about a man who brings his daughter to meet her Grandfather, the father that told him to leave the family vineyard and never come back. It is a shortened version of Chardonnay that was made to show producers and film financiers what a team of independent filmmakers and actors can do with little to no budget. Imagine what they can create with a budget?

The film was made from the heart, with heart, and for the heart.

1 Plot

A simple story of love, life, forgiveness, and healing told extraordinarily. With many underlying themes, plots, and settings, it is a whole new journey into a family and their struggles to understand each other and the acceptance of mortality and the wonders that await them.

After twenty-five years away, Michael Robert Oak returns home to his roots, his family's Vineyard and Ranch Estate. When his father, Richard James Oak reignites Michael's buried feelings of abandonment and resentment, that angry fifteen-year-old — still inside him — surfaces. Only when a special gift — a twelve-year-old granddaughter, Chardonnay Syrah Oak — appears, Robert's wall between him and Michael begins to crumble and their relationship appears to begin healing.

Robert asks where Chardonnay's mother is, and he tells a lie that she had to stay in New York and Chardonnay agrees. Michael asks his father if he would look after Chardonnay for awhile so he can take care of a few business details. Robert is not understanding the situation and tells Michael to come clean when Chardonnay interrupts them and tells them that their are two strangers in the vineyard playing with the grapes. Robert assures her that it is Gary and Marilyn his long time friends and helpers at the vineyard.

Chardonnay is introduced to Gary and Marilyn and the two see Michael off to the side and tell him it has been a long time in a disappointed manner. Agnes arrives, a beautiful, full of life, older woman and asks if that is Michael Robert Oak she hears? And she is correct and gives him the talk about not being here for his mother's death. “I know she has forgiven you. But she's your mother.” Agnes then lays eyes on Chardonnay and lights up with joy and love. “She said you would come.” Agnes says to Chardonnay. “Who did? ” Chardonnay asks. “Your grandmother.” Agnes whispers. Michael faints and losses continues and dreams about his grandmother's funeral.

Michael awakens to his fathers inquiries about his health, his granddaughters mother and why both of them are taking pills. Michael asks where Chardonnay is and Robert tells him she is off with the neighborhood kids, if you want to call them neighborhood.

Teresa and Jesse, a handsome young stud driving through the mountainous tree lined road discuss what he is going to do with his money once she gets it from her failing husband. He corrects himself by saying, “Our money.” Teresa is starting to see his thread of lies come undone. They find the location and pull in as Chardonnay is walking in from the forest and sees her mom. Jesse grabs her and says get in the car and keep quiet. but Chardonnay screams.

Michael begins to open up to his father when they hear Chardonnay's scream. Michael jumps up and heads out the door and faces Jesse. Michael wants his daughter back but Jesse punches him and laughs. Robert gets Jesse's attention with a yell and the site of a shotgun laying on his arms. Jesse scoffs at the old man “What are you going to do? Shoot me? You know that is against the law.” Robert reminds Jesse where is is. fifteen miles from the nearest town, and his neighbors grow illicit plants, and the law is Robert's friend. “I do not have any problems with it, if I have to. But what about you? ” Jesse squirms trying to find something to say to get out of it. “Okay, Okay, calm down, nothing to go crazy on. I just want me money. Teresa help me out.” Teresa looks at him, Chardonnay, Michael, Robert, and back at Jesse and says. “Pull the damn trigger.” Jesse freaks and hops in his car and tears out of there. Robert introduces himself to Teresa and glares at Michael as they go inside to get cleaned up cover the scrapes and cuts.

In the morning, Robert and Teresa are having a heart to heart about how she met Michael and how he is wonderful, caring man. “When we had Chardonnay, he insisted that be her name.” She explained things changed a few years ago. He would would be gone for days, weeks, and months. Taking Chardonnay on a few trips telling Teresa it was for Char's school. When Michael did come home he was distant and kept to himself. “I would go out with my friends and that is where I met Jesse. I just got caught up in his affection for me that I missed from Michael. He would not talk to me or tell me what was wrong.” Michael wakes up and joins them and then he feels attacked with their questions and leaves.

Michael walks the vineyard and sees himself walk up to his mother Cecilia Oak as if it is a wakend vision of his memories. Cecilia tells young Michael to go off and be a good man she looks up and Michael and he apologizes for not being at her side. “It's okay Michael. Make the best of what you have with Teresa and Char. And your father. Do it for me.” As she talks to Michael, Chardonnay and Robert enter and Chardonnays eye open so wide with awe and amazement she looks at Robert and he is smiling. “Is that? ” Chardonnay asks. “Yes it is. She is my angel.” Robert replies. Teresa enters but she does not see Cecilia and asks what they are looking at as Michael falls to the ground.

1.1 Tagline

When Love is More Important than Life.

2 Cast

3 Production

3.1 Development

3.1.1 Chardonnay Inspiration Golden Hue

The year was 2009, early in September, and after completing post production for Detective A, Gerald began helping Bob Hilsman at Double Oak Vineyards & Winery to pick grapes during their harvest season. Working once a week, sometimes twice, from 6:30 am to 11:00 am through October, Gerald's picking improved from a few bins his first time to nearly 22 bins in under 4 hours. He would stay and watch the crushing of Cabernet and other varieties.

On Friday, September 11, 2009, Gerald was picking Chardonnay grapes when a golden hue of sunlight shone through the leaves and the grapes. Stunned by the image of natures beauty created by plant and sunlight, Gerald was sad that he did not have a camera to capture the image. He tried to burn that image into his mind as he returned to picking, he thought about how it would look on film in a movie.

What would the story be about that a vineyard would be the setting? And why are we in a vineyard? ” Gerald tried to replicate the image he saw earlier with the sunlight peaking over the horizon and through the grapes and grape leaves by moving his head to compensate for the passage of time and things moving, but that image never reemerged. Gerald had to return to the image in his mind and kept asking “Who is the story about?

Throughout the day Gerald came up with possible story ideas that were put aside when another one popped into his mind. Some of them were merged and others were tossed.The story begins with an old man walking his vineyard early in the morning. A car drives up the road and he realizes who it is. It is his son who he has not seen in years. “Then how would he know it is his son if he has not seen him in years. People change cars. And how many years? ” The old man sees the car pull into his driveway and he heads that direction. The person getting out of the car is a younger man and the old man arrives at the and stare at each other. “Are they happy to see each other? Why is the son back? Why did he leave? How long has it been?

Maybe the son has a daughter and he is bringing her to meet her grandfather? Why would he do that if he left on bad terms? Where did they drive from? ” The person getting out of the car is a younger man and heads toward the structures of the vineyard. The old man arrives at the car and looks inside and sees a young girl sleeping in the backseat. The old man looks for the driver and they meet and stare at each other. “What are you doing here? ” The old man asks. “That's what I get after all these years? I'm your son for Christ's sake.”

Gerald soon realized that he had several bins filled and the day of picking was over. As he helped clean up put things away, he casually asked Bob “Do you mind of I use your vineyard for a film? ” Bob had no problem with it and agreed to allow Gerald to use the property for his film. Gerald zipped home, as fast as he could on the dangerous and winding road back into town, he kept pondering the story with the people he created and what so special about them. Title

Gerald was contemplating the name of the story and of the little girl as he worked on the screenplay and assembled the elements, timeline, and characters of the story. Gerald would speak a varietal of wine out loud to see if it sounded like a name, a good name, and a girls name. It was a choice between Chardonnay and Syrah when he decided to make Chardonnay her first and Syrah her middle. As for the last name he was so stuck on Double Oak Vineyards & Winery that he figured he could use the name for the winery and make Bob and Ginny Hilsman, the owners of Double Oak, be partners with Richard James Oak.

As Gerald kept saying Chardonnay out loud and creating a movie card with a film by Gerald Martin Davenport, Chardonnay stuck as the title. Screenplay

Gerald had story ideas, character backgrounds, and timelines scattered on his desk written out by hand. On September 16, 2009, just five days after the Golden Hue he witnessed in the vineyard that sparked the idea, Gerald had a 90 page screenplay that played like a Terms of Endearment and a Steel Magnolia's story. “Why would anyone go to another movie with the same story like those? They were good in their own rights. Sad, tender, family, and such. But another one? I do not make a remake with the same story. Of course, people are a forgetful type and that is the reason we have films with similar stories.” Impulsive Preparations Extemporary Cast & Crew

Gerald began assembling an extemporary cast & crew for Chardonnay from the cast & crew of Detective A before the dust settled with production. Gerald's excitement, overconfidence, and impatience made him leap before looking. Before Gerald's enthusiasm and joy for Detective A turned sour from the betrayal, name-calling, and back-stabbingA he received from the Director and a few others, Gerald asks the Director of Detective A to help him on the new story.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 message
1:38:30 PM Gerald: a totally new thing just wrote
1:38:46 PM Gerald: in revision 2 after that i want you in on rewrites
1:39:31 PM Detective A Director: I'm your man then.... love to help out on rewrites...
1:39:34 PM Gerald: I also want you to be the assistant director
1:39:54 PM Gerald: there might be a couple of camera people
1:40:35 PM Gerald: I want Lomeli on script supervisor, second assistant camera, and background
1:41:00 PM Gerald: Shackleford, camera assistant, grip, gaffer, audio
1:41:18 PM Gerald: Sason, playing a role then camera help, possibly main guy
1:41:54 PM Detective A Director: I bet he'll like that....
1:41:54 PM Gerald: your parents / background
1:42:25 PM Detective A Director: The one snag you'll face ... is the people that are still in school right now....
1:42:26 PM Gerald: Agid playing Richard, a wine maker
1:42:47 PM Gerald: Udell as Michael, the estranged son
1:42:48 PM Detective A Director: I know shack said he's bogged down... but I haven't really talked to others about future projects
1:42:58 PM Gerald: my daughter as Char
1:43:09 PM Gerald: well, just wanted to give them the option and opportunity
1:43:29 PM Gerald: Cozette to play Michael's wife and mother of Char
1:43:34 PM Gerald: and JASON to play a total scum bag sleazy New Yorker from Arkansas type
1:44:09 PM Gerald: two scenes. a restaurant scene in Truckee and one at the winery
1:44:46 PM Gerald: after that he's done with the role, but the role is so well written, he's probably gonna be the fan favorite
1:45:23 PM Gerald: I am thinking of a role for you, but not sure how it would work...
1:45:47 PM Gerald: you would play the role of Ethan, Richard's brother's son.
1:46:35 PM Gerald: Ethan help's out at the winery/vineyard
1:47:02 PM Gerald: that plot line is still in debate, with myself
1:50:12 PM Gerald: I am thinking I want to do this in November sometime
1:50:13 PM Detective A Director: talk to you later... and when you've got info for new script send it my way.. if you finish today.
1:50:15 PM Gerald: It can be done
1:50:45 PM Detective A Director: synopsis ... treatment... outline... whatever
Gerald Thursday, October 21, 2009 11:42 AM email

To: Wayne Douglas
Subject: My pitch

As far as this recent story I conjured, I was hoping to get it in by the weather; however, the weather actually made the location much more colorful

I got permission from them to do a movie there, as I help bottle and pick, as well as, coming off a high of working with the Detective A team: Cozette Roberts, who was also in Push, and Gary Udell, Gary Agid, and Jason Moore, who did the camera work for Detective A, but he should have played Dr. X in Detective A.

So I whipped out a tear jerker, family story with a spiritual essence (all of which I avoided in the passed but I figured I would give it a try — nothing else has rocketed me to fame and fortune and these types always do well at the theatre (when done well). I also figured I could do this cheaply at the time with three camera's, actors knew it was indie, and I had the three main locations already acquired: Friar Tucks, A very fancy place in Nevada City; Squeeze in, A cool place in Truckee; and the vineyard.

But it fell apart when the three camera people I had lined up: an associate from the Media group I run up here, a high school buddy, and the director of Detective A, all flaked on me. I understand that time is money and so is equipment. Good thing I did not get my 200k insurance policy yet — I always carry for equipment, people, and property. I am looking for a camera and its master and a few other crew members, as well as, actors (any of yours) to partake in an adventure to create a both visually stimulating and emotional story with the possibility of distribution and film festivals. Ignore the poster as some of the people have changed. Permissions & Permits

Without a completed screenplay, Gerald looked into acquiring permits and finding locations. He was on the hopeful possibility of doing the film in in the next thirty days with help from the cast and crew of Detective A, and anyone else that was interested. Gerald got permission to use the Squeeze In restaurant in Truckee on Donner Pass Road. He also received permission from Greg and Rona Cook, owners of Friar Tucks Restaurant in Nevada City, California, to use their bar for a scene.

Gerald Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:20 AM email

To Misty of Squeeze In
HI. I sent an email about possibly using your place for a scene in an indie movie and you or someone replied, but things got crazy, as they always do, and I have misplaced your reply. You stated that you understand indies and you have a relative that does audio for one tree hill. Well, I am just finishing up the writing on a simple drama story that needs the use of your location, cause I love squeeze in, gives me a reason to go eat there again. Anyway, just wondering if we can talk about it.

Misty Friday, September 18, 2009 10:09:20 PM PDT email

Subject: Re: Possible Location use

I'd love to visit with you. I'm around through Monday afternoon, then off for a girls week in Palm Springs - spa treatments, massage, the pool, the martinis...... Otherwise, last week in Sept or any time in October is fine.

Misty and Gary Young
Squeeze In
Best Omelettes On The Planet

Gerald Thursday, October 01, 2009 9:58 AM email


Subject: movie permit/permission

I am a very independent movie maker I live in Nevada City with little to no budget -- all of our equipment and actors are volunteer, at this moment, and I am interested, in fact, I already have possible permission to lens a scene inside the Squeeze In on Donner Pass Road. I am wondering what the requirements are to extend that to the sidewalk in front of the restaurant and the road itself for a very small portion of the shoot.

Cast and crew: no more than 10 people
vehicles: 1 (in the scene)
traffic blocking: none
crowd control: none (we would shoot the car and sidewalk scenes early in the morning when no one is around)
(restaurant scene would be when after they are closed for business so basically a closed set. [we have silks if we need to cover the window])

We would love to showcase Truckee as we visit quite often on our way to our place in Tahoe City. I don't want to do this renegade, but if it is too much trouble, I may or just might lens the scene differently, although I would truly like to have the permission, support, and participation as it's not just my movie it's a team effort.

regards - gerald martin davenport

Gerald also sent this request to the Town of Truckee site He is not sure which entity controls such events.

Ruth Geresy Thursday, October 01, 2009 email

Gerald: I have forwarded your email to John Witney with Event Masters for follow up on Truckee's filming procedures.

Manager - Truckee California Welcome Center
Executive Assistant - Truckee Donner Chamber
10065 Donner Pass Road Poster Idea

On Tuesday, September 29, 2009, Gerald came up with a Chardonnay poster that had a few hidden meanings with the imagery. Not that it is just a vineyard, but that on earth we live, and as we do good in life, we reach the next plateau.

The poster was made with the impatience expectations of the extemporary cast & crew from Detective A.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Original Official Release Poster. Chimera Crushed

Gerald had illusions of grandure, or delusions of an overactive imagination, pushing to get Chardonnay produced when he only had an early version of the screenplay, a scattered and unverified cast, crew, locations, and no budget. Trying to put it all together by himself was a daunting and futile task as things were not coming into play and resources were difficult to secure. Gerald's chimera of making Chardonnay was diminishing slowly, but was crushed when ^AGerald went through an emotional name-calling and back-stabbing time after the premiere at the Crest Theater from the director of Detective A. Gerald put the hurt behind him thinking it was just inexperience and immaturity by the director of Detective A. Gerald showed up bearing gifts to the wrap party gathering to watch the 16-minute extended version that Gerald created. The events that transpired after the showing are documented on the Detective A film page.

The sour taste that Gerald had on the 70-minute drive home made him feel dejected and depressed. “I do not know anyone else to help me make a film. I did Paint with my son, daughter, their friends, and me as the crew. It was fun, but I do not want to make another movie like that.”

Detective A was Gerald's third film he did on his own without Hollywood or Burbank assistance, and his first film with people he did not choose to work with. It was also Gerald's first attempt at planning and preparing for a full-length feature film, which he realizes he should not have done by himself or so soon in his filmmaking career without having a team of people he knows and knows him. Not Giving Up

From the end of October 2009 to April 2010, Gerald focused on THE GOLdEN TREE story and screenplay, but he did not give up on Chardonnay. He did erase the extemporary cast & crew of Detective A from everything they were attached in connection with Chardonnay, other than Gary Udell, who was still up for playing the role of Michael Robert Oak and whom Gerald had a closer relationship than anyone else from the movie.

Gary Udell Wednesday, November 4, 2009 Email

From: Gary E. Udell
Hi Gerry, I read on your website about the "drama" regarding the "Editor's Cut" for Detective A. Unbelievable - the movie would not have been anything without your technical expertise and knowledge of how the movie should be constructed.

The Technical Award was all you, in no way the work of the ensemble. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that any thoughts to the contrary are really unbelievable. I hope progress is being made with Chardonnay and I look forward to participating, You had asked previously for any input or thoughts on the screenplay. Devine Guidance

With the removal of the extemporaneous people, Gerald was not happy with the flow of the story, the characters were familiar, and the emotions were forced — and it had an unpleasant memory from the people he thought were going to be in it as he wrote it with them in mind. Gerald threw out the cliche's and the overused expressions of gloom and sadness, stripped away the traditional themes of tragedy, and deleted the pretentious babble that made the story flat, boring, and sound like all the other sad family stories. “I was in a hurry to complete the story that I stepped on the integrity of the story and the characters. I also lost inspiration and joy that made the first ten pages shine with love. This story, the title, and the vision of images I see in my mind deserve much better from me. It needs to come from the heart, with heart, and for the heart.”

Gerald went back to the initial 10-page draft he wrote on September 11, 2009, and started again with a sincere purpose and devine guidance. “Once I started rewriting with a pure and honest determination, I could sense my grandmother, Cecilia Brakensiek, was guiding my hand and mind to write a realistic story. Pages were written I do not remember writing. The story flowed and came to life without hesitation or second thought.”

On Monday, October 26, 2009, Gerald was looking for a new lastname (surname) for the main characters. He was using Starr, but there was a winery family in the area with that name and he did not want to make any assumptions that it was okay to use. Plus, when Ginny Hilsman asked Gerald to remove the connectivity that Bob and Ginny Hilsman were connected to the made up vienyard, Gerald thought it best to have a lastname that is not associated with any winery in the area, and he came up with Oak. Funding Idea

Gerald was not going to give up on making Chardonnay in 2010, or sometime in the near future. Inspired by what Billy Bob Thornton did with Sling blade after he watched the behind-the-scenes DVD commentary for the film, it gave him and idea to find funding for Chardonnay.

If he could get enough buzz, hype, and interest from people thinking he has financing, and the financier wants him to make a mock short version of the film, he knows he can create something that can win them over. Financing Proposal

Gerald found a few budget, business, and financing proposal templates online and downloaded them and filled them in to see what kind of money he was going to need to make the film on his own. He came up with $200,000 for everything, but figured $300,000 would make things much easier and smoother. Now all he had to do was find people to send the proposal to and start receiving phone calls or emails.

In his naïvety, Gerald believed that talent, skills, and a great story are what propel the film industry. After trying to find film-financing people, he learned that the film industry/business is just the same as the music industry/business and all other similar businesses. If you are not one of them already you have to work very hard and put your time in, or already know someone in to be given the opportunity to prove yourself on their terms. He should have remembered this after attending film school, but Gerald felt he was one of them since he did film school. He learned that, if you are not where they are, the film hub, then you are not serious about joining their elite provate club because they do not look outside of their circle very often to see what the rest of the world is doing. furthermore, for everyone person that makes it in, there are hundreds of thousands that do not.

Gerald also knew that he was still early in his filmmaking career, and even then, he really only wanted to be an editor not a director, writer, or producer. So he knew the best way to win them over was to keep adding to his portfolio of work. Besides, he enjoyed the process, the journey, and the people when making a movie. “If you enjoy doing it, then do it. If you do not, then why are you doing it? And I enjoyed seeing actors bring the characters to life from the written page. How they took that character and made it their own. The amazing part to me is that what I wrote was good enough drivel for people to want to say and that it made sense. That surprised and humbled me the most.” Version 25 or 5 Dot 0

During production of THE GOLdEN TREE from May through August of 2010, Gerald worked on Chardonnay when he had free time, which was not much. By early August, Gerald had version 25, or 5 dot 0 depending on how it was counted. There were a total of 25 revisions, but Gerald labeled them with a number to the left of the dot(.) as a major change, and using a number to the right of the dot as a minor change. Using the initial 10-page beginning as version 1.0, and having 25 changes, either minor or major, version 25, or 5 dot 0, with a new rewritten story was complete by early August. Name Changes

After Gerald helped bottle thirty cases of wine at Double Oak Vineyards & Winery on Tuesday, August 17, 2010, Ginny Hilsman wanted to discuss a few things about Chardonnay. Her concern was the story and to make sure that it did not effect Double Oak Vineyards & Winery and Bob & Ginny's real story that she has taken so long to create and put in place. Gerald understood and apologized for any confusion or mixup that it caused and changed the name of the winery from Double Oak to Diamond Oak, and renamed the characters of Bob and Ginny to Gary and Marilyn.

The change in names to the vineyard and the helpers opened up possibilities and removed limitations and boundaries. “Writing a role for someone who has never acted or been in front of a camera is exciting and a nerve racking leap of faith wondering if the person can deliver. Writing for two people without experience to playing off of each other is even more stressful. It is also limiting in what you can write for that person with their lack of acting ability. Giving them too much dialog or too much action may cause them to freeze up or worse, take an hour for a 2-minute scene.” Teaser Before THE GOLdEN TREE

The 42-minute version of THE GOLDEN TREE was having a screening at the Del Oro Theater in Grass Valley on Saturday, February 5, 2011. Gerald put together a teaser of Chardonnay with text of the dialog from the beginning of the story and then images of vineyards at the end. Gerald used a recording of a piano piece he found on titled Flying High back in 2007 that he listened to. The music file did not have information about the composer, the year, or the album. Gerald was going to compose his own music for the teaser, but after listening to the piano piece and needing to get the teaser done as soon as possible, he decided to use it as it was only going to be viewed locally and when the film does get made he would do his own music for the film.

Gerald Saturday, December 18, 2010 journal
THE GOLdEN TREE 42-minute version premiere reference

“For this premiere, I did not want people to sit and stare at a blank screen. Just like regular movies, they show trivia and questions about films, actors, and such while you wait for the showtime. I put together my own trivia slideshow with items related to the gold rush, the characters in the film, and a few items of fact. Also, I did not want to just start the film. I wanted to give the attendees the typical movie going experience with teasers of films, and why not my films I have done or want to do. When Chardonnay teaser began playing my heart sank. 'What have I done? ' There was a bit of harsh language in the teaser. I am going to hear about that at the end of the movie.” - gerald

View Reference

After the Premiere of THE GOLdEN TREE, Gerald was approached by many people asking about the status of Chardonnay. “When are you doing it? Are you casting it? How long is it? Where is it going to be made?” And many other questions along with interest about the story and everyone was excited about it and looking forward to seeing it. “I was surprised all the queries were positive and uplifting about Chardonnay. No one said anything negative about the teaser. Now I really want to make this film.”

Yinique Saturday, February 12, 2011 email

Dearest Gerald...
You are a person of Golden Heart : ) I would love to and look forward to working with you, any project, any day. You are the one who give me this First and Golden opportunity to be on a big screen. From the first day on, I felt very welcomed and became part of your family. YOU set the tone for this wonderful team work environment and I appreciate so much all the hard work you put in to make the story so enriched. We all looked really great and it was a beautiful film. It was an amazing experience when I first met you and I wondered how can a person be so nice and be thoughtful for everyone and a great director as well. I really, no kidding thought that of you.

Thank you so much Gerald for a wonderful premier event, and all the hard work and long hours you put in are not forgotten in my heart. It was a beautiful and memorable event for me and I am sure for all of us. Your creative work was precise and beautifully captured. I would love to have many more involvements with your future projects in any way you need me. I was crying in Chardonnay preview, and they were powerful word. I can't wait for the actions to be put in. It will be amazing. Warmest Regards UnCorked

Gerald uncorked the possibility of making Chardonnay sooner than he thought after the positive vibes from the screening of THE GOLdEN TREE. Doug Hammer Flying High

Gerald found out that the composer of the piano piece Flying High he used for the teaser was done by Doug Hammer, a pianist in Boston. Gerald decided to contact Doug and come clean on the use of his music, since Gerald admitted that he had no time to actually focus on music for the film, and if he did, he would probably replicate the music poorly. So why not use something from someone who has more talent and a piece that Gerald likes?

Gerald Thursday, March 10, 2011 email

Greetings Mr Doug Hammer
My name is gerald martin davenport and I am a composer [ascap], web designer, and film producer — well actually anything in the creative world, I do. I have a screenplay that I am trying to get funding for called Chardonnay and we have not lensed any clips, but I have taken pictures of the location and have made a trailer for it. Unfortunately, I began it with your HIGH FLYING piano piece as a base for the flow thinking I would write my own piece to replace it. HOWEVER; after playing it and playing it, I do not feel I can write anything more emotional and beautiful to compliment this movie trailer.

I know this is an odd request, but I would like to know if you would like to see it? I also would like to know if I could get permission to use it and post it to potential producers? NOW. Knowing that it's your music and that if i get funding would I want you to be apart of it? Will I reimburse you?

The answer to those questions is YES!! I realize that the music has SHAPED the story, in fact, I listen to your piece as I do rewrites to the story. and it would SHAME me if I did not offer you the position of composer for the movie.

I am an indie film producer in Northern California with a passion and drive that does not stop me from being successful in the movie industry. I have dedicated my time and life this past five years and have created and have been a part of several movies.

I want to thank you either way for your wonderful music that has given me joy. - God Bless

Doug Hammer Monday, March 14, 2011 email

Hi Gerald. Thanks for finding my music (and me)! I am happy that my song has inspired you! I would like to see the trailer and I do give you permission to use the song "Flying High" in your movie trailer. As things progress, we can talk about where things go from here. I have done some scoring and am definitely interested.

Gerald Thursday, March 17, 2011 email

Mr. hammer. Doug.
Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for replying... I just uploaded the trailer: never been online. The only time anyone saw it was at the premiere of THE GOLdEN TREE at the Del Oro Theater in Grass Valley on February 5th, 2011. There was not a dry eye in the house. It is considered a teaser, so there are no other credits listed, but once you approve of the use of the music and the story, then a more informative teaser is coming . - gerald
I hope you enjoy.

Doug Hammer Friday, March 18, 2011 email

Excellent Gerald and nice storytelling. I was captivated. waiting for every word! And the music goes so nicely with the words. And nice syncing as well! I definitely approve and would of course appreciate a credit for music both in the trailer (if possible) and in the YouTube description and keywords (as you said). Thanks Gerald and please keep me posted! Crowd Funding

Gerald researched how to find financing for a film and someone told him about crowd funding. Gerald compared a few of the more popular ones and chose to go with IndieGoGo because it was more film-centric. He set a goal to reach, came up with incentives and perks for investors, made it live, and shared it with everyone he could.

Gerald Thursday, March 31, 2011 email

Subject: Help me make it happen for Chardonnay on IndieGoGo
Hello, I'm writing to let you know about Chardonnay. Take a moment to check it out on IndieGoGo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make Chardonnay happen.

3.1.2 Petite Chardonnay

Gerald began thinking about submitting several stories to Access Sacramento's A Place Called Sacramento for 2011. THE GOLdEN TREEs, a continuation of THE GOLdEN TREE. the WATERING hole, a story Gerald wrote in January of 2011 during a snow storm that shut the power down and he could not get back to sleep after turning off all of his battery backups. And possibly creating a shorter version of Chardonnay to submit.

Petite Chardonnay screenplay version eighteen page one.

Petite Chardonnay screenplay version 18 Pruning

Creating a 10-page story from the 140-page screenplay that has a beginning, middle, and end is going to be a challenge. Gerald began looking over Chardonnay to see if it could be trimmed into a comprehensible short story that would be easy to follow, but also move the audience emotionally.

In late March of 2011, and just for fun, Gerald started pruning Chardonnay. After eighteen versions, or tries, he had a condensed nine and a half page story that included the beginning, a flashback in the middle, and a rewrite of the ending just for the contest for Access Sacramento. Gerald's motivation was to get the story out there in some form to be seen by people that hopefully start a buzz for the full-length version and its financing through the crowd funding IndiGoGo campaign. Varietal Title

On April 11, 2011, Gerald had a well-crafted, emotionally stimulating, and heart-touching shorter version of Chardonnay now, he needed a title to go with it. Not wanting to title it Chardonnay, since it was not the complete Chardonnay story. If he did call it Chardonnay, could he call the longer version Chardonnay after he already title the shorter version the same name? would there be confusion? Gerald wanted to avoid any confusion and give the shorter version its own identity and contemplated title ideas which included: Char, The Vineyard, Coming Home, Going Home, Returning Home, The Granddaughter, and many other titles that did not fill him with passion.

Bored and frustrated about not being able to quickly come up with a title for it, Gerald flipped through wine terms and grape varietals. He came across Petite Syrah (Sirah), Petit Chablis, and Petit Verdot and wondered if he could put Petite in front of Chardonnay. Petite Chardonnay. “It sounded good and it identifies that it is a short or tiny version of Chardonnay.” Access Sacramento Preparation
Gerald Monday, April 11, 2011 email

For those interested in reading what I am submitting with the Chardonnay story. It is called Petite Chardonnay, and is a representation, not the complete or accurate story, of Chardonnay. Just thought why not make a 10-minute version for marketing purposes, as the full story is over 140 pages.

I put some of the emotional scenes into the 10-minute package. Tell me if you have a dry eye after reading it. - God Bless Submission Form
Access Sacramento Submission Form for Petite Chardonnay.

Access Sacramento Submission Form for Petite Chardonnay

After 25 years, Michael Oak, a well to do New York business man, comes back to California's wine country in Sacramento to see his dad, Richard, a callous and bitter old man.

Richard's lets Michael know he is not welcome. Michael introduces Richard to his only granddaughter, Chardonnay. Richard's heart is filled with joy and a new chapter in their lives begin, but only for a short time.

Michael visits his father, a callous and bitter old man, after 25 years and gives him a gift of love and life. In Need of Producers
Gerald Monday, April 11, 2011 email

No no, not looking for money producers, well, yeah, but this time I am looking for someone who wants to take the lead, be the front man or woman. It could be co-director, but mostly the liaison, the PR person, and so forth.

I am thinking about submitting three stories to pcs but do not want MY name plastered on all three in big letters. As a writer fine, and then in the movie the director (or co-director and the post editor and such is fine, but for the front person, the person who takes all the recognition and passes it down, I would like to offer this opportunity to some special person or a dou or trio of people.

Gary Udell has a stake in this. he is a first choice.
Brendan has always been on the top of the list but he is one of those shy guys.
Steve Dakota is a PR dude, but understand he is retired and might be on the beach somewhere.
Bourassa family: lisa and norm would be cool, but understand they might be heading for a summer holiday, just letting you know you are in my thoughts.
Yinique and Carlos, would be a good team. they are movie people...
Jim Heck is a possible candidate but being retired himself, he is hard to get a hold of :), but is a great front man. he does really well at our Mac meetings when he presents.

So you are a few of the people I have in mind to take the front producer spot for this, which doesn't necessarily mean you have to provide the money, but if you can supply some for the food, it would be great. Any other duties like directing and such need to be discussed, depending on who it is, but looking at the list. everyone there has the potential and I would not have a problem with it. I just need someone's name on the submission form besides mine. Any takers? Or maybe you might know someone else I might have forgotten about

Gary Udell Monday, April 11, 2011 email

Happy to help out - Gary.

Scott Slotterbeck Tuesday, April 12, 2011 email

Nicely done! This is making a very good short film. The visuals in the vineyard and around the winery should be stunning. I loved the story. Was not prepared for the twist near the end. Sad and moving. You have another winner here!

Scott Slotterbeck Friday, April 15, 2011 email

Thanks for your kind words. I did like the script and my wife did as well. She was confused as to who had cancer; it was plain to me and I'm sure the glance to the house will make it clear. I think she just skipped over it. She was reading the name of the cancer drug to closely, I think!

BTW, I think only an MD can prescribe cancer drugs; a Ph.D. might be able to, but I've not seen it. They may be able to prescribe mental illness drugs. The landscape of what they call 'scope of practice' is constantly changing. (I used to work for the California Optometric Association, and we were always sponsoring bills to let optometrists prescribe drugs, and the ophthalmologist's were always sponsoring bills to deny them. Called a turf battle...

If I might say, I really do think you have a gift as a writer. You paint a really good image with your words, and your dialog rings very, very true. I suppose having children helps. I hope to have enough time to work on your film (you have first dibs) and maybe an other film as well. When will you know if Petite Chardonnay (love the title) is picked?

Gerald Friday, April 15, 2011 email

TO: Scott
I call them as I see them in my experience and I am the one to thank you and the good Lord for being who you are. He tests us and gives us many challenges and one of those challenges is finding love, friendship, and trust in the desolate world we live in and it is our privileged and honor to make it better, though many of us are not doing our part which causes people like us a much bigger task to complete.

About the story
Actually I kind of leave it to the viewer to decide because in the full length, Michael has the cancer and it is more angelic, spiritual, and faith involved than Petite: you can only put so much in a 10-minute story without over doing it. Look at THE GOLdEN TREE in the 10-minute form. There is way too much information. So in Petite, without giving away the real story, I am trying to make it look like Chardonnay and Michael have it, but in the end, they are both gone.

Also have an idea, if selected, to have Michael and Char picking grapes or something as Richard walks down the vines and then Michael and Char fade away and he gets to the chardonnay sign and go from there. Things are added and deleted once we know if it is accepted, if not, then it is put to rest and back to the full version for financing. The word is sometime mid May for the selected screenplays.

And thanks for your kind words... just years and years of movie watching, reading books, and story telling. I am more of an in depth kind of writer compared to 90% of what you see and read today. it's so "let's get it out really fast and get on the bandwagon without thinking about story longevity, story reread, and the most cherished part of being an artist is having your talents be endeared by all. Not Selected For PCS

On May 9, 2011, Gerald was informed by Rob Tillitz that the WATERING hole was selected for Place Called Sacramento 2011. Brendan Brookes let Gerald know that THE GOLdEN TREEs was not selected, and Gary Udell let Gerald know that Petite Chardonnay was not selected either.

Ron Cooper Monday, May 9, 2011 email

Thank you for submitting your script for the 2011 "Place Called Sacramento" film project. The competition was very challenging and several scripts were within a few points of each other after being reviewed by at least two different professional filmmaker evaluation panels. Unfortunately, while your script came close, it was not selected in the final ten. I encourage you to continue polishing the script and resubmit next year. I know this is disappointing news but I ask you to not be overly discouraged.

Please plan to attend the Wednesday May 18 "Cast & Crew Call" from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We start promptly at 6:00 PM here at the Coloma Center "backyard". There is much to be gained from the C&CC experience. Perhaps you are curious to hear who was selected? Perhaps you may hear of a film project you would like to help produce? I know other filmmakers would appreciate your help and actually producing a movie can be a lot of fun. Plus, we will return you scripts and have judges comments for your review.

I do hope you join us for the C&CC. For the twelfth year, Access Sacramento is launching 10 new film projects. Each of them will need many hands to help get them completed and up on the big screen October 2 at 1:00 PM. I do hope you elect to join us in these efforts and help "make a movie this summer". Again, thank you for submitting your script and I hope to see you on Wednesday the 18th....

Ron Cooper, Executive Director
Access Sacramento
"Place Called Sacramento" Film Festival

Gerald Monday, May 16, 2011 email

Greetings all, yes, I am back from Arizona after being gone for three weeks. Pete Chardonnay and THE GOLdEN TREEs, part II, did not make the contest but the WATERING hole did.

Scott Slotterbeck Monday, May 16, 2011 email

Interesting. I can't believe Petite Chardonnay didn't as well. I really liked it, and the visuals would have been so great. We often just drive by vineyards, but as you know, grape vines have a lot going on, visually. I was surprised years ago to see that they change color in the fall. Just beautiful. Self Produced Preparation
Gerald Friday, June 17, 2011 email

TO: Bob & Ginny
I have not received finding for the full movie yet, but we would like to do a short 10 - 15 minute version that we can put together to use to find funding — kind of sample movie. This goes on in the industry, in fact, more so than you think or may know, and in TV they call them pilots.

The idea is to get the concept of this tender, heart touching, story and gorgeous visuals out into the greater film community in order to locate backers and pitch a full-length movie. What I would like to know is if I can use your vineyard to put this Petite Chardonnay together? Would like to use it in October: the 7 - 9: Friday - Sunday.

Bob Hilsman Friday, June 17, 2011 email

Greetings Gerald
We are pleased to learn that your project is moving forward. We are concerned about the possible filming dates in October because this may conflict with harvest and may become a distraction to a very important event here. Late September would be much better for us. Could you reschedule the shoot? Cheers, Bob

As you know, harvest, crush and processing is a hectic time for us and I'd like to minimize extra stress possibilities. We can't expect harvest to be over until sometime in November when the vineyards are not nearly as cinematic. September 23-25 would be a good time for us and for your project. Cheers, Bob

Gerald, saddened about the replies he received from Bob Hilsman at Double Oak Vineyards & Winery, he sends out an email to several local wineries. Gerald understands Bob's concern and that business is business; besides, he is the one asking for a favor to use their property for free during their busy time of year. Gerald though that maybe they could use Double Oak Vineyards & Winery where the sun came up when he first was inspired for a scene and use another winery for the rest of the the film.

Gerald Wednesday, June 29, 2011 email

To: Mario @ Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery
My name is Gerald Martin Davenport, some know me as Gerry, I am a local "wine snob" so to speak, and also a filmmaker. I have helped out at many of the events here in Nevada County and I am sure you have seen me at a few them as a greater and pourer, as well as, been on the wine trail. I am looking for a vineyard to photograph a short that is used to look for backers to make the longer version of The short is called Petite Chardonnay. If you choose to watch the trailer, you get an idea what the movie is about. The vineyard and winery is the back drop to this family heart touching story. And I would love to do it at one of your winery's if not all of them to showcase the winery's in this county. I know you may not believe me, but I have everyone's wine in my cellar, but it is true. YOU all make wonderful wine and I do not need Napa or Sonoma to do my wine tours. Please find it in your heart to open your location up to a local wine lover and filmmaker, I live in Nevada City and went to Nevada Union High School.

Mario Clough Wednesday, June 29, 2011 email

Gerald. You are welcome to come a look at our location and see if it works for you!
"Taste The Joy!"
Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery Inc

Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery is located in the rural area east of Grass Valley, California off of a semi-main road connected to a smaller road that connects to a tiny road that can be missed if you go too fast and do not see the hidden road sign. The tiny road is dirt and rock with two houses with driveways before reaching a split. One is to a private residence, and the other is gated that goes up to Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery. Driving up the paved incline that doglegs to the right, then levels out with two buildings that look industrial and dairy. No sight of vines or grapes except bins and barrels that would suggest it could be a winery. Gerald parked in front of the building that looked more like an office and not the bottling or stemming area. Gerald has experience with harvesting and bottling at Double Oak Vineyards & Winery, so he had a semi-educated guess as to where to go.

^CMatthew Wentz, the winemaker showed up and Gerald recognized him and vice versa, they knew each other from high school. Matthew gets into a John Deere Gator, a 4-wheel drive utility vehicle, and takes Gerald for a tour of the vineyard and the entire property. They talked wine, school, after-school life, and movies. Matthew explained the operation and what he does at the winery and told Gerald, “You have total freedom of the entire vineyard. Hopefully we can schedule our time around yours and vice versa.” Gerald was on the fence about using the location for the film, it was not what he envisioned . He was used to Double Oak Vineyard's vines which were lush and overgrown. But when Matthew said he had total freedom, Gerald overlooked the meagre leafed vines and would make the location work with that offer on the table. “When your pickings are few to none, you take the best offer you can and make it work. No one else was offering me free range on their vineyard. No one else was offering me anything.”

^DJim and Gerald took a drive to Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery and were given permission to walk the property and mark out possible locations for certain scenes. Jim used an app that showed the sun's angle and location at any time of the day which helped them determin where shadows reflectors would be needed. Jim agreed that having free reign of the property made a huge difference in choosing a location for the film.

Jim Heck Saturday, July 30, 2011 email

Spent yesterday at Pilot peak with George Ann and her friend Annie (you meet her at Double Oak). I just happen to mention that you had sent out requests to five wineries and only Lucchesi replied. Annie went to Len Stevens and mentioned the response you got. Len pull me aside as we were leaving. He hadn't seen your e-mail. If you are interested in using Pilot Peak for any of the shoots either along with Lucchesi or without, Len is interested but would like to know more. I did give him a little overview but didn't mentioning monies. I took a bunch of pictures of the terraced areas but didn't see the vineyards. If your interested you can contact him.

Pilot Peak was an interesting layout, more complicated than Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery but had a few picturesque locations that could make the film be unique; however the specifics and requirements that the owners of Pilot Peak requested would be hard to obtain of at all. As much as Gerald wanted to try and use another vineyard for the film and spread the visuals and name of other wineries, Pilot Peak was not going to be used for a location.

3.2 Casting

3.2.1 Informal Invites

Gerald Saturday, May 21, 2011 email

TO: Karly and Tracy Avva [Avvakumovits]
We thank you for stopping by our table for the WATERING hole on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at the cast & crew call put on by Access Sacramento for their PCS 2011 contest. Although your talent and personality shines and as much as Gerald and Rob would truly love to have you in this project, Unfortunately due to the subject matter and the location of the production, your age does not allow us to bring you in on this project.

I am VERY, VERY interested in Karly for Petite Chardonnay, as Chardonnay. And although there were not many other girls her age at the c&c and I may be able to find one with a real casting call, I love Karly and am comfortable working with her and she is wonderful. I am looking at getting Petite Chardonnay going this fall. as soon as, buddies and the watering hole get close to being finished, in fact probably during editing, I am going to start gathering and putting things in order for this.

Now a word about Petite Chardonnay:
1. non paid, but [see below]
2. 10 - 15 minutes long
3. going to use it as marketing tool to find financing

NOW if it gets selected with in a resonable time, KARLY could still possibly play the role of Chardonnay, which I am hoping. If more than a year or two pass before getting green lit, she may not be right for the part. But this marketing copy is seen by many people, that is the plan, so she could get work from this as a bonus. Let me know what you think. Hope all is well with you and family. Be safe. Get better. God Bless. Please stay in touch with us on facebook, the internet, and our newspage. You are one of those we are NEVER going to forget and do want to work with much more in the future. please bare with us.

Gerald mentioned Chardonnay, and Petite Chardonnay, to many people in various ways since he began writing on September of 2010. He mentioned it to the cast & crew of Detective A, showed a Chardonnay teaser at THE GOLdEN TREE premiere, and posted it on social media about the crowdfunding campaign. One of the actors from Detective A, who Gerald said he would be perfect for the father for Michael, stayed in contact with Gerald about the status of the film and his involvement.

BUDDIES brings Gerald and Richard Ryan together for the second time. The first was a brief encounter on An Ignoble Caper. On Wednesday, June 22, 2011, Gerald asked him if he could play a Floridian who lives in New York, is a sleaze, loves himself, and is eye candy to ladies? Gerald also sends him the link to the Chardonnay movie website. Richard says he can and asks Gerald what his plans are with it. Gerald said that he would tell him more about it later.

Actor 1 Thursday, July 14, 2011 email

Any chance I can get the script by 7/25? I leave for NY on the 26th for 2 weeks and will have time to study it while there. I'll have daily access to e-mail if we need to communicate before I return on 8/9. I'm trimming my beard a little today but may not be able to trim again before we shoot. I hope a little longer beard is not an issue for you. We can discuss.

At the time when Gerald was freely asking, mentioning, and inviting people to be apart of the film, he did not realize it would eventually cause so much trouble that several people ended their friendship, connection, and correspondence with him. “Apparently the actors thought I promised them the role. I do not remember saying it is your role. But in my excitement, my words may have hinted or insinuated that I wanted them for the role. Although, it is not entirely my fault for the change in casting as someone else was involved in the final casting process.”

The same thing happened with the WATERING hole when the new producer decided to scrap the cast that Gerald had chosen. This cause resentment among actors that Gerald was hoping to work with again and tensions closed that door. Gerald learned on two productions in the same year that making promises to actors that they are in a film, make sure not to use an outside casting company and put in the contract for other producers that Gerald has the final say on casting. Of course the bottom line is to be professional when approaching actors of interest and ask them to come and audition for a role if they are interested.

Antonio Mears Friday, July 22, 2011 email

I was hoping to get an audition for the "Jessie" part though I must admit i may not fit your physical profile. I'm 5' 10" and weight about 160-165 lbs. I'm more wiry than muscular. I'm 160 solid and pretty fit, but a bit lean. Sometime i look younger than thirty, but I'm actually about to turn 32. I attached a head shot and a bio (which I owed you from the "Watering Hole." Thank you. I look forward to your response.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 message
4:55:30 PM Bill Bettencourt: hi Gerry, What role are you trying to cast for Petite Chardonnay
4:55:40 PM Gerald: The dad
4:56:03 PM Bill Bettencourt: richard
4:56:19 PM Gerald: Michael. The son, father of Chardonnay
4:56:45 PM Bill Bettencourt: it shows Gary as Michael. did he decline
4:56:54 PM Gerald: No. The producers want to see what else is out there
4:57:19 PM Bill Bettencourt: ok when is the audition
4:57:27 PM Gerald: Are you wanting to audition? August 28th
4:57:56 PM Gerald: I can set you up for one.
4:58:34 PM Bill Bettencourt: my schedule is tight with working at home depot but i like the role very much or even a shorter version. How long is the teaser going to be 10 min? 5 min?
4:58:57 PM Bill Bettencourt: I mean short role
4:59:28 PM Bill Bettencourt: do you still have my headshot and resume
5:01:13 PM Gerald: I would love to have you come audition...
5:01:18 PM Gerald: You could make a great dad.
5:01:27 PM Gerald: Not that you are not one in real life already
5:02:43 PM Bill Bettencourt: ok keep me posted and if it is enough notice I can try and get that time off to audition.
Gerald Friday, July 29, 2011 12:34 PM email

The role of Chardonnay has been finalized with my legal department and women involved dictating at what age sexual innuendos can be approached to children and the age they say should be no younger than 12 years of age. And it is only because there is a scene where a boy tries to kiss her and touches her backside and she turns around and teaches him a lesson. It is a really cute scene but not really necessary, but I like it and to do it, the age of the character needs to be no less than 12. Not sure if Claire is of age for that, but she can come to audition for another role in it as a daughter of one of the vineyard workers that plays with Chardonnay. Let me know so I can put you down for a time and we can also have her read for the chardonnay role so the other casting people can see her.

Rachel Oldham Friday, July 29, 2011 email

Thanks for getting back to me Gerald. I learn interesting tidbits about this business every week. I have never run into an over 12's always been over 18 to play younger, but of course any rules can be made for any film. Claire will be 10 in November. Claire loved working with you and although she really wanted to play Chardonnay I'm sure would be happy to work with you again in whatever part you felt she fit best. I didn't see what the dates and times were for auditions. Also are there any sides for the audition.

Gerald, still under the idea that Gary Agid was his Richard, but was told by Ryan to not get set on anyone until he saw the actors vying for the role.

Gerald Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:07 PM email

Gary. This is a tough, complicated, and arduous situation. You see the 34-page screenplay, made it from 10-pages to 34 for this journey, adding some characters from the longer version. The character of Richard is one of the main characters, in fact you have more dialog, more so than who the movie is really about.

It is a story about Richard and Michael's relationship, father and son, and Richard and Char, grandfather and granddaughter. Richard has been a cold callous person for most of his life and Char breaks that wall down. Michael has been bitter about his father's lack of love and caring for him 20 years ago and Michael sees Richard becomes to Char what Michael wanted from Richard back then, but Michael is doing it for his daughter who may or may not be dying of cancer. Richard is in 11 scenes with 3 major locations changes.

The scenes are in-depth and can be quite long and detailed. I guess what I am asking or saying is: can you make other days in October, and not because of rain?

3.2.2 Back 2 One

Gerald searched for a location in Sacramento to have auditions by asking actors where they go to acting school, if they know any place, and looking on the internet. Gerald found a small acting school called Back 2 One, and Bryan Martin, agreed to let Gerald use the school for auditions for Petite Chardonnay. Gerald put the word out that auditions were Sunday, August 28, 2011, from 10 am - 1 pm. When people asked about the sides, he told them they would be available before the date.

On August 2, 2011, Gerald tried to get a hold of Bryan to ask a few questions, but the Back 2 One facebook page was gone, their website contact page did not work, and no one was answering the phone.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011 message
9:35:50 AM Gerald: can you see this page? the Back 2 One facebook page?
9:36:12 AM Tamara: no
9:37:12 AM Gerald: that was Bryan Martin's facebook page. I do not have an email, their contact page does not work on their site, and no one answering the phone.
9:37:21 AM Gerald: And that was where we were doing auditions.
9:37:50 AM Tamara: o no
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 message
9:32:28 AM Gerald: Do you know anything about Bryan Martin and back 2 one
9:33:11 AM Eleanor Tyler: No. I don't. Remember I am very new to this whole scene so I am just getting to know people.
9:34:46 AM Eleanor Tyler: I got it down for August 28th auditions, right?
9:35:04 AM Gerald: not sure about the location now
9:35:41 AM Gerald: Back 2 One on facebook?
9:36:17 AM Eleanor Tyler: I tried and it says it cannot be found.
9:36:45 AM Gerald: That was Bryan's fb page. I do not have an email, their contact page doesn't work on their site, and no one answering the phone
9:37:05 AM Eleanor Tyler: Ohhh.
9:37:08 AM Gerald: That was where we were going to do auditions
9:37:25 AM Eleanor Tyler: Oh.
9:37:28 AM Gerald: Not sure what to do now
9:37:48 AM Eleanor Tyler: perhaps look for him under his name only?
9:38:43 AM Gerald: that was it
9:38:57 AM Eleanor Tyler: eeek!
9:52:55 AM Gerald: Alright, we have just made a change in date, time, and location for auditions
9:53:35 AM Gerald: Sunday, August 21, at IT FACTOR Studios.
9:53:45 AM Gerald: 10 am - ? OPEN CASTING
9:54:20 AM Gerald: Ryan is going to help and his people
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 message
12:42:42 PM Bryan Martin: Hello Gerald, this is Bryan Martin at Back 2 One
12:43:23 PM Gerald: oh... you are still around...
12:43:34 PM Gerald: wow... I panicked
12:43:52 PM Bryan Martin: Someone got into our FB and deleted our page. We believe it was an ex-employee.
12:44:20 PM Gerald: that is not good... sad that it would happen
12:46:15 PM Bryan Martin: I heard you moved your venue to It Factor. We at Back 2 One hope you all of the best. It Factor should be able to do a great job for you. If you need anything in the future please give me a call.
12:46:28 PM Bryan Martin: Best wishes
12:47:24 PM Gerald: Well I am sorry I panicked... had questions and wanted to fine tune a few things and it was over a few days I could not get a hold of you, your website still does not work, as I have tried to send many times
12:47:37 PM Gerald: so after a few days, I did not know what to do...
12:48:01 PM Bryan Martin: I truly understand
12:49:06 PM Gerald: I even asked around, as you can tell with the posts others were concerned, that was truly the thing, knew you did not close shop, you have a great following from what I see... just did not know if you still had the venue
12:52:38 PM Bryan Martin: again sorry
1:05:42 PM Gerald: I am not sure how you or Ryan would take this if I brought you in as an additional casting director.
1:07:49 PM Bryan Martin: just let me know and I will be there. lets put Sacramento on the map

3.2.3 It Factor Studios

On July 27, 2011, Ryan McKinney contacted Gerald about Petite Chardonnay and offered his It Factor Studios location in Sacramento for the auditions if he needed it. Gerald told Ryan that he already booked Back 2 One to hold the auditions, but Ryan offered other services that Gerald was interested in.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 message
9:51:55 AM Gerald: Talked to Ryan McKinney about auditions for Petite. He is excited about it
9:52:37 AM Gerald: It is beginning to get to that snowball effect that people are seeing a major movie being done and want to get involved and the buzz is beginning to get louder
9:52:40 AM Gerald: oh crud
9:55:24 AM Tamara: now to live up to it, i know you can

On August 2, 2011, Gerald contacted Ryan McKinney and accepted offer to let him be the Casting Director, hold the auditions at It Factor Studios, and let him write up the actor proposals and contracts.

Friday, August 5, 2011 message
9:14:08 AM Gerald: not sure of you have seen but the casting call is now going to be on August 21, 2011 at IT FACTOR STUDIOS and Ryan McKinney is going to run it for me, as I sit in the back and watch
9:14:22 AM Gerald: you still want to come and help with decisions and other things there?
9:14:39 AM Eleanor Tyler: yes. I have it on the calendar. What time?
9:15:12 AM Gerald: it starts at 10 and not sure the ending... he is sending it out to all his 400 actors on his list, I posted it on craigslist. but in gigs.
9:16:44 AM Eleanor Tyler: ok, does he know that I would like the opportunity to help? Reading the screenplay for PC. Really like it.
9:17:09 AM Gerald: You come in as my assistant... and then go from there.
9:17:46 AM Gerald: He is just running the casting call we record it and then watch it back... Then I decide, not that day, but you never know, who to call back for the 28th
9:18:25 AM Eleanor Tyler: Ok. I did not want him to think, "who is the rookie"
9:18:55 AM Eleanor Tyler: So should I be there at 9:00 or 9:30 then? You got my phone number, right in case you need to call me?
9:19:08 AM Gerald: No you are by my side in the back as we discuss things, so we may need to get together before hand so you know what it is I am looking for so you can look for the little things ion the actors.
9:20:26 AM Eleanor Tyler: Ok. I'll be there at 9:00 then. Do you want a pre-meeting with me prior to that day? let me know.
9:21:52 AM Eleanor Tyler: I am studying the script to get a feel for the characters. If you think you need to meet with me prior, I can do that. It's up to you, you know what you need me to do.
9:23:21 AM Eleanor Tyler: So, may I say then (for building the resume) that I am a "Casting Assistant"
9:23:59 AM Gerald: I need a second set of eye unbiassed away from ryan and others...
9:24:40 AM Gerald: since you SAY, you are new and have no attachments to anyone, then you are unbiassed
9:25:10 AM Eleanor Tyler: ok
9:25:17 AM Gerald: And can help me be a second set of eyes to say, "I think she / he has that character of this you are looking for."
9:25:41 AM Eleanor Tyler: Cool
9:26:16 AM Gerald: so, the best thing is to have a clear idea of what I think is needed and what you also think COULD work... that is the job and task at hand.
9:26:25 AM Gerald: it's NOT all about me.
Gerald Saturday, August 13, 2011 email

If there is going to be scheduling conflicts, I do not want to be the reasons she misses anything important in her life, or your stress trying to organize and schedule yours and her life this fall. It is more of a read to have on dvd to show others her performance the the reason I chose her. It is to reaffirm why I chose her. and also, yes, to read against other actors. If that is possible?

Tracy Avvakumovitz Saturday, August 13, 2011 email

Please know that she really wants to do the film and it's a priority for her. I just want to be courteous and inform the coaches, play director as soon as possible if she has any conflicts and won't be at a soccer game or play rehearsal. It's part of our busy life, the norm... not any additional stress. Shall she be prepared to read Char, Kimmie, or both? Her favorite actor for years has been Johnny Depp. Too funny he is in the screenplay. Shall she arrive at 10 am? PS. Her braces are scheduled to be removed in November. Deferred Payment

Gerald asked a few people he knows in the film industry if there was a way to do a film on credit, or as he learned, Deferred Payment which is a promise that everyone will be paid for their hard work and talent when the film gets picked up, just not now. On Tuesday, August 16, 2011, Ryan McKinney sent out an Audition Notice in several casting outlets. Casting Notice
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Casting Notice 1.
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Casting Notice 2.
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Casting Notice 3. Auditions

Auditions were held at It Factor Studios on Sunday, August 21, 2011 from 10 AM - 3 PM. Gerald sat in the back row of the theater seating with Eleanor Tyler while Ryan McKinney ran the auditions on the stage with the help from Jeffery C. Vanacore, Dylan Nelson and Aaron Lord helping Ryan. Toni Corbett and Charla Bybee ran the front entry signing people in.

Ryan auditioned eighteen young girls for the part of Kimmie, a girl who Chardonnay meets at the winery. Eight boys auditioned for the part of Darrel, a quirky kid who likes to have fun. Everyone was interested in the Chardonnay role and wondered if they were really auditioning for that. Gerald had to remind people that Chardonnay was already cast.

Gerald had Eleanor write down a few of the kids names that he would like to have for call-back since he was telling her that he might create a new scene with kids in it since he saw some really talented young actors that he wanted to work with. Eleanor looked at him and asked “Can you do that? ” Gerald replied with “It is my film. I can do what I want.”

There were a few people who showed up insisting that they “Let Gerald know I am here.” They also felt they should jump ahead in line due to their relationship, their busy status, and who they wereB. These people were allowed one, quick audition before politely being excused. They were not cast due to their arogance, pompous attitude, and rudeness during their time at the auditions. “They won't work in one of my films.” Someone in the crowd blurted after the the person left.

Michael Klemp kept coming back to let Gerald know that if he was chosen he would not let Gerald down. Gerald felt very uncomfortable about the situation as though someone was handing him a payoff to referee the game fairly, but in his favor. After the fourth time, Gerald moved to an out of the way seat, but Michael found him and said the same thing. Gerald was not disliking Michael's performance, but he was the only one that made an effort to look at Gerald and say “If you choose me, I will bring it and not let you down.”

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Audition Callback list for second audition.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Audition Callback list for second audition.

Monday, August 22, 2011

When the last actor was auditioned, the equipment was put away, dvd's were burned for Gerald to take home, and Ryan gathered head shots and his notes and had Gerald and Eleanor come down to the stage to discuss the actors to callback for a second audition or a chemistry read to see how well certain combinations of actors work together and play-off of each other. Gerald liked the way Ryan did his paring by taking the headshots of the actors and putting them together. “This is Chardonnay, her potential grandfather, father, and mother.” A better visual to see family resemblance, how each person counters the other with looks, and get an idea of age differences. Ryan grabbed his choices for the actors he feels should be consider for a second audition and displayed them for Gerald and Eleanor to see. Gerald returned with his slightly different choices.

Ryan refuted some of the actors Gerald chose for the Michael role with “This actor is good, but he will give you a soap-opera performance. This one is over the top..” And for the Richard, the grandfather, Ryan pushed an actor named Gary L. Conover over Gard Agid. Gerald was not afraid to say that he wanted to have 12 of the girls and 4 of the boys to come in for a second audition for a new scene he was writing. After much deliberation with Eleanor stating what she saw, they agreed on the actors to call back for a second audition, the dvd's were done, and so were the initial auditions. Auditions Sediment

Gerald showed Tamara the audition DVD's and pointed out a few of the actors and why he liked them. One of the actors was Cynthia Gatlin, an older black woman who stoled the show. Gerald was ready to cast her on the spot but had no role for her. Tamara said she was awesome and that she should be Cecilia. Gerald was stunned at her statement and he explained to her that “It is a great idea, but it will not work. Richard and Cecilia were married in the sixties, and mixed marriages were not looked on with positivity. Especially if they are living in a small hick town in Northern California that the story is portraying. I would need to audition new people for Michael, and explain the relationship, which I have no problem doing, but not this late in production. And the time it would take to rewrite the screenplay and review, and fix, and review, and...”

I think she is one of the better actors you showed me, and should be in your movie. Make it happen.” Tamara said Gerald then game him that I told you so look.

Gerald did ponder the idea for a moment because Cynthia had an amazing presence on camera and he wanted her in the movie before Tamara told him to cast her. He decided to create a new character for her as a childhood family friend of the Oaks, and added her to the screenplay creating version 5.5. He also added her to the call back list for second auditions as Cecilia. He did not want to confuse Ryan with a new character.

Lisa West Monday, August 22, 2011 email

Dear Mr. Davenport,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the opportunity to audition for your film yesterday. It was a privilege meeting you as well. I had the pleasure of working with your daughter a couple of weeks ago on the staged reading of Extremities. She is very talented. It must run in the family.

As I mentioned, my first love is for writing – although I enjoy acting as well. I was hoping that possibly after you have completed the film you are working on, you might be interested in reading a script I just completed titled THE LEMON FACTOR. I’d be very honored if I could get your feedback since you are also a writer. Please know that I am very interested in any acting roles you have open for CHARDONNAY and would also be more than happy to be an extra or background.

Thank you again,
Lisa West
Marketing Director
Pet Loss Center Director

Rob Tillitz Monday, August 22, 2011 email

Good morning Gerald, How did your auditions go? Sounded to me like you had a tremendous turnout. Decisions, decisions now. Let me know if you'd like input on actors your considering but are unsure about. Perhaps I've worked with them and can offer insight that might help tip the balance. I, of course, am curious how Kirsten and I did, and if either of us are in the running.

Please let me know where you want me to send a check for our music score. Also, thank you for squeezing Steve and I (Max and Ernie) into Buddies...I saw Steve yesterday and told him about it and he was excited. Happy Monday....R

Brian Jagger Monday, August 22, 2011 email

Hi Gerald and Ryan, On behalf om my daughter Kayla and myself, I just wanted to thank you both for the opportunity to audition yesterday for "Petite Chardonnay". And, I'm particularly pleased that your computer and camera liked me so much, it wanted me to audition three times! :)

I wanted to let you know that should you like one of us for a role, and not the other, we completely understand and would be thrilled if either (or of course both) of us were able to be a part of your production.

Laura Monday, August 22, 2011 email

Hi Gerald, I wanted to say thank-you for taking time out and allowing me to audition for you yesterday for Petite Chardonnay. I look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the near future whether it be for Petite Chardonnay or a future project. Chemistry Read

On Sunday, August 28, 2011, the Chemistry Read/Second Auditions were held at It Factor Studios for Petite Chardonnay with Ryan McKinney at the helm. The options between actors for several of the roles were going to be tough to choose the actor that will be cast. Two of the roles were easy to choose from as a few actors had acting chops, but there was little to no chemistry between them and the other actors they paired with. Gerald felt bad for the actor as they did really well in another film they were in, but for some reason they were struggling to keep up with the other actor.

Just like the initial auditions on August 21st, Michael Klemp came up to Gerald and said, “If you choose me, I will bring it and not let you down.” Which made Gerald feel uncomfortable when Michael was acting or around. Good thing the actors that were not auditioning sat in the foyer.

Gerald noticed Cynthia Gatlin when she first came in for the second audition, she had a confused and scared look on her face. She read as Cecilia with one of the actors playing Michael. When she was done, Gerald got her attention to come sit down with him and he introduced himself. He apologized for the crazy situation he put her in auditioning for the role of Cecilia, Chardonnay's grandmother. “My wife and I love your presence on camera, your personality,and your performance. You are amazing and I want to offer you a new character in the movie. A long-time childhood friend of the Oaks, In fact, a family friend who is also an owner in the vineyard. I do not have a name for her, but would you accept the part?.” Cynthia was humble and appreciative of Gerald's and Tamara's words and excepted the role with joy and a hug, but Gerald told her to keep it hush hush for now. “I do not have a name for her. I was hoping you could help me with that, and also a nickname that she Michael called her when he was young..” Agnes was the name she said and Gran Diva is the nickname.

Ryan let Gerald know that Gretta Sosine, who could not make the initial auditions on the 21st of August, was coming to audition for the role of Teresa. This meant that there were seven women auditioning for the role of Teresa, but Gerald had three of the actors in his mind for Teresa, he was hoping everyone else felt the same way and one of them would rise to the top. Gretta showed up and was striking, as the three Gerald had in mind, but was a little taller than two of them, and when she auditioned with actors auditioning for Michael she had a little more presence than the others, in fact, more so than the men who were on stage with her.

When the chemistry reads were done, Ryan shared is choices from the actors for each role explaining why they work better than another actor. When Gerald refuted it and said, he wanted Actor A instead of B, Ryan then explained and showed the chemistry, but also the family look if Actor A was playing Teresa, then that means Actor H could not be Michael, as she is taller than him, if that mattered. Or Actor J had a look that did not fit Chardonnay. “Is Chardonnay really Michael's daughter?

As much as Gerald was not happy with a few of Ryan's choices for two of the characters, Gerald did like the way Ryan approached and presented his information. The final decision on which actor he chose for each role was up to Gerald, and he wanted to take a few days to soak it in and visualize each group in his mind. The one actor that

Gerald Sunday, August 28, 2011 journal

I am a kid at heart and love watching and being around talented, considerate, friendly, humble, and positive people of any age. I enjoy and appreciate their time and sacrifice and would cast and pay everyone if I could. The exciting part about casting is you get to see many brilliant performances up close and personal. The sad and heart-wrenching part about casting is you cannot cast everyone that shows up to audition no matter how good they are. A majority of the actors are going home with an empty feeling in their stomach and and saddened heart that makes them second guess their acting career.

Today was my first time as the producer and decision maker on a bigger film production. For Paint 2006, I grabbed anyone who was interested. When I cast THE GOLdEN TREE, I let them tell me no. With the WATERING hole, Rob Tillitz was a big influence on the cast. But for Petite Chardonnay, it is up to me. I do not know how producers and directors deal with turning people away, but it is not a good feeling. Which reminds me of what someone told me that I was too nice to be in the film industry.

I think the next stage to get to is how the larger productions work. The producer and director deal with the A-list actors, and the casting agencies deal with the others, keeping a line of separation between the two. That way hundreds to thousands of actors are not upset with the director for not casting them since they were never a part of the decision. The casting agency is trusted by the producer and director to deliver the actors they need. Then there might be second or third auditions happening after that with fewer actors to choose between.

But alas, I awake from my dream back to reality and have the horrible task to shatter someone's hopes, possibly lose an actor for another film I would line them in, or worse, lose a friend. Chemistry Read Residuum
Rob Tillitz Monday, August 29, 2011 8:28 AM email

This audition process was very professional, and it not only will make your movie a better product (or in your terminology: Piece of art), but too all those actors that came the two days now have a deeper respect for you and your talent. They, hereafter, will consider it an honor to be in a Gerald Davenport film.

Any by the way, though you specifically did not invite input, just the same I liked Christa Bella best as Marilyn. Even with laryngitis she was stronger than the other girls. Let me know if you do have questions about any actors, be happy to help if I can.

8:42 AM

Also, I liked that style of audition yesterday, was a cool way to see who's who. Was surprised at what a difference it made in my performance who I was acting with. There were a couple of partners I really liked, and some that I know to be good actors but did not feel good with. Big eye opener. Thought I could work with anyone, but chemistry does make a big difference.

Gerald Monday, August 29, 2011 10:26 AM email

Yes, that is what we were looking for was the chemistry. And there were some Teresa's and Michael's that really worked, which were different from the Teresa's that worked with the Jessies, and the Michael's that worked with the Richard's. Then there were the Marilyn's who worked with the Gary's, and so on. But it does not always come down to chemistry, sometimes it is the look and performance, no matter how the chemistry worked. We made the choices last night, but I have a group to go over some details before the final decisions are made. I think Wednesday they will be announced, if not Tuesday.

Gerald Monday, August 29, 2011 10:35 AM email

To Rob Tillitz.
I want to reach the next level in being a producer, I need to get more serious and focussed on what is best for the story and the film's production to be able to get to the next level. At this point in my career I need to think about who I think will carry the movie? Who are the actors that the audience wants to watch? Who will I have trouble with on set? Who matches with whom? And all the fiddly bits that go with making grown-up tough decisions. And as much fun and love I have for making movies, I cannot shake this horrible feeling that I cannot cast everyone.

Tracy Avvakumovitz Monday, August 29, 2011 3:33 PM email

Hi Gerald, Attached are two of Karly’s latest head shots. Feel free to use whichever you prefer. She is scheduled to get her braces off in November or December, so we had not planned on investing in new head shots until after her braces come off. I hope this works. Please let me know if you need something else.

How did Sunday’s call backs go? I’m sorry we weren’t able to connect after her soccer game. Her team won first place, so they had the medal/trophy presentation and a yogurt and pool party celebration after (so hot this weekend). We didn’t finish until 6:30 pm.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Karly Avva headshot 1.
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Karly Avva headshot 2.
Gerald Monday, August 29, 2011 3:38 PM email

Tracy, thanks for pics. And if you can hold of till December to get braces off. If they were coming off tomorrow that would be great, but we are not in any hurry, and may do interiors in the winter. I know she hates it, But unless she does not smile afterward, but that is not going to happen. :)

Scheduling is the next thing after insurance. Attached is a zip file with the head shots of everyone so far. No one knows yet. No one has committed to scheduling dates, pay scale, or accepted the role, so it is still tentative.

Tracy Avvakumovitz Monday, August 29, 2011 4:13 PM email

Thanks for sharing! We will keep the cast quiet. We do know a few of the cast (small world... one of my best friend’s daughter is Kayla Dowd. Otto grew up with her Dad and his family. I had no idea she auditioned).

Karly’s braces will likely come off in December, so hopefully all of your filming is done by end of November. It will be very hard to postpone getting her braces off once her teeth are ready: she will have had them on for over 1 year, 9 months AND the talent agency will not submit her for any work until after her braces come off (commercials, TV, movies). So, we are counting down.

Please let me know when the cast is official, and we can say something. Thank you for choosing Karly to play Chardonnay! Looking forward to working with you again!

Gerald Monday, August 29, 2011 4:24 PM email

Linda Dowd also auditioned for Teresa, Char's mom.

After this movie, hopefully she will not need a talent agency, she will need a manager, as they will be coming to her. :)

Tracy Avvakumovitz Monday, August 29, 2011 4:38 PM email

Wow, I didn’t know Lynda auditioned too. I’m proud of her! Please tell me once you’ve talked with her, and then I will want to chat with her too. And, thanks for the compliments of Karly. We’re all supporting your film and hope it’s a huge success! Would love for Karly’s start and career to be that easy – casting directors pursuing her.

I’m her parent, and I don’t see other kids in auditions. How does Karly compare to other girls her age in talent, cuteness, accepting coaching/direction, etc? What did your casting directors think of Karly? Do you think she has what it takes to get roles in movies, TV shows, etc? She wants to be an actress for her career, and she wants to start now - get an agent in LA and go for it. Otto and I are dragging our feet, because we want her to have a stable childhood and upbringing (we also like our life here and have another daughter to consider, everyone is impacted). She has an offer from an agent in Northern CA (primarily commercials & print up here). So, we would love your feedback on if she has what it takes to have a good shot at film and/or TV work in LA. Blending

Deciding on an actor for certain roles was an easy task for Gerald. Gretta Sosine stoled the part of Teresa from the other two actors that Gerald felt were perfect. Deciding on the actor to play Michael was problematic and grueling. If he chose Bill Bettencourt, some of the other characters needed to change the actor who played them based on what Ryan McKinney said about the combinations and blending of personalities and performances. Gerald did not accept Ryan's views one hundred percent, he worked on finding a way to make his choice work. If Gerald chose Michael Klemp, who Ryan feels should play Michael, then Gerald would have to work out his uncomfortable feelings toward Michael. But at least the other main characters can stay with the actors he wants for them.

Ryan McKinney Tuesday, August 30, 2011 email

Okay. If you switch out Mike, then, you'll have to switch out Gretta. She doesn't fit with Bill, height, look, chemistry, etc. Then, you have to look at Jessie, Richard who is 6' 2", and Chardonnay. This becomes a slippery slope. With that said, it's up to you it's your movie.

Gerald Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:38 AM email

I know I am going to get scrutinized, ridiculed, laughed at, and people might be disgusted with me over this, but after having some other people look over the auditions and notes with me, but mostly my personal feelings about it, I am still unsure and comfortable with Michael. I would like to do a follow up interview with Michael and Bill.

Gerald Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:09 AM email

Ryan, I'm turning in BUDDIES and the WATERING hole on Thursday to access. I can be there for a read for Karissa and chat with both of them any time of day. Should I email them or you want to set it up? And when will it all get shifted over to me so your not the middle man anymore? Just wondering when I can interact with them without a mediator HA!! mediator. I have kept to myself and let you do your thing...and waiting for your cue when they are mine.

Ryan McKinney Tuesday, August 30, 2011 11:08 AM email

No problem. I'll set it up. I'll be there at each of the meetings. We'll also go over contracts on Thursday. Once you've made your selections, I will contact each of the actors and make the offer. If they agree, I will send them a confirmation email. Once I get a reply agreeing from the actor, then, you essentially have an unsigned agreement with that actor.

Once that is all completed, I will send the unsigned contracts (deal memos) to you, at that point, it becomes your show and my job is completed, unless you need something else, of course.

Gerald Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:09 AM email

Ryan, not sure what you mean by contracts? I thought they were getting a contract through me? What contract is it that you are talking about?

So I need to have scheduling, days, pay for each day, and rehearsals prepared before the contract is given because their acceptance is based on all of those factors. Or are you just going to offer them the role and if they accept then they come to me for the details?

Ryan McKinney Tuesday, August 30, 2011 11:08 AM email

The Deal Memo is completely based on what you want to give them. I don't offer them anything. It's what you want to offer them. Yes, all those things need to be identified including credits. It's my job to present the Deal Memo to the actors and get them to agree. You don't want the Director talking money, trust me, even if it's deferred.

Gerald needed another opinion about his issue with Michael and he looked to Brendan Brooks who he trusted and worked with on THE GOLdEN TREE, Treasure Chest of South Sacramento, the WATERING hole, and BUDDIES.

Gerald Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:09 AM email

Hey Double B. There is this one guy that bugs me. I have slept on it, tossed it around in my head, and I just cannot get what he did at the auditions out of my head. Every time he would leave after he read, he would wave and smile, or come tell me, “If you pick me I will bring it.” Yet Bill Bettencourt, rocked it and never tried to brown nose or sweet talk me.

And now he is posting things on everyone's page. Whay cool. gonna be awesome. great job, good luck. yadda yadda yadda. It just bugs me that he is a yes man or an RR. And I have to him cast as Michael or I have to select others due to chemistry and looks.

Have You watched any of the auditions yet?

Brendan Brooks Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:09 AM email

I haven't watched any of it yet, too busy with 3rd grade homework and wrestling with a 4 year old. I understand your delima about Michael. It all depends if this guy is the man or not. It's like every time I hear that Christian Bale rant I think I would never work with a jerk like that but the sucker can ACT! So, I thought Bettencort was probably one of your best if not the best actor in TGT. I'm like you, don't blow smoke up my nose. I want this project to kick ass. I look at TWH and think to myself why did I shoot in cinestyle when we don't have all the bugs worked out. I feel bad about that, but it's another learning experience I guess.

So you have to ask yourself who is the best for the part of Michael. I'll try to look for both auditions tonight, I'll also have my wife take a look. These are the tough decisions a director has to make.

Gerald had a one on one talk with Michael Klemp and opened up about feeling uncomfortable when Michael said “If you pick me I will bring it” after each audition. Michael explained his approach and situation with a family member having cancer, he felt the movie was close to his heart and really wanted to dedicate it to them.

Michael Klemp Friday, September 2, 2011 email

Hi Gerald, I cannot say just how much I appreciate your confidence in casting me as Michael Oak in the film Chardonnay. To me, that is nothing short of an honor and a privilege to work with you, and to also begin a project that we both know is going to be a tremendous success!

Gerald Friday, September 2, 2011 email

Michael. I can see that you did it because you were hungry and passionate about the role for the role, not just to get the role. I am so looking forward to making Petite Chardonnay to get me, you, and everyone involved to the next level. It is time and we have the talent.

Michael Klemp Friday, September 2, 2011 email

Wow! Thank you so much Gerald! I really appreciate your telling me how you felt about the decision you had to make. And you hit it right on the nail head for sure...I am both passionate, and hungry, to bring this important role to life! This film has "Winner" written all over it! If this gets anymore exciting... oh my gosh!!

Hi Gerald!! I am doing all I can to "Bring it Home" for Chardonnay!!! I just got a call from casting...I landed a featured extra role in Ben Affleck's new film "Argo"!!! As a member of the State Department! I also will have some lines as far as I was told!

Thank you so much!! I showed my mom the letter you wrote to all of us, and she said what a remarkable and loving man you are!! I just said "yes he is." PS - when can we "leak" our secret! I am so beyond proud to be a member of Team Aria Pictures!

On Friday, September 2, 2011, Ryan McKinney sent out an update about the auditions for Petite Chardonnay (2012). The casting selection was almost complete. Ryan was waiting for one more decision from Gerald on who was going to play Jessie Kreger.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Casting Notice 1. Blending Reactions
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 message
Lisa Hilsman Bourassa: Hi Gerald, Thanks for casting the boys! They are very excited!
I just read and responded to Ryan's email. I do apologize that I hadn't received it/read it before posting yesterday regarding the boys being cast. The last line says to please not tell anyone! Well, I hope there isn't anyone on my Facebook that needed to not see this info (besides you ;)).

Lisa: By the way, if they hadn't been cast, I would not have taken it personally and there wouldn't have been any hard feelings in our friendship (just to let you know after reading your Facebook posts).

Gerald Davenport: Actually Ryan and his helpers, along with my helpers liked what they did. It did have a little to do with me wanting them, but in general, i was not the only one who picked them.

Gerald Davenport: Have you sent the acceptance reply to Ryan? and I may want to change their roles... Adrien would be better as the Aria character cause he gets to try and kiss Chardonnay. At his age and size would be more believable and not so shocking as Nolan doing it. Char is only 12 as is Karly who is playing her.

Lisa Hilsman Bourassa: Yes, I emailed them back earlier today. No problem changing them around as you see fit.

Gerald Davenport: Nolan is in high school so he is what 14 - 15? Unless you as a parent do not feel that is a bad thing,  but you would have to be a parent of a girl. I will ask Tamara and Tracy, Karly's mom.

Lisa Hilsman Bourassa: Nolan is 14. I understand the quandary. Neither one of them will be thrilled with the idea of kissing a girl! Yuck!!!

Gerald Davenport: Yeah, just went through that whole thing and Adrien is going to be Aria, it just sounds much better to have an 11 year old kiss a 12 year old than a fourteen year old kiss a twelve year old. So the roles have changed. he is not really going to kiss her, but he will try.

Lisa: Thanks, Gerald. I appreciate the positivity and, of course, the opportunity! I'd love to get a look at the script and whatever production/scheduling papers you may have already. Let me know if we need to meet up to do that, along with anything else I need to be aware of or begin work on. Excited to be a part of this. Thanks again!
Gerald Thursday, September 8, 2011 8:18 AM email

Greetings Tracy, Karly, and Otto. There were 5 girls cast.
Kalya Dowd as Meadow
Olivia Prado as Kyriè
Haley Klemp as Oceana
Kayla Jagger as Sunshine
Karissa Lee Carleton as Kimmie
She will be interacting with all 5 of them, but starting with Kimmie. She will also be interacting with: Kameron Woods as Forest
Adrien Bourassa from THE GOLdEN TREE, (11, born in 2000) as Aria, the boy who tries to kiss her and get fresh who she then punches and shows him how a lady should be treated.
Nolan also from THE GOLdEN TREE, (14), Adrien's older brother had that role, but I felt an 11 year is better to try and kiss her than a 14 year old. so I switched their characters. And the news can be spread...

Michael Klemp Thursday, September 8, 2011 email

This is what I posted on Facebook For Haley:

Great News!!! My daughter Haley was cast as "OCEANA" in the upcoming Aria Pictures/Gerald Davenport film Chardonnay She is so excited and thankful!!!

For Me: This Is So Exciting!! I would like to announce that I am cast in the lead role as Michael Oak in Aria Pictures Chardonnay! It is directed by Gerald Davenport, and with the casting now completed, and the crew as yet to be announced, we will begin moving towards the initial table reads with the rest of the cast.

I must first thank Gerald Davenport, Gerald’s wife, and Ryan McKinney for their confidence in giving me this role. I am both flattered and humbled at the same time. Thank You All Of You!

During the start-up casting of this movie and the initial auditions, and also at the callback auditions, a truly amazing amount of talent demonstrated their ability to portray the various roles in this film. Walking into the IT FACTOR STUDIOS on Callback Day, I saw so much of that talent in the room; I knew that the different roles in this film could go to any one of us. During the audition, and at the callback audition, I bought it to the table as hard as I could, and so did everyone else. As actors, we all learn to draw upon ourselves to reach for the emotions that we need, the feelings that we want, and the gestures that we use, when bringing to life the characters that we portray.

In this past year I suffered a huge loss in my life. In July of this year, I lost my father whom I love so very much. In the film Chardonnay, Michael Oak also suffers many losses and struggles through many changes in his own life and in the lives of others. Whatever it is that we draw upon for our motivations in acting, I know for sure that my Dad will be right next to me giving me mine in this film! So here is a huge Thank You once again to Aria Pictures for this beautiful and wonderful opportunity!

Thursday, September 8, 2011 message
11:52:40 PM Gerald: Someone posted this on the weblog on aria pictures website.
11:52:43 PM Gerald: I guess being a suck up and haven taken classes at IT Factor Studios (when they are casting the film) helps get you parts after all. Who knew ?
11:52:44 PM Beth Cameron: well you know what you can't make everyone happy
11:53:08 PM Gerald: we cast 15 people
11:53:11 PM Beth Cameron: Aramis has never done anything at it factor
11:53:13 PM Gerald: 5 were It factor people
11:53:15 PM Beth Cameron: wow that is a lot of people
11:53:27 PM Gerald: 5 were from out of town, San Francisco, and never heard of Ryan McKinney or It factor
11:53:38 PM Gerald: And the other 5 were local sac actors but train elsewhere or not at all
11:53:46 PM Gerald: So it had nothing to do with It Factor Keep Your Head Up

Gerald sent out an apologetic email to those that did not make the film from the chemistry read and a few from the initial auditions. He knows it is not the normal professional thing to do, but that should not have any bearing on being personable, supportive, and caring. And since it is a local, homegrown, small production, that respect for people who come to support him should be returned with a genuine “Thank you for your interest in my little film. I am humbled by the response of the talent in Sacramento. Please, keep your head up, do not let this effect you negatively, and stay with it. Hopefully the film will be a success so we can make more with more local talent..” Most of the people responded with positivity, appreciation, and understanding.

Friday, September 9, 2011 message
9:16:13 AM Micha Borodaev: congrats! u got your cast...Charlie Merlot is a good choice. he was rena's first pic from the get go
9:16:24 AM Gerald: Really? See that was it. it was the women who decided the jessie character.
9:17:00 AM Micha Borodaev: yep. she told me so, and him too, outside of the audition place
9:17:04 AM Gerald: I liked everyone that came in. Some more than others. You have that raw chiseled look, that different appeal
9:17:45 AM Micha Borodaev: rena thought i am "too pretty" for the part. i agree
9:19:16 AM Gerald: You looked nervous and my helpers who helped me cast saw that, they kept your head shot nearby saying, he HAS the look
9:19:42 AM Gerald: But felt you might be a litle green in the acting department, at least that is what they saw... But the women.
9:20:11 AM Gerald: The women, even my wife, who chose you, Charlie, and james bailey.
9:20:24 AM Micha Borodaev: i hear ya...been there and watch them go through it when we were casting
9:20:26 AM Gerald: they all said Charlie and he was not the better actor
9:20:46 AM Gerald: he was good mind you, but someone else was a better sleaze ball.
9:21:05 AM Gerald: but he did not have the look the women would believe teresa was with.
9:22:41 AM Micha Borodaev: Charlie will pull through i'm sure...he'll be training with some big deal acting coach from days of our lives here real soon
9:22:49 AM Gerald: Anyway, i wanted to send a personal letter to you in hopes that we can get together in the future, i really do want to. plus when the full-length gets funded... we may be re casting for some parts.
9:23:31 AM Micha Borodaev: would love to sit down with you when you're free
11:51:54 AM Micha Borodaev: yo chief..just read your email. you're too kind. and you're absolutely right. ... i know i'm a qualified actor but my auditioning skills SUCKS. lol
11:52:58 AM Micha Borodaev: i do get nervous, but usually get over it after getting to know the folks
Veronica Westlund Friday, September 9, 2011 email

Thank you very much for the kind words. I will share this message with Jacob when I get home today. Thank you for giving him the opportunity to audition, this was actually his first audition, so it was definitely a great learning experience for him, and he had a lot of fun as well. He definitely understands that there are a lot of factors that go into a casting decision, especially for the part(s) he was auditioning for, since he'd have to have some resemblance to the actor selected as the adult version of the character(s) he was to portray. Thanks again for the personal message and encouragement. Good luck with the production!

Krysta Friday, September 9, 2011 email

Gerald thank you so much for saying that. I appreciate honesty from you and you really did make me feel better.

Krysta Friday, September 9, 2011 email

Gerald thank you so much for saying that. I appreciate honesty from you and you really did make me feel better.

Lisa West Sunday, September 11, 2011 email

Gerald, You are such a gem. Thank you for the feedback. I am not disappointed by the results. On the contrary. Certainly I wanted the role and to work with you - but this was my first 'real' audition - ever! And you telling me I came in second is like telling me I won the lottery! And the fact that you took the time to give me such great feedback is a blessing as well. So many times people never know what they did well or what they did wrong - so I am more appreciative than I can possibly express in words. For that I can also say 'thank goodness this is not LA'...

Please know that I am willing and able to assist you with this film in any capacity. Like I said, even if I just make sandwiches - I'd love to be part of the process and learn anything I can. I'm very happy to work as an extra or background if needed (and would be happy to do so without pay). It would be such a privilege to be part of your film. Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Candace Adams Tuesday, September 13, 2011 email

Gerald. Oh my goodness of course! I appreciated the opportunity to audition, and was excited about the callback! No problem! Thank you so much for the feedback. I look forward to seeing the film!

One more thing....thank you! Also I am sure it is so tough to decide and I get all of that! So don't worry about my reaction as I am fine and am happy that you would want to have me audition another time!

JP Dunne Tuesday, September 13, 2011 email

Gerald. There's no need to apologize. I totally understand that you need to make decisions that are in the best interest of the movie, and not based on who you are friends with. I never took not being called back or cast in Chardonnay personally.

I'm going to be completely honest with you. When I read the descriptions of the main characters in Chardonnay, as far as looks and age go, I knew that I did not fit any of them. Therefore, I never really expected to be considered for any of those parts. I auditioned thinking that perhaps there was a smaller, unlisted role in the movie (such as a cashier in a store that had a line or two or something like that) that you might consider me for. Even then, if you didn't cast me in a role such as that, I would not be angry or upset with you.

I completely understand that the characters need to be believable to the audience, and me playing the part of Jesse would not have been believable. I don't have the look that is needed to play that part. This is a real film, not a high school play where, for example, one 17 year old kid plays a father and another 17 year old kid plays the daughter. It needs to look real.

Of course I know you are not a cold, ruthless person. You are just making the necessary decisions that need to be made in order for your film to be the best it can be. That does not make you a bad person. It makes you a good director/filmmaker. You are a really good director and a really good editor, and I'm sure once I see The Watering Hole I will think so even more. I am happy that I got to work with you on that movie.

I am happy to know that you consider me a friend, and I consider you a friend as well. I appreciate the kind words and I hope we get to work together again. You have my support with Chardonnay, and I really hope it turns out to be very successful. So, overall, don't feel bad. I'll see you at the PCS premiere in October.

Enoch Tuesday, September 13, 2011 email

Gerald. Thank you very much for your email. I'm sorry it's taken me until now to respond to you. I'm glad we had a chance to talk briefly at IT Factor. Those are very kind words and I'll take whatever kind words I can get. I did realize going into this that the odds were stacked against me. When I was waiting, there was another guy who was auditioning who I thought to myself: "Wow. He sure does look the part of Jessie." I appreciate the chance to compete and to know that I made the decision making process a difficult one. My hope is that in whatever future projects you consider, that you'll consider me for non-conventional roles.

Knowing very well that we do what we do because we're passionate about our craft with the hope of having brighter futures, I also do this to break the mold on how Asians are perceived in Cinema. Too often I see boring Asian American characters on screen, with an exception to a few.... My hope, is that even though we're in Sacramento, is that there are folks out there who are willing to take risks on character roles. Anyways I hope sharing a little bit of my heart with you will help you in the next project you cast. I really appreciate your openness and honesty with me and look forward to working on projects with you down the road. Hopefully there will be projects in which we can work together and produce solid material. Deal Memo

Ryan McKinney put together the Deal Memo for each of the actors which included the character they were playing and the deferred payment information, along with other items. Contracts and Agreements for a film protect the rights of the film and the people involved. They are necessary to be established with the cast and crew before principal photography begins. Everyone signs a Model Release giving the filmmakers the right to capture the likeness of the actors physical features and vocal features for the sole use in the film or to market the film either in print, digital, or video. and crew — yes crew get photographed for production memories and behind-the-scenes documentary or presentation — minors have a their own version of the model release.

  • To demonstrate the filmmakers intent to operate with the highest standards of professionalism.
  • Reinforces the commitment. The process of writing down the contract's terms and signing the contract forces both parties to think about, and be precise about, the obligations they are undertaking.
  • Clarifies the agreement. When the terms of a contract are written down, the parties are likely to create a more complete and thorough agreement that anticipates and then addresses potential problems.
  • Encourages the parties to take their promises seriously. It is harder to back out from a written contract than an oral one.
  • Keeps the parties from making up the rules as they go along.
  • Guards against forgetfulness. With an oral contract, the parties may have different recollections of the agreement. A written agreement can eliminate disputes over who promised what and when.
  • Indicates that the negotiation stage is over and that the final terms have been reached.
  • Serves as a record of the agreement for others who were not the original negotiators or signatories.
  • Provides reasonable assurance that the contract will be enforceable in court.

Getting everyone involved with the film to fill out contracts and forms and turn them in before production begins is a arduous task that Gerald has gone through for other productions, but with Ryan McKinney taking care of that portion of casting, signing, and the legal business, Gerald only has to focus on the crew with their paperwork.

3.2.4 Informal Invites Backlash

The backlash of Gerald's earlier informal invites to actors before bringing on Ryan McKinney as the casting director surfaced, putting Gerald in an embarrassing position to apologize for leading them on with a role in the film. Before Ryan McKinney was in charge of casting, Gerald had intended for the actors he invited to be in the film, but when Ryan McKinney came along, Ryan, just like Rob Tillitz, told Gerald “You need to keep your options open when it comes to casting.” Of course Gerald could have pulled rank and told Ryan that he wanted specific actors in the film and that is final, but he backed off knowing he was new to the game in Sacramento and wanted the full casting package from Ryan without making him pull back any extras Ryan might offer. For the actors who ended relations, abandoned, renounced, and washed their hands of Gerald, he has no ill-feelings toward them, He understands their feelings and situation and knows it was his fault. A lessoned learned for an inexperienced and passionate producer. A sad, fateful time for him and the collaboration with great talent.

Rafael Siegel Thursday, September 1, 2011 email

Hey G, I just wanted put in my final push for the role of Jessie. I feel like the people that put the "for your consideration" ads in the papers for the Academy Awards, ha. I am dedicated, having driven from Reno on a few occasions for your projects, I can be directed, and I have changed my look (losing weight and bulking up) for this role. I don't know if this is going to help, but without trying, I will never know. Thank you.

Gary Agid was under the pretense that he had the role for Richard from the beginning, and let Gerald know, almost monthly since August, about his upcoming appointments, trips, and time-off so Gerald could schedule accordingly — a very considerate thing to do. Gerald did not have the heart to tell him that the role was now up for auditions until audition time — a very inconsiderate thing to do. Gerald was still considering two people to play Richard and unfortunately for Gary Agid, the priority came down to the crew's availability for the schedule. It still did not make Gerald feel any better because the role of Richard was written with Gary Agid in mind.

Gerald Friday, September 2, 2011 11:39 AM email

To Gary Agid. So here is the scheduled dates we have and the characters needed for those dates. The schedule has been ripped apart, bashed in the face, put back together, and disassembled many times in order to meet the crew's requirements.

I just looked at the email you sent me and my heart sank seeing that you were unavailable on certain days. This just not working the way I wanted it to. I realized I am just creating more problems. I sat here for 15 minutes staring at the calendar thinking about the cast's and crew's availability, and going through the possible scenarios. I am at my wits end on this. Originally the schedule was set with you in mind. But it was reworked for the crew forgetting all about why I had it set up in the first place. The problem is, if I have no crew, I have no need for actors to show up.

Gary, this is just a small little differed pay, when and if, we get the funding to make the longer version. Praying we do, we will be recasting roles. I had you in mind from the beginning and still holds true, but I do not think this is worth you rescheduling your appointments which I am sure you have had for quite sometime.

It is not the end of the world, I keep trying to tell myself, but there will be others. I do hope my talents prevail that there will be more opportunities to make movies. It is what I want to do.

3.2.5 Sour Grape

^B After the auditions at IT Factor Studios, someone posted on the Petite Chardonnay facebook page on September 8, 2011.

Unknown but have suspicions Friday, September 8, 2011 post

New comment on your post "Petite Chardonnay Casting is done"
Author : Richard (IP: ,
E-mail :
Whois :

Comment: I guess being a suck up and haven taken classes at IT Factor Studios (when they are casting the film) helps get you parts after all. Who knew?

There was only Richard that auditioned and it was not a pleasant time for anyone at the auditions. But that is if the poster's real name is Richard. And that is if it was that Richard. But the suspicions of everyone that saw the post believe that is was a Richard they know or heard of who is a not a team player and all for himself with a big ego. However, there is no proof who posted the comment. The posting was done in ignorance and haste as they knew nothing of the casting details. Five of the actors cast for Petite Chardonnay were IT Factor students. Five of them were from the Bay Area and never heard of Ryan McKinney or IT Factor. And the remaining eleven were local Sacramento actors that go to a different acting school or not at all.

3.3 Pre-Production

Pre-Production for Petite Chardonnay began months ago to Gerald when he was working on getting it made in 2010.

3.3.1 Finding Crew & Equipment

Gerald Sunday, September 4, 2011 2:12 PM email

TO: Previous Crew Members. Greetings all. If you did not know, I have done two 18-hour days of auditions at It Factor Studios over the last two Sunday's. I have spent two weeks going over casting and it is done, other than them excepting the deal memo from Ryan McKinney.

We begin production on Petite Chardonnay at the end of September. Some have said that It will be a break out movie. We will see about that, but it will be one that I will do everything I can to get it out there and get funding for the full-length version.

The pay is differed on this and ranges from 100 - 200 a day depending on position. I am asking you my known creative types, actors and previous crew people, if you are interested or know someone that is qualified and might be interested let me know.

  • Assistant Director: an important job, no beginners
  • 2nd AD [helps the AD above]
  • camera op: MARK HOFFMAN interested.
  • Audio & boom op {we have one would like two and separate recording devices]

  • craft manager & meals
  • Production assistants [ no previous work required, you just do what is asked of you to help out ]
  • 1st and 2nd assistant camera [help out with slate, and equipment]

Brendan Brooks and Jim Heck signed on as soon as they heard Gerald was moving forward with Petite Chardonnay. However, Brendan had to get permission from his wife Barbara since he took most of his spring and summer to work on the WATERING hole and BUDDIES which took time away from her and his children.

Frank Cosgriff Monday, September 5, 2011 5:42 PM email

Hey Gerald, Is the offer to AD still open? I can guarantee availability for the first weekend (SEPT 24, 25) and barring any major conflicts, should be available for the other planned shoot days as well (OCT 8, 9, 22, 23).

Do you have a producer or production manager? If you're the lone soul in the production office, let me know if there's something outside the AD realm that I can do to assist. No promises in the "above and beyond" department, but I can try.

Gerald Monday, September 5, 2011 9:52 PM email

Frank, I am not questioning you, but have your done AD work? You know the position right? I just want to know that you know how difficult and what it involves.

Frank Cosgriff Monday, September 5, 2011 10:18 PM email

You're totally right to question me - you have to protect your production! I've AD'd on a one short, and "pinch" AD'd a few times on the web series SMOSH. "Pinch" meaning I wasn't hired to AD, but for one reason or another had to step up for either a day or a few hours here and there.

I feel I know the position well enough to perform it - I can break down the script into a functional shot list, I can create a schedule based on those shots, and I communicate with crew/run a set. Informally, I know the AD is there to keep the wheels moving. My favorite ADs have never been particularly social, but they've never been overly abrasive either. They just kept the production on schedule and the director happy.

Admittedly, if I'm feeling any uncertainty, it's because I've never AD'd for you, and would need to adjust to your style and expectations. But that would be the challenge for any AD. No hard feelings if you're hesitant or want to find someone with a thicker resume. I'd still be interested in 2nd AD, or perhaps another position still.

Monday, September 5, 2011 message
3:39:58 PM Krystina Mae: so is all of char going to be filmed near your home?
3:40:16 PM Gerald: Grass Valley and Nevada City
3:46:55 PM Krystina Mae: are you gonna lodge ppl when you do the three days in row filming?
3:47:05 PM Gerald: No three days in a row
3:47:33 PM Krystina Mae: i thought it was fri thru sun the first shoot
3:47:51 PM Gerald: things changed
3:48:25 PM Gerald: DAY 1: Saturday, September 24
DAY 2: Sunday, September 25
DAY 3: Saturday, October 8 or 9
DAY 4: Saturday, October 22
DAY 5: Sunday, October 23
DAY 6: (interiors)
3:57:46 PM Gerald: It is Monday. I am working
3:59:24 PM Gerald: Contracts, and Crew deal memo's
4:00:30 PM Gerald: Just ordered the website
4:01:14 PM Gerald: I am not getting anything per day
4:01:22 PM Gerald: The big payoff will be distribution
4:02:04 PM Krystina Mae: but that is how the business works right?
4:03:03 PM Gerald: that is how this production is working
4:05:02 PM Krystina Mae: i saw your lil message about the crew. im guessing you are trying for the same crew as the WATERING hole and your crew of buddies?
4:05:53 PM Gerald: For the most part.
4:06:52 PM Gerald: Keeping it small and experienced
4:07:09 PM Krystina Mae: and familiar
4:07:20 PM Gerald: yes.
4:07:46 PM Krystina Mae: i like that.
Gerald Tuesday, September 6, 2011 12:23 AM email

Impressive Frank. I had NO doubts, just wanted to see if you did. I am looking for that quality in a person. And I remember your professionalism on set of the WATERING hole. It is a team effort and we are all here to help each other get to the next level. I do not want to be doing weekend shoots all my life for free, and I know you do not either.

You are the First Assistant Director on Petite Chardonnay

Todd Boyd Monday, September 12, 2011 email

I am interested but like I told Scott there are some days such as Oct 8/9 weekend when I wouldn't be available. I worked on 2 pcs films and one 10x10 in the last few months, as audio/boom and as script supervisor. I don't have audio equipment and used Scotts with his assistance. I don't know anything about deferred pay except what Scott told me but send what you need to send and I'll get it back to you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 message
10:19:05 PM Gerald: Laura, you said you had a friend? a second make up gal, she not doing it?
10:21:02 PM Laura Marie Tapia: yes, actually not my friend Victoria, makeup artist, my daughter
10:21:23 PM Gerald: ah... I need to create a deal memo for her as well.
10:21:51 PM Gerald: She is gonna be on set and work, she is gonna be on the payroll and insurance
10:23:05 PM Gerald: i need her info, email and so forth to send her a deal memo. did you get yours?
10:26:24 PM Gerald: ah, i sent the script but not the deal memo.
10:27:57 PM Gerald: well i'm even a bigger nitwit. never made one up. i swore i did.
10:28:53 PM Gerald: you ever met a nitwit before?
10:28:59 PM Gerald: you have now. ME!!!
10:33:06 PM Gerald: So, Key makeup Artist
10:33:13 PM Laura Marie Tapia: perfect
10:39:12 PM Gerald: also, you sure your daughter is interested?
10:39:56 PM Laura Marie Tapia: I asked her the first day, she said yes
10:41:08 PM Gerald: okay so I will get one made for her then. Is she the middle girl on her profile picture?
10:41:25 PM Gerald: ah, then one that was married to Rafael?
10:41:33 PM Laura Marie Tapia: lol
10:41:49 PM Laura Marie Tapia: She told me not to tell you lol
10:41:57 PM Gerald: I know nothing.
10:42:01 PM Laura Marie Tapia: yes, that is her
10:47:19 PM Laura Marie Tapia: question for you, some of cast and crew is coming from the bay area right?
10:47:30 PM Laura Marie Tapia: or one actress is
10:47:45 PM Gerald: 6
10:47:54 PM Laura Marie Tapia: wow,
10:48:09 PM Gerald: one all he way down from below san jose
10:53:13 PM Laura Marie Tapia: When I worked on American Grace DP Ozzie Smith director from Dr.Quinn sent a script to local hotels and got bids, the ones that didn't want to go back in fourth double tree gave us 400.00 suites for 19.00 a night, those of us that wanted one. on chocolate curse, the Director got the Hilton for 22.00 a night, I told Brian Johnson and he had me call all the hotels and we had great bids, and Raddison bid us 27.00 a night, I would be more than willing to pay for mine and victoria 's suite if a local hotel would give it to us at a good price
10:54:19 PM Laura Marie Tapia: The directors offered credits for the price reduction on suites
10:55:04 PM Laura Marie Tapia: After we got the Raddison bid, we kept getting bids from all the upscale hotels
11:03:06 PM Gerald: hmmm. I will look into it we have a holiday inn up here.
Lisa West Tuesday, September 13, 2011 email

The deal is great. I will sign and scan the form back to you. I was able to get someone to cover me at work on 9/25 so all the dates are good. It says there is a production meeting on 9/18 - can you tell me when and where and I will be there. I will try to call you shortly but I'm going straight from work to school and typically get home after 10:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 message
10:43:34 AM Gerald: JEFF!!!
10:43:58 AM Gerald: Well, it seems like we are still on. I tried like to cancel it.
10:44:42 AM Jeffrey C. Vanacore: so, 1st shoot date is sunday the 25th?
10:44:50 AM Gerald: YUP.
10:45:06 AM Gerald: Tell dylan i will get the deal memo out ASAP
10:45:18 AM Jeffrey C. Vanacore: And Dylan said he would PA. Said he was going to contact you on facebook
10:45:23 AM Gerald: We have talkies
10:45:27 AM Jeffrey C. Vanacore: yeah
10:46:00 AM Gerald: Real talkies their own channel... So I might give you guys another AD... A 3rd AD name of Justin Mosier...
10:46:17 AM Gerald: He was awesome on my movie PAINT, as actor, and all around get it for me guy.
10:47:03 AM Gerald: Frank could be Production Manager, you 1st AD and Justin 2nd AD.
10:48:25 AM Jeffrey C. Vanacore: I'm just glad to help so whatever we have to do to get the project done good. Music Inquiry
Richard Altenbach Tuesday, August 16, 2011 email

Dear Petite Chardonnay,
I am composer Richard Altenbach (Grass Valley/Hollywood) responding to your call for crew to work on your project. Do you need original music for your film? I have recently composed music for a travelogue episode featuring Sonoma city. The music is available to be licensed through me, or I could compose to suit.

Thanks for your consideration...
Richard Altenbach, Composer

Richard brings 22+ years of orchestral and Hollywood Studio experience to his compositions. As an A-List Violinist, including Principal for John Williams (Indiana Jones 4), Danny Elfman and John Ottman, Richard has participated in over 1000 film scores with such composers as John Barry, Hans Zimmer, James Horner, Howard Shore, James Newton Howard, and the late great Jerry Goldsmith. A short list of film and game recording credits include War Horse, TinTin, Real Steel, Planet of the Apes, Fast & Furious 5, the Jurassic Park films as well as the Bourne, Spiderman, X-men, Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean and Toy Story film series, Fable, the Sims, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Titanic, Alice in Wonderland and Prince of Persia. Richard has performed live on the Academy Awards and The Tonight Show, collaborated with Frank Sinatra, Faith Hill, Puff Daddy, YoYo Ma, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Mannheim Steamroller, and composed arrangements for Natasha Bedingfield.

A sought-after film and game composer, Richard wrote the score to Biting Personalities, which won 1st Prize in the So-Cal Cinema Grand Slam Competition in Hollywood and screened at SUNDANCE. Richard was recently chosen 1 of 12 composers worldwide to participate in the prestigious ASCAP Film Composers’ Workshop which recognizes participants as the up-and-comers to watch; the film cues Richard composed, arranged and conducted were recorded with the Hollywood Studio Orchestra at 20th C. Fox. Recent film and game composer credits include Unbroken (in pre-production), The Killing of Mary Surratt, Raven Crest (webseries), and Cancer Man (which premiered at Comic Con 2010).

Richard is also in demand as presenter of his seminar entitled A Century of Music in Film whose very popularity has proven the combined emotional power of music and images.

Richard also composes for concert stage, recent premiers including The Jester's Waltz, Winter for Ivan, and If. He is currently composing a chamber music work for the Third Angle Ensemble.

Intrigued by the inquiry by Richard Altenbach, an actual Film composer that lives in Grass Valley, Gerald met Richard at the Broad Street Bistro in Nevada City, California the following day, Wednesday, August 17, 2011. The two of them talked film, music, and most importantly they discussed emotions and feeling, which is what great music is supposed to do for a film. Be in the foreground but yet not noticed. Gerald was quite impressed with Richard's knowledge and understanding about tempo, loudness, and creating a mood that enhances, not takes away from, the scene and the entire film. Gerald was looking for music for the WATERING hole, not Petite Chardonnay, so the discussion stayed mostly on the WATERING hole.

Richard Altenbach Wednesday, August 17, 2011 email

Hey Gerald, hope all is well with you. I remember when we talked at Broad Street Bistro you mentioned your film with the eerie, demonic edge and the drowning scene! Is this the film you are talking about?

Thank you for considering me for the picture. I already have some ideas swimming in my head for the ethereal sounds!

Re: a fee, I have some questions:
1. What is your budget for water fx (and/or music)
2. How many minutes of sounds (music?) total do you require?
Do you just need a few short duration water fx, or longer ambient pads?

I am confident I can work within your budget. Thanks!

BTW, will you be needing any music for "Petite Chardonnay?"

Gerald Wednesday, August 17, 2011 email

Richard, what would be a fair price for you to do some ethereal, weird, underwater types sounds for a 10 minute weird movie?

3.3.2 Writing For The Actor

Gerald Saturday, September 10, 2011 email

Greetings all. I am fine tuning the screenplay. I realized I had some errors that would confuse people. As it stands right now. I have these girls in order of age and height in their characters and the lines they would say.

KAYLA DOWD - Meadow - youngest - sweet - curious
KAYLA JAGGER - Sunshine - slightly older sister to meadow - just as sweet sweet
OLIVIA PRADO - Kyriè a spitfire - does not take any lip from anyone [still the same Kimmie role, but a name change [kear ë ä] is the pronunciation {my daughter's name who was slated to play Chardonnay two years ago but she is now in Virginia going to college and Longwood U.
HALEY KLEMP - Oceana - similar to Kyriè.

OKAY so. what I might be doing wrong is the height, although it means nothing to me, it does have an importance in the character, of sorts. Can you all reply back to me the height of your daughter? I think I might have Olivia being taller than I remember, and I do not have a bio information, just a head shot, I think Ryan kept it. Thank you. again, it may not make any difference as I think they are all around the same height, I think.

Elsa Sunday, September 11, 2011 email

Thank you for your message. Olivia's height is 4.2 feet (50.5 inches). I will send you her bio soon. Thank you again for the opportunity of being in your movie, and Olivia is very excited. However, we are a bit confused since Olivia was cast as "Kimmie" and she happily accepted the role (I sent the e-mail on her behalf), but now apparently her role has been changed. Please, let us know as I need to explain it to her.

Gerald Saturday, September 10, 2011 email

Elsa. The name has changed not the character. The process, for my need to explain is, we saw eighteen girls for a small role, Kimmie, that was only in Petite Chardonnay not the full 2 hour Chardonnay. We are doing Petite Chardonnay to find money to make Chardonnay.

I called back ten of those girls. After I retooled the screenplay to add four or five girls to be neighbor kids, since they were so great, cute, and very talented. I felt bad just going to cast one person in a non-recurring role. So in the process of doing the callbacks I came up with the five I wanted for various roles. And when assembling them with Ryan, he kept saying Kimmie when I had changed the name to Kyriè, an homage to my Daughter, who was suppose to play Chardonnay. Kimmie, is in reference to one of my sister's.

Rest assured she has not lost any lines, the character is still prominent on screen. And due to here height, will be the strong character that is the shortest of the bunch. I was going to switch her kyriè role with someone else, but said, NO. I really want this juxtaposition that one of the strongest girls, like the leader, is the shortest. Keep in mind the screenplay is not in concrete, it is a growing and ever changing entity in itself — this is true for 99% of the movies made. Tell Olivia, she is one of those that I love her eyes and her smile and will be visible and have a character on screen.

Elsa Sunday, September 11, 2011 email

Thank you for your e-mail. I’ve explained it to Olivia, and she’ll be happy to be a wonderful Kyriè in your movie.

3.3.3 The Wardrobe

Tracy A assists Tamara Maureen Davenport with the final fitting of the dress for Karly Avva.

Tracy A assists Tamara Maureen Davenport with the final fitting of the dress for Karly Avva

When it came to wardrobe and what he wanted the actors to wear, Gerald told them what he did not want them to wear. For the kids, he wanted them to be fun, different, and themselves. The same with Cynthia Gatlin, Rob Tillitz, and Lexi Marquis only it should be something they would wear while working in a vineyard or yard work. Typical Rob Tillitz, he purchases a brand new cloths and accessories for the role he plays. He looked like a vineyard worker in his scene.Gerald asked Lory Grbac to wear something angelic but not to over the top for the scene in the vineyard and the funeral scene.

For Karly Avva, Tamara wanted to make her a special dress she could wear in one of the scenes, but overall, she could wear anything that looked cute. She had a few different days she had to plan wardrobe for except the one she would be wearing the dress.

Gary L. Conover was asked to wear what ever he felt he might wear on his plantation/vineyard, and then something dark for the funeral scene. Charlie was asked to wear something that showcased his physique, his biceps and abs that was kind of a slimeball look. Gretta was asked to wear something not too professional, with a hint of class, but motherly if possible. Michael was asked to wear a suit due to Michael's business character. Even the casual look needs to be businessy.

Each day of production the actors brought several choices for Gerald to choose from. Gerald would always ask anyone near by what they thought. He always tried to involve Brendan, Jim, and Tamara's in the wardrobe discussion to get their point of view and what might look better on camera, which took thirty minutes.

3.3.4 Confirming Locations

It had been a while since Gerald corresponded with Bob & Ginny Hilsman of Double Oak Vineyards & Winery and Mario Clough of Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery, the two locations that agreed to allow Gerald to make is movie, but they did not know the ups and downs that has happened since they last chatted. Bob & Ginny may have heard something from their daughter Lisa Hilsman Bourassa since her two boys Adrien and Nolan were in the movie. And Gerald doubt that either one of the locations visited his website or facebook page for Chardonnay, so Gerald sent out an email along with the deal memo for location use.

Mario Clough Saturday, September 17, 2011 email

Gerald. It looks good to me. I can sign it and fax it back. Give me a Fax number or I can sign the signature sheet scan it and email it back.

Bob Hilsman Saturday, September 17, 2011 email

I have read the approval and release form for filming "Chardonnay" and have signed it. Do you have a fax #? Anyway, we are looking forward to your big day here. Cheers

3.3.5 Screenplay Breakdown and Scheduling

Earlier this year Gerald did the screenplay breakdown and scheduling for the WATERING hole and BUDDIES. His schedule for lunch break and the days wrap were no more than 10-minutes before or after the scheduled time. “I am experienced with film production and what it is involved in setting up and capturing a scene. I always laugh at people that say "Oh it should only take an hour to record that." Really? It is going to take no less than 30-minutes to unload the equipment from the vehicle(s) and get it set up, so you should schedule no less than 2 hours.”

BUDDIES was a little more complicated due to the writer/director changing times and locations a few days before the scheduled production day. Petite Chardonnay was similar THE GOLdEN TREE which gave Gerald some experience for a large production — bigger than anything Gerald has done on his own so far — that included twenty-eight actors, five locations, six days of principal photography, and a traveling crew of ten that most had not worked with each other before. However, there were a few minor worries that were different from other productions Gerald has done which was using a working vineyard and dealing with the fall color timeframe that was changing each day. “I remember Ryan McKinney adding in five days for additional and pick-up photography in the deal memo's for the cast. Additional photography will not be able to be done until a year from now to capture the fall colors of the leaves. He left them in saying, "You never know, you might need them."

Breaking down the screenplay for Petite Chardonnay was done before final casting was completed back in August, which included to the new scene with all the kids. Any additions or subtractions Gerald made to the screenplay afterward did not effect the scheduling or the cast, just the production time for each day.

Gerald wanted to use Double Oak Vineyards & Winery for the scene where Chardonnay and Kimmie meet each other since Bob Hilsman had some cool, old vineyard equipment in one section of the property. They also had a nice green lawn area near the house for the kids to be playing before Kimmie introduces Chardonnay to them.

The next four days of production will be in various locations at Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery, which has some steep slopes in the lower section of the property. Gerald had visited Luccessi Vineyard on June 30th, 2011 and received a tour of the property by Matthew WentzC. And Jim Heck and Gerald had visited Luccessi Vineyard back JulyD, so

2010 Family had four locations. The scenes where Sierra is reading and her Dad and sister enter the room, the scene where they are searching for Petite Chardonnay (2012), a montage of scenes at Sutter's Fort — the actual fort, and the scene where they think they find Petite Chardonnay (2012) and start digging.

Once the first few locations were secured, dates were scheduled and the cast & crew were notified.

3.3.6 Production Comes To A Halt

In searching for Production Insurance, Gerald went to several places that were suggested to him and one of them gave him the time of day. He filled out the info stating there were no fireworks, no firearms being fired, no car chases, no stunts, the amount of people on set per day, and the cost of the production, deferred pay. At 1:07:14 PM on Wednesday, September 14, 2011, he received the quote for $4,000 to insure the production for the equipment, the people, and the locations.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 message
1:11:54 PM Gerald: I am sending out email to everyone cancelling.
1:12:07 PM Tamara: dont give up yet
1:12:19 PM Gerald: Not giving up, but $4,000 is out of this budget
1:19:14 PM Tamara: based on the production, you said $25,000 and it isn't really costing that
1:19:56 PM Tamara: you might want to ask that, because the actual cost is what food, and gas
1:20:30 PM Gerald: the pay role is 25,000
1:28:51 PM Tamara: yes but you are not paying that out for right now, so the cost of the production is the cost of what you payout to make the movie, not what you expect to payout
1:29:34 PM Gerald: I told him that it was deferred not paying until it gets funded and such. I don't know.
1:31:02 PM Tamara: i dont either, it is just a question to ask if they rate is based on production cost

1:22:34 PM Gerald: It has been an up and down ride from the start.
1:25:39 PM Krystina Mae: you were the one to talk me out of quitting so I'm going to pay you back by doing the same.
1:26:37 PM Krystina Mae: so 3500 is what is stopping this whole thing?
1:28:45 PM Krystina Mae: what if all the cast and crew helped?
1:36:01 PM Krystina Mae: G, I know you are upset about this project being halted but I really think it will happen. Have faith.
1:37:19 PM Gerald: I reneged on a deal and cannot show my face.
1:38:59 PM Krystina Mae: reneged on chardonnay? its not your fault and you notified all of us in a timely matter. people understand that and if they don't, screw them.

2:43:57 PM Gerald: insurance is out the door $3,400...
2:44:04 PM Gerald: movie is not going to get made.
2:44:22 PM Gerald: I am now realizing I'm just a peon and best to act like one and work for others
2:44:27 PM Dan Nelson: Then forget the insurance

2:43:47 PM Patricia Collins: lol....I know...I know..How much are you insuring for?
2:44:52 PM Gerald: well that is the thing it is deferred... meaning they don't get paid until we get full funding for the full length version
2:44:56 PM Gerald: $25,000
2:45:03 PM Gerald: that's the budget
2:46:33 PM Patricia Collins: so the policy is for 25,000 ?
2:49:47 PM Patricia Collins: I'll get back to you when I hear from him...don't give up.

Gerald's heart sank. And quickly wanted to inform everyone that the production was stopped so they did not spend anymore time, resources, or effort on it.

Gerald Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

All Associated with Petite Chardonnay. As of now the production of Petite Chardonnay has come to a halt. I do not have insurance and the quote given to me, that I have been waiting for a few weeks, is $3,500.00. The production cannot afford that. If I could, I would pay everyone something for helping out.

I do not know of any other services, I sent to five companies and one responded. I had a very nice conversation with him, but did not know it was going to be this much. I have no time frame of when or if I can find another service and get that quote back. we were to start in two weeks.

Lori Grbac Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

I'm so sorry Gerald! What a disappointment for you and everybody involved. Let me know if you want me to send you the contact info of a friend of mine who has been selling insurance forever. Hopefully this will just be a bump in the road and not the end. Take care...tomorrow is another day!

Steve Dakota Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

I am so sorry. My condolences.

Jim Heck Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

Can we get everyone to sign a liability waiver and provide roof of medical insurance?? In other words they are self insured. That is the way it should be anyway. Check with your lawyer or advisor.

Rob Tillitz Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

Insurance, on. Insurance I don't have to show you no stinking insurance, man!

Gary L. Conover Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

Sorry to hear that Gerald. I’ll be waiting for the green light.

Scott Slotterbeck Wednesday, September 14, 2011 email

But by then it would be too late. One has to file a timely claim. Claims that come up late are almost always thrown out. The only exceptions I can think of are the 'repressed memories' of sexual abuse. That's not a factor here.

Since you take care of music yourself by hiring composers or doing it yourself, errors and omissions insurance shouldn't be needed. Besides, a distributor of your film will pay for that (out of your profits). The homeowner's angle is the best, in my opinion. Can you be covered by that? The costs you are quoted are pure profit for the insurance company and just way too high, in my opinion.

Well, keep us posted. Love to help financially, but can't right now. Money is just too tight. Doesn't the homeowners insurance cover any of this? Is this a quote for short term coverage? Seems way too high! I assume this is for liability insurance. You don't need equipment insurance since pretty much everyone is going to bring their own equipment (i.e. you aren't renting a Red One...right?). Errors and omissions insurance I would assume you can do without unless you actually sell your film. Worker's compensation. This is something I talked to my homeowner's insurance and they cover for folks working around the house (and trip and fall type of things). Would homeowner's cover that as well? Or, you could go bare. People won't sue other people who don't have some deep pockets to go for.

Bummer. I'm sorry to hear! It's always something, isn't it? Would it be possible - and would you mind - sharing the quote, if you have a detailed copy from the insurer? I'm not terribly experienced with film insurance, and I'm curious as to why it's so expensive. Purely academic.

Thursday, September 15, 2011 message
8:16:23 AM Gerald: Just hit the submit button. Thank you Patricia for the info and link
8:17:27 AM Patricia Collins: You're friend is a wealth of information. I hope it works out, and I hope to meet you someday.
8:17:57 AM Gerald: If this works out, you will have vip status on set every day
8:18:49 AM Patricia Collins: Nice. I can take photos for you if you wish...that is what I do.
8:19:20 AM Gerald: You will be paid as well as VIP. That is in the budget, looking for a photographer for stills, marketing, and bts stuff.
8:19:26 AM Gerald: continuity.
9:46:47 AM Gerald: Moving forward and seeing who is still in.
9:47:06 AM Gerald: I do have another company someone sent me and waiting to see what they say

9:49:31 AM Gerald: Move forward. get the thing done.
9:49:58 AM Dan Nelson: Thats my boy
9:49:59 AM Gerald: Cannot walk away from a potential door opening, a possibility to do great because of some technicality
9:50:37 AM Gerald: Doing it the Dan way. I mm doing it, if you are with me. If not, get out of my way
9:51:01 AM Dan Nelson: Love it
9:51:28 AM Gerald: need to work on my catch phrases.
9:51:38 AM Gerald: I'll make you famous
9:52:11 AM Dan Nelson: Dolly Parton once said I never stepped on anyone to get to where I am at. But I did step around a few.

11:13:55 AM Gerald: You have a photographic eye!!! looked at your fb photos... you think like i do or the other way around, textures and framing
11:14:38 AM Gerald: Okay, I must know who the cute blonde little girl is you have lots of pictures of.
11:15:58 AM Patricia Collins: Katie is my little actress....She is represented my Marla Dell in SF. LOVES musicals.
11:16:24 AM Gerald: The camera loves her
11:16:28 AM Patricia Collins: yes
11:16:50 AM Patricia Collins: She is a natural....
11:17:49 AM Gerald: Bubbles at sunset!!!!
11:18:11 AM Gerald: Clouds!!! wow. It is almost like I took these, but I did not ... I love those pictures
11:18:51 AM Patricia Collins: Bubbles is one of my favorites....THANK YOU!! A lot of luck with those for sure. I don't have photo shop.
11:18:52 AM Gerald: oh my gosh!!!
11:19:32 AM Gerald: Luck had nothing to do with it. Skill, planning, when you have those, you do not need luck
11:19:50 AM Gerald: And you do not need luck. trust me.
11:20:06 AM Patricia Collins: You are making my day better!!!! thank you!!!
11:20:49 AM Gerald: you made mine... I do nt get inspired easily and you have done it
11:22:05 AM Patricia Collins: NICE!! It is so nice to get feedback from people in the industry! So .... two good deeds for me
11:31:22 AM Gerald: I was in my first 18 hours of auditions for Chardonnay that night got home after 12:30 am
12:02:58 PM Gerald: Are you interested in photography for petite?
12:03:07 PM Gerald: Should I send you dates and a deal memo?
12:03:31 PM Patricia Collins: YES.....Where are you filming?
12:04:26 PM Gerald: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery and Double Oak Vineyards & Winery

8:46:09 PM Krystina Mae: hey G! feeling better? So if its on still for sunday [table read] do you want me there?
8:47:01 PM Krystina Mae: well i got an email so i figured i was invited
8:47:12 PM Gerald: Cannot wait to see you.
8:47:21 PM Krystina Mae: cool

3.3.7 Moving Forward

Gerald Wednesday, September 15, 2011 email

To All Still Associated with Petite Chardonnay. Some people felt I jumped the gun with the halting of production. Yes, I was devastated, the wind was gone my my sail, and no I did not pout or have PLOM (Poor Litte O'l Me) disease. I was thinking I did not want you to waste your time waiting for something that I was not sure was going to happen.

Please know, that this is my first self-produced film that is bigger than I have done previously and I am new to this kind of responsibility with keeping moral and not wanting to be the guy that strung people along only to say, sorry, it is not going to happen, when you could have gone onto something else. And yes, I could and should have informed everyone with a more positive manner asking what everyone else thought and if there might be a producer among you to help with production. But I did not, and did not want to be that guy who does not look like he knows what he is doing. I will admit that the business, money, and paperwork portion I lack the confidence and more so the interest. I am a filmmaker. I just want to make movies and entertain people. However, I do need to improve my producer expertise and savvy if I am going to dazzle and convince the real investors to invest their money in me and my films.

Many of you gave suggesting, ideas, and the majority were saying I should ask everyone to sign a waiver. Well. I am not wanting anyone to sign over their soul, life, or give away any rights, it is not fair to you or me, and I do not want to be known as the filmmaker that makes you sign your life away.

WITH THAT IN MIND, I do not want to just throw all the hard work Ryan and Susan McKinney, Jeffery Vanacore, Toni Corbett, Charla Bybe, Dylan Nelson, Aaron Lord, Eleanor Tyler, all the actors that came to audition and poured their hearts out.

NOT TO MENTION the hours and hours, the stress, excitement, dedication, and sleepless nights, and sacrifice that I have done just to give up on a small technicality. So after a long, long walk around the forest where I live, and a long talk with myself and a few others, from Hollywood, which I will revisit later in this email.

I am still looking for other insurers, but I want to PUSH ON, move FORWARD, GREEN LIGHT this fantastic cast and crew to do this epic tale of deceit, betrayal, and robotic space aliens.... oops wrong script in my hands.

There it is. My Hollywood contacts scoffed about insurance, and I thought is was a required thing, guess that was the old days?

So. If everyone is willing to push forward, be safe, behave, and not get hurt, break, or do anything stupid, so WE CAN PUT OURSELVES IN A POSITION TO SUCCEED IN THE FILM INDUSTRY EITHER AS ACTORS OR CREW MEMBERS, I want to see a show of hands who is willing and wanting to do this. I will understand if there are any with apprehension or concerns. please respond with a YES or NO. and YES, a table read is still planned for SUNDAY!! Even if we have to go to our second choices on some characters. GOD BLESS

Everyone responded with positive and encouraging words, and agreed to move forward without insurance for now and get the picture made. Table Read

The table read for Petite Chardonnay took place at IT Factor Studios on Sunday, September 18, 2011. Michael Klemp, Gretta Sosine, Charlie Merlo, Gary L. Conover, Karly Avva, Cynthia Gatlin, Lori Grbac, Rob Tillitz, and Lexi Marquis, the principle cast, sat around a large circle table. Ryan McKinney and his crew facilitated the read by introducing each actor and their character, as well as introducing Gerald.

Gerald sat back and enjoyed hearing the characters he wrote come to life with each word and breath. After the first read, Ryan asked Gerald if there were any places he wanted to comment on, or any performances. “Let's do it again from the top and this time forget the audition. You already have the part, now become that character. Do not rush it. Do not worry how long it takes. If anyone feels differently then they can go now.”

None of the actors left and they gave a much better rendition closer to what could be on screen. Ryan was not happy with how long it went over, but told Gerald that he was impressed with what he said and what he did.

The two actors that made everyone laugh were Rob Tillitz and Lexi Marquis with their read as Gary and Marylin, a husband and wife making fun of each other in the vineyard. Another excellent performance was Cynthia Gatlin who received an applause after her read. Lori Grbac as Cecilia was quite emotion at the table read which should glow on screen. Charlie received a few boos and hisses, but only from Gerald at his character Jessie. Gary and Karly were very sweet and tender and there was a buzz about that scene on screen. The intense opening with Michael and Gary as father and son who have not seen each other in 25 years, was not as heated as Gerald wanted, but he discussed this to the actors. “Do not be afraid to let loose and let him have it. Yell, if you need to, get in his face, and make it like the audience is waiting for the first punch.”

Overall Gerald was very pleased with the table read and knew with the group of actors that he just heard, the acting portion of the film will be top-notch and that is a huge thing to not have to worry about. And he knows he can rely and depend on Brendan, Jim, Scott, Frank, and Krystina to be the foundation of the new crew members joining the team. Craft Support
Gerald Monday, September 19, 2011 email

To all associated with Petite Chardonnay. Someone has suggested that we record it in fewer days than we have scheduled. It would adversely effect the quality of the movie in all aspects due to the amount of work needed. Blame me for making it longer than I should have, and for casting so many kids when all I really needed was one girl for Kimmie. I could not make up my mind, so I found five that I thought were fantastic. Same with adding two extra boy characters. So if I were to trim the screenplay and take out the kids that would make it five days. And if I take out the flashbacks, which would effect the story, than that would just be four days. To keep it the way it is and put more onto each day, and shrink it by one or two days to save money on food. It would be crazy. We could try do one to two takes per camera set up. Which would add lots of pressure on the actors.

So we are not going to shrink it to four or five days. The story is going to stay the way it is. We in need of a few good people to help with food/craft costs with a donation of $50 or $100, or more. Not really a donation as you will be credited as producers. We want this to be fun, happy, and fruitful for everyone, but did not think about the food issues until the drive home. And how much we would have to spend and two kids in college and stuff, you know how it is? We figured, why not see if anyone would be interested in helping it just a little more would be great. We are all in this together.

Lynda Dowd Monday, September 19, 2011 email

I will help in any way I can in sending money or even in making some dishes that everyone can enjoy when I return, even on a few days that Kayla is not a part of the production, after I return from my trip. I really don’t want the kids to get cut and I really do appreciate the fact that you are giving these children and adults an opportunity and experience that they would not have had. I have to go now and run some errands for the kids, but I will write back with more ideas. Think positive. We need to believe. It takes a village, right? PEACE.

Rob Tillitz Monday, September 19, 2011 email

I'll send you a hundred for food. I talked last night with Kirsten about how the read went, and was telling her I did not understand your use of all the kids. I mean I understand it because I know you and your big heart, but questioned whether these kids further the story. We all know every character must have a job, and I'm not sure about their jobs in this story. Course, my character's job is probably similar to the kids — comic relief — so who am I to talk.

Anyway, in sum, the use of the kids could make the story, or be a waste of everyone's time. My two-cents is you urge them and their parents (and urge a 2nd and 3rd time) to make sure those kids know their lines forward and backward. If they take their lines serious — show up prepared, they'll take their part serious, and you could get some good usable moments.

Scott Slotterbeck Tuesday, September 20, 2011 email

I know it can be so much work. As your films become longer and larger in scope, you will need to expand crew. Division of labor is vital to keep everyone sane. Frank seems like a competent guy, well-organized and works well with cast and crew. I thought the crew meeting went well and it looks as though you'll have a good crew this time.

Energy will naturally lag in big projects at times. But if you start with the basics, your script is solid, well-crafted, interesting, exciting and inspiring. The cast, I know, is looking forward to doing the film. I was watching cast members during the table read, and I saw lots of smiles and laughing during the funny parts of the kid's dialog. I thought that was an excellent sign; people were reacting as you'd wish.

Gerald, you are a talented guy. You write very well, you are a very good director, a superb editor, and, gosh, people like you! Look at the response you got when you announced auditions! You have too much to offer the film world to not follow your dreams. You have a great reputation in the local community (most everyone I talk to either knows you, has heard of you, or has seen one of your films). Kystina Mae thinks that you'd be a very good actor, too.

I know when I get down in the dumps on a project, I just plug along doing what I can until I regain the enthusiasm. I've concluded that you just have to 'press on' over the rough spots until the endorphins or whatever kicks in!

Remember, I consider you a friend and you can contact me anytime you need to vent, complain, or share your problems. A lot of people are pulling for you!

Frank Cosgriff Tuesday, September 20, 2011 email

Glad to see this email, and glad to see your rally includes a schedule for Day 1. It's a reassuring piece for all the cast wondering about time. The process now is -literally- taking it one day at a time. Knock one down before taking on the next. I had to work through lunch today, so I probably won't be able to give you a call until after 8pm tonight. i's Are Dotted and t's Are Crossed
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 message
12:46:35 PM Krystina Mae: So the first day is the winding road day? Well better to get that part over
12:46:48 PM Gerald: yes. I know
12:51:19 PM Krystina Mae: If we carpool to the vineyard then what time do we have to be at your house?
12:52:03 PM Gerald: to be there by 7:30 I would leave here by 7
1:03:09 PM Krystina Mae: hmm according to the map it's 60 miles to your place
1:04:51 PM Gerald: I told you, I drive and hour plus to come down to Sacramento events.
1:05:58 PM Gerald: I warned everyone I did before they accepted the deal. Big reason why I do not come down often and when i do i make a day of it
1:06:51 PM Krystina Mae: I'd prefer to stay over like you had originally planned
1:08:43 PM Gerald: Blame the others that did not want to take the offer
1:09:17 PM Gerald: There are no hotel rooms open for this weekend. If there were, which there are not, they would be no less than a 100 a night
1:09:47 PM Gerald: The Annual Draft Horse Classic is happening
1:10:20 PM Gerald: 2500 people will be in the area for it and the rooms are gone
1:10:33 PM Krystina Mae: The other vineyard is how far from your house
1:10:43 PM Gerald: 10 minutes
1:10:50 PM Gerald: they are both 10 - 20 mins away
1:11:07 PM Krystina Mae: k
1:12:20 PM Krystina Mae: Did Brian Jagger accept the pa position?
1:13:28 PM Gerald: Have not sent it to him. Was he your ride?
1:14:01 PM Krystina Mae: He has to be there anyway for his daughter we talked about him maybe doing it at the meeting
1:14:17 PM Gerald: Problem. He's not needed though until after 12. Or Kayla is not needed until 12
1:14:57 PM Gerald: but if he takes the position then they would be there earlier.
1:16:51 PM Krystina Mae: do you have enough ppl
1:16:58 PM Gerald: for what?
1:17:05 PM Krystina Mae: for crew
1:17:53 PM Gerald: Not sure how to answer that
1:18:16 PM Gerald: Not sure what we need or do not need. the WATERING hole we had too many people. THE GOLdEN TREE we did not have enough
1:19:16 PM Krystina Mae: ah. i sent my memo per frank's request so he could print it out and have me sign it. that is why i don't have the paperwork in yet
Gerald Friday, September 23, 2011 post

Petite Chardonnay begins Production Sunday, September 25, 2011
Filed under: Aria Pictures, Petite Chardonnay by editorgerry
September 23, 2011

Yes, it is both exciting and scary, considering what we will eventually be spending on the 10, 30, and 40 minute versions to use to find funds and producers to finance the full 2-hour movie, which is similar but different from Petite. The cast is ready and several people have mentioned we have a great cast. The crew is seasoned and experienced, but still a rookie crew compared to those in LA. But I trust them with this project.

I know I have everyone’s livelihood, of sorts, the Sacramento acting community, and the crew’s reputation in my hands, not to mention my future as a filmmaker riding on this. So we have spent many hours making sure the i’s are dotted, and t’s are crossed, and that all the details that we can control are in line and ready to make this an eye popping, wonderful, break out movie. There are so many people to thank so far — the locations: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery, Double Oak Vineyards & Winery, and The CAST & CREW.

3.4 Filming

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 1 George Ann Heck image 14.

photo by George Ann Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Double Oak Vineyards & Winery

Day 1 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 13

l-r: Karly Avva as Chardonnay, McKenna Whiting: 2nd Assistant Camera, Brendan Brooks: Cinematographer, and Karissa Lee Carleton as Kimmie. Justin Mosier in the foreground.

Petite Chardonnay Day 1 Schedule

Day 1 schedule for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

3.4.1 Principle Photography Day 1: Double Oak Vineyards & Winery: September 25, 2011

Day one of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay began on a cool, brisk, overcast Sunday morning September 25, 2011 at Double Oak Vineyards & Winery. Gerald arrived around 7:30 to set up a few tables and prepare for the enterage of people that will be arriving at 12:30 PM which would be thirty minutes after the first group gets done with lunch.

As the eighteen person crew arrived in small groups as early as 7:45 AM, Brendan Brooks, Jim Heck, and Scott Slotterbeck set up equipment, Krystina prepared the slate and script supervisor notes, Frank and Justin were going over logistics with the scene, and Gerald was gathering paperwork from the crew to be on set. This was the first time the eighteen person crew gathered together. A few had worked with each other before, some knew of each other, and others this was their first time with Gerald, Brendan, and Jim. He wanted everyone to get them comfortable with their fellow crew members, experience the speed and efficiency that Gerald, Brendan, and Jim work, and create unity, teamwork, and continuity, plus making new relationships.

Karly Avva and Karissa Lee Carleton showed up a little after 8:00 AM and went into makeup with Laura and Victoria and then wardrobe. The two girls were ready for the camera before 9:00 AM. Gerald brought the production to order with a greeting and welcome speech that thanked everyone for their time and sacrifice for driving an hour or more into the boonies to make a movie. He introduced Brendan, Jim, and Scott for being experienced with working with each other and then handed the meeting over to Frank, the first assistant director to let them know, Frank is the person in charge.

The first scene to be captured was SCENE 13: EXT. VINEYARD EQUIPMENT AREA - DAY, a one and three-eighths page scene that centered around some old, rusting vineyard equipment covered in fallen leaves. Karly had fous lines of dialog and Karissa had nine. Capturing eight camera set ups and no more than two takes per set up, other than set-up F, the Karly and Karissa and the rest of the crew, were well educated on the process that Brendan, Jim, Scott, and Gerald like to operate. On set up 13D, close up on Karly when she gets covered in leaves from Karissa, Gerald was the one throwing the leaves on Karly. On the second take, Gerald had twice as many leaves as the first and Karly's reaction was no a happy one when she looks away to question whether she should tell her grandfather that she is leaving, she gives Gerald a searing look.

The production was ahead of schedule and looking good going into the second scene to capture which was Scene 15: EXT. BEHIND GARAGE / BARN, only six-eighths of a page with Karly having four lines of dialog and Adrien Bourassa, the younger Bourassa boy who was already at the location before anyone else — Bob and Ginny Hilsman were his grandparents. Scene 15 involved the younger boy trying to get a kiss from Chardonnay but she does not fall for the trick and gives him a punch in the stomach and walks away. Unfortunately, the crew was unable to capture any takes from the scene with Adrien and Karly due to Adrien being really shy around people and mostly girls. Lisa Hilsman Bourassa told Gerald this when he wanted to cast Adrien in the role of Aria, but Gerald felt over-confident with his experience with kids, that he could coax him outt of his shell and do the scene. Gerald was unable to get Adrien within two feet of Karly. And the kiss he tried was facing the ground and away from her. They tried it for thirty minutes giving Adrien time, but cancelled the scene to get lunch in and prepare for the group of kids.

Unfortunately, when the cast & crew returned from Scene 15 back to base, the actors and parents for the scene after lunch showed up early and were helping themselves to the lunch stuff. Some even brought extra family members that were also getting into the food. They were asked to arrive no earlier than 12:30 PM but started arriving around 11:30. People were asked to leave the food for the cast and crew from the morning, but by then, half of the people shopwing up had a plateful and mouthful. “It upset me that people just take without asking. Of course I am not sure if any one of the earlier people that were not working on scene 15 said anything that did not know that the lunch food was for the early crew not the incoming actors. That was how we saved on the food budget. Schedule food for the people actually doing work on the film at that time. I guess since I did not actually tell them, you need to eat before arriving, they assumed they were coming up for lunch before their time on camera. It just added to my already frazzled mind that Adrien wasted our time. I understand about being shy, but no one really said, he is not the kid for that scene. Now I have to figure out how the kid scene is going to work. Course we have not captured Scene 14 which leads to 15 I can just change it so we do not need 15.”

Scene 14: EXT. NEIGHBOR'S FRONT YARD, is over four pages long and includes eight children: Karly Avva, Karissa Lee Carleton, Haley Klemp, Olivia Prado, Kayla Jagger, Kayla Dowd, Kameron Woods, and Adrien Bourassa. the scene is set up where the boys are working on a bike and girls are playing some sort of game in the middle of the yard when Karissa and Karly show up. Introductions takes place and one of the girls makes a comment about how weird Chardonnay's name is. They discuss other things as the boys are oblivious to them except Aria who is smitten about Chardonnay. The boys walk up and Aria asks Chardonnay if she wants to see his dirt bike. The other girls warn Chardonnay it is a ploy to get her alone, but she defies them and goes along with Aria's invite. It began sprinkling during the scene but it was tiny drops of water, nothing that would hurt anything, so they kept going. “We captured some of scene 15 with some different angles and I might be able to make it look real. Which is why I never changed scene 14 to remove the Aria invite for Aria and Chardonnay to walk away from the scene. But when they come back we have scene 16. How do I get from scene 16 from 14 without 15? I did not have time to do a rewrite to merge them.”

Scene 16: EXT. NEIGHBOR'S FRONT YARD, was only two and a half pages of dialog and action that begins with Chardonnay walking up to the group in huff and Olivia saying I warned you with an attitude. Chardonnay is about to say something when she faints and falls to the ground. Camera setup 16D is Gerald lying on the ground with the camera pointing up to show the POV of Chardonnay with everyone looking down at her as she opens her eyes. Aria tries to take advantage of the situation and attempts to sneak another try at kissing her, but Chardonnay comes to at that moment and gives Aria another punch in the stomach. She gets up and looks around and says she should be going walking off camera as the group of kids walk toward it and make comments about her. The day was wrapped at 3:40 PM ten minutes later than Gerald scheduled it. Not bad for a little rain, early guests, and a shy boy on the first day of production for Petite Chardonnay.

DT.1 Down Time 1: September 26 - September 30, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011 message
9:37:45 AM Gerald: I have two ideas to fix the issue of the missing kiss
9:41:54 AM Gerald: 1) Just use the two girls where they head of to see the friends and dissolve to something else and then she shows up at the car with her mom and Jessie
9:41:57 AM Gerald: No other kids.
9:42:17 AM Gerald: 2) Reshoot with Adrien as a different character and get someone else to play Aria
9:42:43 AM Gerald: Jim's idea
9:50:45 AM Tamara: I Like both ideas, I didn't see how Adrien did but heard not too well
9:57:00 AM Tamara: He wasn't feeling well
9:57:18 AM Gerald: He was not?
9:58:32 AM Tamara: Lisa's post on facebook
9:59:17 AM Tamara: Adrien woke up with a swollen eye and accidentally washed his hair with oil
Gerald Monday, September 26, 2011 email

Lisa, Norm, and Adrien.
First off. Thanks for your time and Adrien's. I really like him but was hoping he would have warmed up a bit more to the other cast members, the crew, and to me. I felt like he did not want to be there. I did finally hear about his day started. It does put one a foul mood.

I have done some thinking and I realized I put Adrien in an uncomfortable position playing the character of Aria.

Another issue I realized I made a mistake on is that he looked older than char and was taller, and my intentions were to have someone younger and shorter. PLUS. We did not get to finish the scene due to weather. If we had I would have made due with the scene and figured something out. But with the combination of his fear for the role and not feeling well, on top of, being taller than Karly and the weather... it gives us an opportunity to fix it with a redo.

In this redo, I have come up with a new character Adrien can be that does not involve his interaction with trying to kiss a girl. I am still wanting him to be in the movie. He is a handsome boy, a talented boy, and someone I care about deeply. I hope this makes him feel a little more at ease and he is not upset about not playing the Aria role. He just looked like he was not happy doing it. The date to do the scene is Sunday, October, 9 at Double Oak at 9:00 am. let me know if He and you are agreeable to this.

Lisa Monday, September 26, 2011 email

Thanks Gerald for this message.
Yes, Adrien was extremely scared and shy about doing the scene. That's probably why I had so much trouble getting him out of bed and moving that morning. He spent forever in the bathroom and was not responding to my prompts. I'm sure his experience at the Rancho cast reading that you were telling me about (Lisa - Gerald said Adrien was quite shy about reading his lines at the Reading and some of the other children had giggled when he read his lines), only made him more self-conscious about doing the scene. Well the scene seems to have been destined to be disastrous with all this in consideration as the lead up. Then the oil/shampoo error only served as the final disaster capper!

Thanks for seeing that Adrien was in a tough space. I can assure you, Adrien really wanted to be there with you and the crew... just not for that dreaded scene! Adrien has been very excited about being cast in the movie and he wants to do a good job and we want to stay out of the way so you can help him give you the performances you want. Unfortunately, after a couple times of joking around in our family about getting the girl kissing scene he went into a shell about the role in general. When it comes to girls, Adrien is extremely shy.

Thanks for your kind words about Adrien. Of course we think he's handsome too and I'm sure Adrien will be thrilled with this news!

Gerald Monday, September 26, 2011 email

Child Actors and Parents
We need to redo scenes 14, 15, and 16 due to the weather, we decided to use what we did as practice and redo the scenes on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, at Double Oak at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

I need to see a show of hands who can make it. I am sorry for the extra day of work, it hurts me more than you, my budget gets bigger, but it is important to get it right to make this project the best it can be.

Gerald Tuesday, September 27, 2011 email

Child Actors and Parents
We need to redo scenes 14, 15, and 16 due to the weather, we decided to use what we did as practice and redo the scenes on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, at Lucchesi at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

I need to see a show of hands who can make it. I am sorry for the extra day of work, it hurts me more than you, my budget gets bigger, but it is important to get it right to make this project the best it can be.

Jim showed the kids the photos that George Ann took at Double Oak figuring it was the the only time they might be able to see them. When he went back to get his laptop, one of the parents was taking photos of the screen of her daughter. Jim asked her to remove what she had as they are not ready for sharing or at this early in the film's production. And that they did sign a contract that no photography was allowed while production was in progress or open set unless otherwise approved by the producers. Gerald sent out an email reminding everyone that they will get the chance to view the images that the still photographers, that are allowed to take photos on set, capture, and everyone will be able to choose which images they want copies to keep. And to keep their picture taking during lunches and breaks.

A new child actor Freddie Olmos was cast to play Aria and be the little boy who tries to kiss Chardonnay. The still photographers posted a few of the images they captured on day one to the Chardonnay facebook page.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 message
11:22:42 AM Carinia Olmos: so I heard someone say that the film takes place in Grass valley is that correct?
11:22:56 AM Carinia Olmos: I still haven't looked up the location information
11:23:14 AM Gerald: We are in Grass Valley and Nevada City, Nevada City for the kids
11:26:04 AM Gerald: I cannot go past 12:00PM. Actually I would like to be done by 11:30 AM
11:26:36 AM Gerald: I have to get to Lucchesi after lunch that was initially planned
11:26:44 AM Carinia Olmos: we can get there SUPER early if you'd like, just let me know the time!!!
11:26:48 AM Gerald: We have two units going in the morning
11:27:15 AM Gerald: One doing the car scene that I was suppose to do. Brendan will be doing that while I redo the kids
11:27:30 AM Gerald: Be camera ready by 8:30 am, if possible
11:27:52 AM Gerald: I think this time and with freddie it should be much smoother than the first try
11:28:04 AM Carinia Olmos: ok, that's right...I need to wash some clothes and send you pics of his wardrobe
11:30:08 AM Gerald: I Chatted with Beth Cameron this morning and she already knew freddie was in it
11:30:17 AM Gerald: You parents really stick close to each other
11:30:55 AM Carinia Olmos: I only told her and my husband!
11:33:09 AM Carinia Olmos: We drove up to Reno right after I talked to you and I mentioned it to her. Told her not to say anything until it was official haha
11:33:35 AM Gerald: good thing I'm too crazy to have bad things said about me
11:34:27 AM Carinia Olmos: what do you mean? Nothing bad was said! She said that you are a kind man that's all!!
11:34:44 AM Gerald: I paid her for that.
11:38:43 AM Carinia Olmos: we are very excited to work with you Gerald!!!
Gerald Wednesday, September 28, 2011 email

To Cast &Crew of Petite Chardonnay
I am truly blessed to have wonderful people like you around me. I know "THANK YOU" is not enough to show my appreciation, but if I were to spend time finding the right words, I think I would make it worse. So "THANK YOU!"

The first day of Petite Chardonnay we had fun. It was great, we got behind, then the rain. WELL, we are going to be doing that scene again on Sunday, October 9th at 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM [hopefully be done sooner than that]. You are already going to be up for that day, but now most of you will actually be working.

The original plan was to have most of you waiting, or at least show up around 11, as we have a car scene with Charlie and Gretta that was going to be Brendan and myself in the back seat, but Brendan is at his daughters birthday party that day, so Jim is in the hot seat with either Jefferey Vanacore or Todd Boyd to help him, while the rest of you lucky people will be with Frank and myself at Double Oak again to redo scenes 14, 15, and 16.

WE HAVE A NEW ARIA: Freddie Olmos. Adrien is still in the movie but he is playing a character names Brendan. All the parents and kids are up for the redo. You should have heard Karly's response when her mother told her we were redoing it. SHE WAS SO HAPPY!!! I did not want to remove the scene from the film, so we will knock it out as the cast will be camera ready by 8:30. When we are done, I head on over to Lucchesi and get those scenes done. But we still have this Saturday to think about and do.

Gerald Wednesday, September 28, 2011 email

Brian & Kayla Jagger
There are a few reasons for the redo and one of them was that I was unhappy that I stuck Kayla in the back. 70% of the shots she was hidden. So due to an actor issue, the rain, and not getting done, I can now rectify this error and get her on camera more. I am sorry for the lack of screentime, but so happy I can redo it. Kayla was fabulous, I had the cinematographers and still photographers say Kayla and the camera are really good friends.

Gerald Wednesday, September 28, 2011 email

Hello Freddie and parents: Carinia & Jaun.
I want to welcome you to the cast of Petite Chardonnay. You will soon see your name and bio on Chardonnay movie Website

Your agreement file, character report, and release agreement are attached. Please make 2 copies of each of the agreements and bring them on Sunday, October 9th, so we can each have a copy after we each sign them. As far as the character of Aria, yes, it is my son's name and the name of my production company, Aria Pictures, so you might feel a little special playing a character of such importance and notoriety, but no pressure, just have fun. As you can tell by the dialog, Aria is a brave, outspoken, little boy that is infatuated with quite a few things such as girls — he is not shy.

As far as wardrobe, I like some of the items he is wearing in his head shots, but keep in mind we are portraying Northern California where the hippies live, but these are not the normal hippies these are the volvo, subaru, driving, save the earth, well to do hippies. If you have other ideas for wardrobe, send me some pictures of ideas, if you have time. Again, welcome, I am so looking forward to meeting you all and working with Freddie.

Speaking of working, I am sure he has a entertainment work permit for under age actors? we need a copy of that as well. Also, keep in mind that this is Deferred Pay. everyone, except me, gets paid when Chardonnay gets funded.

Gerald Wednesday, September 28, 2011 email

Hello child actors and parents.
Thank you for your time and efforts on Sunday, September 25th. If it was not for the rain, we would have been ahead of schedule and done with your scenes. BUT that is not the case and redo what we tried to capture last Sunday. Due to no fault but the weather, this is your special bonus to get a second try at this, otherwise I have to cut the scenes entirely and that is not what I want to do.

We will be at Double Oak again. This is one of your pick up days so it is an additional payday for you. good thing it was just the weather or else. :-$ Please wear what you had on, you all looked fantastic. Be camera ready by 8:30 am and WE will get this done before noon, because I have to get to the other location to do another scene. So I know you all will be professional actors and help us all achieve something spectacular. If not, I have to cut the scenes and we don't want to do that right? I do not.

YOUR NEW LINES are attached: What? New Lines? well for the most part they are the same, but we added a new character: Brendan played by Adrien, and we brought in another actor Freddie Olmos to play Aria, so you will all show him and each other respect and welcome him into the group. If it is at all possible, some of you might want to car pool from Sac or at least get into Nevada City and park at the County Building. Lots of parking, free, off of highway 49 on Maidu Avenue.

Thursday, September 29, 2011 message
9:04:47 AM Patricia Collins: Hi Gerald, We are still going to the other winery on Saturday....correct? And do you really need/want me on this film? It seems you had plenty of photographers. I get this feeling you were just being nice to me, because I extended a hand to you.
9:05:14 AM Gerald: The more the better and besides Mark is not there this week
9:05:22 AM Gerald: Of course I need you!!!!
9:05:40 AM Gerald: I don't bring people in just to toss them.
9:06:40 AM Gerald: Silly girl
9:11:00 AM Patricia Collins:  ok Saturday at the other winery @ 7 am. I hope the colors change soon, The colors on th Chardonnay page are just gorgeous. I got a chance to work on some of the photos....exposure and cropping. I'll send them through email.
9:11:24 AM Gerald: You had me worried you wanted off the production.
9:11:34 AM Gerald: And i was wondering what I did to make you want to.
9:15:08 AM Patricia Collins: NO not at all. I just loved so many of Mark's photos. I'm new in this business, although had great breaks so far, I'm a bit insecure.
9:15:30 AM Gerald: I am using your photos for the poster, working on it now. so there.
9:16:18 AM Patricia Collins:'re too nice for this
9:16:47 AM Patricia Collins: I really liked the one of the grapes with the mountains in the background.
1:06:27 PM Patricia Collins: Nice...thank you. I am curious which photo you chose for the poster....
1:07:28 PM Gerald: melted two of them together
1:07:51 PM Patricia Collins: And the creative sprinkel dust you added....SEE!! I knew it!
1:09:01 PM Patricia Collins:  that makes me happy.

2:11:41 PM Patricia Collins: I know what kind of pics to get of the actors... thank you.
2:12:49 PM Patricia Collins: Did you say Gary Conover(?) was the grandfather? If so, I see Michael and he so well in these rolls!!
2:13:02 PM Gerald: You know gary?
2:13:35 PM Patricia Collins: Yes...he was the 'old man' in Obstinate Orange.
2:15:56 PM Patricia Collins: he's real good, and great with kids too. My husband noticed how he was actually talking and teasing the kids...really nice. He sat down next to Katie at the Crest during the 10X10 and had her laughing so much!
Gerald Thursday, September 29, 2011 post

Day 1 Petite Chardonnay Production Debriefing and preparing for Day 2
Filed under: Petite Chardonnay by editorgerry — Leave a comment

It began as a crisp, fall, over cast morning, and ended the same way but a little wetter. Take a look at some of the stills of that day and like the facebook page. And visit the Official Chardonnay Website.

Our first day, with a few new crew members, was expected to take a while to get used to each other and the work flow.
Frank Cosgriff came in as our 1st Assistant Director
Jefferey C. Vanacore is the 2nd Assistant Director
Justin Mosier is a master guru at anything and helped out at 1st Assistant Camera, as well as, PA.
McKenna Whiting, an actress herself, is gaining experience as the 2nd Assistant Camera / slate
Dylan Nelson is one of our most needed PA’s.
Todd Boyd is one of our Audio and Boom Operators
Victoria Gary is assisting our Key Make Up Artist, but in my book she’s a Make Up Artist herself
Lisa West is covering the snack department, keeping us fed and well hydrated
Patricia Collins came in to help document the production with photography

Brendan Brooks is the Director of Photography and Cinematographer
Jim Heck is the other Director of Photography and Cinematographer
Scott Slotterbeck is back at the Audio Master helm
Krystina Mae is Script Supervisor
Mark Hoffman came to help out a few days to document the production with both photography and video
Laura Marie Tapia is the one and only Key Make Up Artist
Tamara Young-Davenport is Producing, Wardrobe, and meals.

The actors Karly Avva, Karissa Lee Carleton, Olivia Martinez Prado, Haley Klemp, Kayla Dowd, Kayla Jagger, Kameron Woods, and Adrien Bourassa. were wonderful, professional, and talented to work with.

Overall the day went well and fun. I was very pleased with the look and feel that we captured thanks to the fantastic location and our most gracious hosts of DOUBLE OAK VINEYARD & WINERY [Bob & Ginny Hilsman] — I knew it was magical when I wanted to do a movie there and wrote this story back in 2009 and I was right that it would look great on screen.

Thanks to all who made DAY ONE both memorable and worthwhile; however, thanks to the weather, the rain put a damper on the last few set ups of the day which made us have to retake most of it over again for continuity. Not to worry, we all know what we need to do and it will be an easy fix.

Petite Chardonnay (2012)  Production Day 2 Patricia Collins image 68.

photo by Patricia Collins ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 2 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 10

l-r: Todd Boyd holding boom, Krystina Mae, and Rob Tillitz in hat.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Day 2-Schedule

Day 2 schedule for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Day 2: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery: October 1, 2011

Day two was another cool, brisk morning but in Grass Valley at Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery. The sixteen person crew this week prepared the ending of the film SCENE 23(B): EXT. VINEYARD (CHARDONNAY VINES) - MORNING to be captured. In the original story screenplay, Scene 23 is split up into scene 25, 26, and 27 separated by camera view changes, but takes place in the same spot. The camera begins looking in one direction, turns and looks in another for a time-warp effect, then turns back to the original. Mulit-camera angles are then used before the crane angle ends the film.

But in the production screenplay — the one used for the film — the scenes that are split and broken up to cut away from or to a different scene then back with continuous action are reconnected to their full complete state. Technically, Petite Chardonnay has twenty-three scenes, not twenty-seven, when counting the actual continuous scenes. Last Thing First
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 2 George Ann Heck image 35.

photo by George Ann Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 2 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 23(B)

l-r: Jim Heck and Brendan Brooks setting up the crane.

Scene 23(B) is toward the end of scene 23 where Cecilia says goodbye to Michael while Richard and Chardonnay watch in amazement. Cecilia leaves and Teresa arrives in time to see Michael fall to the ground. Teresa looks at Richard and Chardonnay and asks them why they are staring into the vistas.

Gary L. Conover as Richard James Oak, Gretta Sosine as Teresa Marie Oak, and Michael Klemp as Michael Robert Oak arrive to the set for the first time in production. As the crew and cast get to know each other, Brendan, Jim, Justin, and Frank work on setting up the dolly in the vineyard to capture the moment Richard and Chardonnay enter the scene just before Cecilia leaves. Make up, wardrobe, direction notes and dialog rehearsal take place while they wait for the sun to come up and light the scene just right before recording.

Brendan Brooks is the main Cinematographer, Director of Photography, and camera 1 operator. Jim Heck is the roaming camera 2 operator, and most of the time he is not slated since he cannot be found or is forgotten about until he says “Camera two rolling,” which makes it frustrating for the script-supervisor and the second assistant camera to document the angle for the editor, which is Gerald who knows he will have to take the time to organize his takes and label them. Knowing this, Gerald does not give Jim direction where to put the camera or what to record. He lets Jim use his creative ingenuity to capture what he feels. Gerald uses at least one, if not more, of Jim's camera angles in each scene in his films.

The part of the scene that the crew began capturing was Michael watching his mother vanish in the vineyard and crying out his last “Mom, wait.” when Teresa enters and watches Michael stumble and fall to the ground while Chardonnay and Richard stared into the horizon. Lori Grbac would not be on set until day 4, so Michael Klemp's performance was important to match what he has not done yet when he is performing with Lori.

The scene continues with Chardonnay and Richard talking about Cecilia while Teresa looks confused and frustrated that no one came to aid Michael. Michael regains his composure and tells Teresa “Teresa did I tell you that I love you? Come on guys, lets go make some memories.” Chardonnay adds, “Not like were going to forget this one.”

The crane angle begins when Michael and Teresa get up off the ground and hug Chardonnay and Richard. They walk up the hill toward the camara as the camera rises over them and views the golden vineyard vistas and holds for enough time for Gerald to add ending credits. “I know that it is how filmmaking is done, you record things out of sequence and then assemble them to make a fluid, cohesive story. But this might be the first time I recorded the ending of a film on the second day of making a movie. And a movie that has more emotion connected to the ending than my previous films. I hope it works. It probably will, but it just feels weird.” Father and Son
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 2 George Ann Heck image 59.

photo by George Ann Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 2 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 9

l-r: Krystina Mae, Karly Avva, McKenna Whiting, Frank Cosgriff, Justin Mosier, Brendan Brooks, Gary L. Conover, and Gerald.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 2 Lisa West image 38.

photo by Lisa West ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 2 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 9

l-r: Frank Cosgriff, Brendan Brooks, Michael Klemp, Gary L. Conover, and Gerald.

Gretta Sosine was thanked and applauded for her performance and time coming up, and then sent on her way home as SCENE 9: EXT. VINEYARD - CONTINUOUS was the next scene to be captured. Scene 9 is a continuation of a flashback from scene 8 where Michael remembers and watches a moment when he was eleven with his friends walking the vineyard, complaining about how his dad treats him poorly.

Scene 9 opens with Michael dazed from seeing a vision in front of him and is snapped out of it by Richard and Chardonnay seeing him standing there. They discuss the waffles they had for breakfast and Richard sends Chardonnay to roam the vineyard so he can have an father and son talk with Michael.

Richard tells Michael that he was the truth and no lawyer speak. Michael tells Richard how a guy named Jessie has turned Teresa against him and accused him of an affair and abusing Chardonnay. Michael assures Richard that none of it is true, he knows Jessie is a bad influence and does not want Chardonnay to stay with Teresa and Jessie. Richard is confused and wonders where Michael is going and why wants Chardonnay to stay with him. Just as Michael is to reveal his disease, Chardonnay comes back and tells Richard that “There are people down there playing with your grapes.” Richard tells Chardonnay, “That is just Gary and Marilyn. They help me out. You don't think this old man does all of it himself, do you?

Scene 9 was an easy scene for dialog, and other than walking, there was no action to choreograph and worry about more than three camera angles. However, the row width between the vines was not wide enough to handle a cross, over-the-shoulder, isolated close-up of each actor with a steady-cam or a dolly tracking from the opposing rows through the leaves — Jim did a few passes of the angle before the Todd Boyd, the audio recorder and boom operator complained that there were too many leaves being crunched. Gerald used Jim's angle for a cut away in the film twice, but after watching it on the big screen, the movement of the camera looks like someone is watching them from the other row.

The decision was made to have Brendan Brooks on the camera, Todd Boyd recording audio, and Gerald walking behind both of them watching the performance and having the screenplay handy for lines, while everyone else waited at the end of the row to keep the footsteps and leaves crunching to a minimum. The scene was done no less than three times so a wide, and a close-up of each actor could be captured. The scene was completed and the production took a break for lunch. Uncomplicate It For Me
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 2 George Ann Heck image 69.

photo by George Ann Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 2 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 10

l-r: Gary L. Conover, Michael Klemp, Karly Avva, Cynthia Gatlin, Justin Mosier, Gerald, Brendan Brooks, Frank Cosgriff, and Jim Heck.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 2 Jim Heck image 16.

photo by Jim Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 2 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012) Scene 10

front l-r: Lisa West, Gary L. Conover, Victoria Gary, Gerald, Laura Marie Tapia.

front l-r: Cynthia Gatlin, Brendan Brooks, Krystina Mae, and Frank Cosgriff.

During lunch, Gerald received a call from Lexi Marquis who was cast to play Marilyn, Gary's wife and helper on the vineyard. Lexi is a tall, slim, pretty woman that had a hint of ruggedness to her — she would not be out of place working in a vineyard and getting her hands dirty. Gerald was looking forward to seeing her on screen and working with Rob Tillitz because their performance during the table-read made the others laugh out loud.

Lexi told Gerald that she was in grid-lock still in the Bay Area and might be there by 4:00 PM. Gerald's heart sank and told her that they were planning to be done for the day at 3:00 PM. Trying to figure out in his mind a way to go longer and wait for her arrival when reality came to play that the scene was scheduled for two and a half hours. That meant they would finish at 6:30 PM and the sun's angle would definitely be noticed. Gerald with a sad and empty feeling told Lexi to not waste her time, her safety, and to turn around a head back home. She understood and apologized. Gerald was more concerned with her stress level if she did arrive and her performance might be compromised because of it. He also was thinking that the cast and crew did not want to sit around and wait three hours to do the scene.

While on the phone with Lexi, Gerald was contemplating what to do when he noticed McKenna Whiting and Krystina Mae who were actors and not just crew members. Gerald took Brendan and Jim aside and told them the situation with Lexi, then asked, “Should Marilyn be McKenna as his granddaughter, or Krystina Mae as his daughter? ” Brendan, not knowing McKenna well enough, said Krystina, and Jim concurred. Gerald gathered Krystina and Rob and told them the situation with Lexi and asked Krystina if she wanted to be Marilyn, Gary's daughter? She quickly said yes and handed the screenplay to them both with a pencil and said, “You two go rewrite it to make it father and daughter not husband and wife.” Gerald was a little worried that the scene will have a different dynamic, but entrusted the scene with two people he has much admiration and respect.

Scene 10, scheduled to be captured after scene 9 and after lunch, gave the actors concern to wear makeshift bibs while they ate since they needed the clothes from scene 9 for SCENE 10: EXT. VINEYARD (RED GRAPE AREA) - MOMENTS LATER. The scene opens with Gary and Marilyn bantering with each other about how to trim grapes when Richard enters and introduces Chardonnay. Michael walks into view of Gary and Marilyn who greet him with dismay and tell him it has been too long since he has been back. Michael begins to explain when Agnes another long-time friend of Cecilia and Robert Oak and partner of the vineyard, played by Cynthia Gatlin, yells out…


That better not be Michael Robert Oak, I am hearing, ‘cause’ that boy is in a heap of trouble.

AGNES enters from around the corner of the vines and stops in her tracks when she sees Chardonnay.


Oh My. It is true. I felt a kindred spirit in my heart. Cecilia has returned.


My name is Chardonnay Syrah Oak.


Well, of course, you are, honey.


You have the same glow. The same golden soul as my dear friend. Your grandmother. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. She told me you were coming.


Who did?



Your grandmother.

Michael looks confused and asks if she said grandmother, which Agnes replies in anger, “Your mother, Michael. The Lord Bless her soul.” Cynthia Gatlin gives a great perfomance as Agnes interrogating Michael why he never showed up while his mother was dying or attended the funeral. Too much stress and activity, Michael loses conciseness and faints.

The scene and day end a little after 3:00 PM, the time Gerald said it would end. “It was a magical moment, a wonderous day, and a warmth inside me tells me this is going to be a great film. I wish we were doing Chardonnay, the full-length story, because the actors deserve to be on screen longer to showcase their talent and develop their character. Hopefully this will impress and move producers to finance Chardonnay.”

Gerald Sunday, October 2, 2011 email

Truly a team effort
Filed under: Aria Pictures, Petite Chardonnay by editorgerry

DATELINE: Saturday, October 1, 2011 LOCATION: On set of Petite Chardonnay at Lucchesi Vineyard & Winery, Grass Valley, California. I have spent over an hour contemplating a philosophical essay to explain my life and what this movie means to me; but it either was too sappy, to psychedelic, or just a bunch of rambling from a crazy person — which this may well end up being anyway.

Saturday was a defining day on this journey we take together — hand in hand and side by side — to complete a project we all hope, pray, and dream will be an epic, break out, life and career changing film. At the helm of the ship, so to speak, I have a responsibility to keep abreast of everything, but that is not possible when we are spread out and with the amount of souls we have involved, so I rely on each person's own inner-conscience to be self-motivating, disciplined, and caring — no one has let me, the other members, or themselves down. The attitude, the feeling, and the excitement on everyone’s face, in their eyes, and their body language shows me that we have an energy, a buzz, a camaraderie that is truly heartwarming.

I am touched that we had people step up to take on new jobs, positions, and responsibilities and to have the rest of us welcomed them into their new role or position with open arms — that tells me that everyone is giving their highest standard to give this movie the best chance it can have to be great. As always, thank you for being you and everyone was beyond compare; however, there were a few noteworthy people to mention this week that went outside their comfort zone. Lisa West for taking on the 2nd Assistant Camera position when McKenna Whiting took over the Script Supervisory role because Krystina Mae stepped into the limelight as Marilyn with flying colors. It was also the first time we got to see Gretta Sosine, Gary L. Conover, and Michael Klemp bring their characters to life which allowed Karly to be Chardonnay. Not forgetting Rob Tillitz and Cynthia Gatlin for their special moments. Oh my gosh I am tearing up now.

I hope no one is offended they were not mentioned this week, but there is plenty of time for that and if you know me at all, you know you will get your toast as big as the sun, on top of which thanking each person every week will kind of lose its meaning and power. You were all fantastic from the photographers to the PA’s; the Make Up Artist’s to the craft and Audio, the only one who honestly did not do much of anything was me. You honor me by giving me the ability to do my job, which I have not yet figured out what that is. God Bless and thank you for another memorable day, it was truly a team effort.
- gerald martin davenport your most humble writer, editor, and director of Petite Chardonnay.

DT.2 Down Time 2: October 2 - October 8, 2011

On Sunday, December 2 ,2011, Gerald, Tamara, Jim Heck, and many other filmmakers, producers, actors, parents, friends, and fans attended the 11th Access Sacramento Place Called Sacramento Screenplay Contest Premiere at the Crest Theater in Sacramento. After the ten 10-minute films were done being projected the Audience Favorite was announced and Gerald and Rob Tillitz' film, the WATERING hole, won Producer's Choice.

Gerald Sunday, October 2, 2011 email

To: Lisa West
Subject: OOPS
Lisa. I owe you a HUGE apology. When we heard Lexi Marquis was not able to make it, I looked around and saw Krystina and McKenna, two aspiring actors, and did not see you or think of you until I was looking at the media and the pictures this morning. My wife said she loved your look. At that moment, my heart sank and went, OH NO, well worse really, and realized I should have asked you to fill in the Marilyn role since you auditioned for it. I am truly sorry for overlooking you, it was as simple as that. Had I seen you at the time we were making the decision, you would have been asked, but again, this is just the beginning for us both.

Lisa West Sunday, October 2, 2011 email

You owe me no apology at all. I appreciate all your kind words and support and I have a very strong faith that everything is exactly as God designed it for all of us. I will get my shot in His timeframe. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this whole process and I am especially inspired by you, thanks again.

Brendan Brooks Sunday, October 2, 2011 email

Hey there, so I heard some movie of yours got some sort of ribbon or something???? Congratulations. Anyhow, moving forward. I asked my brother if we could use his house for the interior stuff for PC, and he said yes, now keep in mind a couple of things 1. he's trying to sell it and 2. seeing that my brother is gay (I know I know) the house is immaculate, and I don't know if it is something you have in mind, but he said we could use it so if you want to take a look let me know and also give me the day or days for the interior shots I'll let him know.

Monday, October 3, 2011 message
9:04:14 AM Antonio Mears: Congratulations! I was very impressed. Your very good at what you do. I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
9:04:51 AM Gerald: Thank you and yes I am at post production, the other stuff, eeeh. I fake it
9:06:00 AM Antonio Mears: No you have a strong sense of vision and it shows. That's what gives you an edge i think others don"t have.
9:06:32 AM Gerald: Thanks. I saw you in stalag...
9:06:49 AM Antonio Mears: Ha!
9:07:07 AM Antonio Mears: I looked sleazy! I loved it.
9:08:00 AM Gerald: hard to see you not well lit, but knew it was you
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 message
10:35:13 AM Patricia Collins: Oh.....I thought it was a trailer....
10:35:24 AM Patricia Collins: What is it called?
10:35:43 AM Patricia Collins: And I thought you were filming more than 10
10:35:53 AM Gerald: A short rendition of the longer version to look for money to make the longer version
10:36:09 AM Gerald: we are aiming for 40
10:36:16 AM Gerald: The screenplay is nearly 50 pages
10:36:23 AM Gerald: could be a 60 minute
10:36:41 AM Patricia Collins: Maybe from the forty, you can get 10 to sell it.
10:37:02 AM Patricia Collins: From what I understand...they only need ten
10:37:10 AM Gerald: it will have several variations and sizes depending on who I am, focusing on
10:37:25 AM Gerald: well we are doing a "some call it sling blade" strategy
10:37:27 AM Gerald: ten?
10:37:29 AM Gerald: for what?
10:38:19 AM Patricia Collins: a trailer is 10 minutes right?
10:38:39 AM Gerald: Trailer are 30 - 1.5 minutes long
10:38:56 AM Patricia Collins: lol....ok then a short is 10
10:39:17 AM Gerald: A short is 40 minutes or less depending on the film festival or who you talk to
10:39:32 AM Gerald: Considering most movies are 90 - 120 minutes
10:39:39 AM Gerald: 45 is a half
10:40:22 AM Patricia Collins: So I say we are filming a half a
10:40:39 AM Gerald: HALF a movie is funny
10:40:51 AM Gerald: we are shooting a 40 minute short
10:41:03 AM Gerald: did you ever hear of this movie
10:41:42 AM Gerald: Some Folks Call It a Sling Blade (1994)
10:41:58 AM Patricia Collins: I know sling blade....awesome film
10:42:08 AM Gerald: It is a 40 minute short that Billy Bob Thornton used to find money to make the full length version called SLINGBLADE
10:42:26 AM Gerald: it was a prequel to sling blade
10:42:34 AM Gerald: this is sort of what we are doing
10:42:53 AM Patricia Collins: it
10:43:12 AM Gerald: But a prequel could give away to much story so I have taken elements from chardonnay and slightly changed them and added new ones for petite
10:43:22 AM Gerald: The kid's scene... Is not in Chardonnay
10:43:32 AM Gerald: But I may have to put one in cause it's adorable
10:43:44 AM Gerald: Agnes character is brand new
10:44:16 AM Gerald: Petite is Chardonnay with some alterations to the story.
10:44:18 AM Patricia Collins: She needs a bigger part....she steals the show.
10:44:28 AM Gerald: I KNOW!!!!
10:45:34 AM Patricia Collins: Cynthia was the only person I ever walked up to and said.."You are beautiful"....
10:46:03 AM Gerald: want to take her home.
10:46:22 AM Gerald: did you see her scene being recorded?
10:46:58 AM Gerald: you know you can be you need to be own where the action is taking place too.
10:46:59 AM Patricia Collins: I heard time we are there, you need to let us know if is ok to walk down the path.
10:47:22 AM Gerald: that's where you should be most of the time.
10:47:40 AM Gerald: those are the pics I want along with the others you take, can you clone you?
10:48:30 AM Patricia Collins: I'll be there next time....I felt uncomfortable walking down there, not knowing if the camera was rolling
Gerald Wednesday, October 5, 2011 email

Now that I had time to reflect and wonder if we did the right thing by thinking of your safety, peace of mind, and our schedule and tell you to not worry about the long drive, I am truly saddened that the turn of events came to be.

I was so looking forward to having you in the movie as were many others like Rob Tillitz, I hope you know it was because of the time we had in the day and the distance you were. I do thank you for your time and talents and it was an honor and a pleasure to meet you. I hope we get the chance to work together as you have a future ahead of you in acting. Stay in touch and look for the longer version auditions, I hope with in less than two years. God Bless

Lexi Marquis Wednesday, October 5, 2011 email

Thanks, Gerald! I do understand - when it comes to filming, time is money! I'm just disappointed I missed the opportunity to share the experience with all of you. My GPS said 2.5 hours with traffic - so I allowed 3 hours - I was shocked @ the gridlock!

Well, maybe fate will allow our paths to cross some other time in the future...take care until then & I'll be looking for your movie in the theaters!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 message
10:09:50 AM Patricia Collins: YOU SHOULD BE ON TOP OF THE WORLD!! I watched the waterin!!!!! Twilight Zone!! It was really good! Paul loved it too!
10:19:20 AM Gerald: Still dizzy
10:20:26 AM Patricia Collins: it was very good....chest out and a deep breath!! Now walk proudly to the next one
10:20:58 AM Gerald: Thank You. But everyone else did the work.

10:48:19 AM Danna Dennis Wilberg: Are you still floating? hahaha
10:48:31 AM Gerald: Sort of. Mostly stunned
10:48:45 AM Danna Dennis Wilberg: Good! I hope it lasts a long time!
10:49:00 AM Danna Dennis Wilberg: What's next?
10:49:31 AM Gerald: Petite Chardonnay
10:50:12 AM Danna Dennis Wilberg: super! that sounded like a fabulous project.
Gretta Sosine Thursday, October 6, 2011 email

You ARE Awesome! The changes are great. There is one little change I would like to suggest in scene 17 pg 4: "There's more than one difference. He's made his money the hard way. He earned it by doing something for people." I found myself struggling with that last line and came up with, " There's more than one difference. Michael is an honest man. He's earned his money the hard way......the right way." I thought this would be good since what ever she says it obviously needs to piss Jessie off because of what he says to her next.

I wanted to run this by you first before I keep rehearsing it this way. All My Best.

Michael Klemp Thursday, October 6, 2011 1:45 PM email

Hi Gerald, Ryan and Frank!
I just wanted to share this with you all before I put it up on Facebook... It probably isn't going to "Rock" anyone's world (except mine:), but Ben Affleck's people just called me an hour ago, and they want me back for two more full days of filming on "ARGO"! I was told a speaking role might just be in the works for me as well, but we'll see! I am just really happy that my character is getting more "Identity" in the film. I have to drive to LA and be there by 8am tomorrow (Friday) for fittings etc. I am on set next Thursday and Friday! This is very exciting and I wanted you to know, as we all are working toward our common goal together!

Gerald Thursday, October 6, 2011 3:35 PM email

WOW!! Congrats. I guess you will be a big man before Chardonnay is out. Sang, and I thought I was going to propel your career. Safe driving. we need you.

Michael Klemp Thursday, October 6, 2011 4:10 PM email

Oh no... that's the thing Gerald. Chardonnay & you ARE what is going to propel my career! All of this other stuff is just "icing" on the cake! I'm just hoping to drum up enough credits to help promote our film before it gets released and so people will want to come and watch it with us! Our true "Star" is, of course, Karly Avva... Thank you so much for your support and yes, I will be careful... too much to lose now! :) Mike

Lynda Dowd Friday, October 7, 2011 email

Kayla has a work permit and will bring a copy on Sunday. The only other person that responded to my email was Lisa Bourassa and she sounded like she will bring copies on Sunday. Her husband was at the Office of Permits with all the paperwork today. I will try to talk to the other parents in person to see where they are at with the work permits. See you Sunday! We are so excited!!

P.S. I will be bringing donuts, and hot chocolate packets for sure! I am hoping to bring some fruit if I can get it all together. My Dad will probably help with the fruit. I have already ordered the dozens of donuts and I will pick them up at 5:30 am on Sunday before we head up to the winery. We will be bringing a water heater for the hot chocolate packets but it needs to be plugged in. Will there be access to electricity? Do you need cups for the hot chocolate? I forgot to buy at the store, but I may have enough for the kids here in my pantry.

Gerald has a long chat and discussion about Petite Chardonnay's screenplay with Dänna Dennis Wilberg, one of the ten producer's Gerald got to know from Access Sacramento this year. She kept telling him that cutting dialog would make the story pop, and that the subject of Michael's secret time away from home with Chardonnay was a concern of her. A man being accused of abuse to a child would not get custody of the child and therefore his taking of the child across state lines would be a major crime. Gerald calmed her concernes and questions stating that Jessie, the schemer, was the only one who accused Michael of this to Teresa. Teresa did not believe it to be true, knowing Michael for 15 years being the doting husband and loving father, but still questioned him about it. Which is back-story that no one sees in the film and is just hinted upon on how they arrived in the situation they are in.

No one went to any authorities, services, or organizations with any information or compliant; therefore they are not involved. It is an internal, family misunderstanding, argument, lack-of-communication, falling apart from each other. Dänna asks, “Okay. So all along, the misconception is that Michael has a secret that Teresa doesn't know what it is, and it turns out to be cancer?.” Gerald replies, “Yes, On the nose. He is embarrassed and upset with himself for having it and he has been hiding it. Angry at himself for making Teresa and a widow, like his mother made his father, whom he loves and misses, but is angry at her for doing it. His realization is, it was not his mother's fault, so he is trying to forgive her hoping Teresa will forgive me.”

Gerald does not have any correspondence about changing the location from Double Oak to Lucchesi for the redo of the kids scenes, but it was changed to eliminate the time it would take him to go from Double Oak to Lucchesi and also be one location for all units to meet up and make sure everyone was on the same page.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 3 Lisa West 27.

photo by Lisa West ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 3 - Kids Redo/Pickup for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

l-r: Kayla Jagger, Haley Klemp, Olivia Martinez Prado, Karissa Lee Carleton, Karly Avva, Kayla Dowd, Adrien Bourassa, Freddie Olmos, and Kameron Woods.

Justin Mosier, Gerald, and Frank Cosgriff in background.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 3 George Ann Heck 17.

photo by George Ann Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 3 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

l-r: Gretta Sosine and Charlie Merlo. Day 3: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery: October 9, 2011

Day three of production for Petite Chardonnay for Gerald was filled with competing emotions. Excitement to see how the car scene worked, getting to work with all five of the key cast, and working with the kids again to complete that part of the story. But also anxiety and worry because Brendan will not be there to be behind the camera and be the driving force for the day, sending Jim our for the first time as a second unit director in the car directing Charlie and Gretta and not himself, and will the kids scene go smooth an workout like he envisioned it in his mind.

The cool, brisk morning began with Jim Heck, Justin Mosier, Dylan Nelson, and Jeffery C. Vanacore setting up the car-pod for the camera on Charlie's car, while Gerald went over the performances he was looking for from Gretta and Charlie since Gerald will not be there to direct them, and Jim has no idea what Gerald is looking for from them. Jim connected the camera to his laptop, Jeffery C. Vanacore getting the microphone in a position to pick up audio, and the four of them drove off and were not expected back until around 11:30 AM. Kids Redo
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 3 George Ann Heck image 54.

photo by George Ann Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 3 - Kids Redo/Pickup for Petite Chardonnay (2012)
Scenes 14, 15, and 16.

l-r: Olivia Martinez Prado, Kayla Jagger, Kameron Woods, Adrien Bourassa, Frank (back turned), Gerald, Dylan Nelson, Justin Mosier, McKenna Whiting, and Michael Klemp.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 3 Schedule kids.

Day 3 schedule for the kids scenes on Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Gerald, Frank, Krystina, Dylan, McKenna, Laura, Victoria, Patricia, George Ann, Steve, and Tamara were left get scenes 14, 15, and 16 done with the kids. Michael, Tracy, Linda, Doug and Maureen Young, Carina, and a few other parents and grandparents huddled together for warmth to watch the kids act. Michael Klemp played the voluntary script-supervisor and child rangler.

Scene 14 was a nightmare at first as Gerald had to figure out which direction he wanted to point the camera as he did not scout the area for a location in the film before he showed up to the area at Lucchesi. And since this is not supposed to be a near a vineyard or a winery, it was critical not to have any thing in the background. The scene progressed slowly with the now three boys in the background fixing a bike and the girls in the foreground playing when Chardonnay and Kimmie arrive, and the scene ends with Chardonnay walking away with Aria to the garage to see his motorbike.

Just as they were almost done with the scene, Gerald looked through the lens at Karly's face and noticed that she was not as smiley as he knows her to be. “When I looked through the lens to set up an angle with Karly and some other girls, I noticed Karly was not smiling like she usually does. I wondered what was wrong with my Chardonnay and why is she looking upset? I poked my head out from behind the camera and I came out of my cinematographer focus and noticed that the kids were out of control, horsing around, wrestling, and throwing things at each other. They were acting like children. The first thing that went through my mind was, where was Frank, Krystina Mae, and Dylan? And where was Michael Klemp, who was keeping things in line? Why were these people not doing their jobs at keeping control and making sure everyone was behaving and paying attention?

I was a little upset that there was no respect, appreciation, or support for me knowing I am not only directing the kids, but I am also setting up the camera. It would have been nice to have some help in keeping things in order. I stood there looking at Karly not having fun and it made me not have fun. I even looked up at the parents and at this point they were all talking to each other and not watching the circus going on. I cleared my head and came to the conclusion that I do not need this aggravation and I can do what I was thinking about removing the scene. It will fix the film and end this frustration.”

Sunday, October 9, 2011 conversation

Okay, that's a wrap. We are done.”

The kids stopped what they were doing and looked at Gerald with confusion.

But we're not done with the scene.” One of the girls stated.

I am cutting the scene from the film.” Gerald replied.

The kids looked up at their parents who were now paying attention to the activities and had a concerned look on their faces as well. The crew also became worried and Frank walked up to Gerald.

What's going on? Why are you cutting the scene ?” Frank asked with hoping only Gerald could hear.

Gerald began putting the camera equipment away. “It doesn't look like they want to be in the movie anymore. They are not paying attention, horsing around, and being disruptive. And since this was an extra scene I wrote, I really do not need it. But I added it because I saw talent I thought people should see. But if they want to play around like children and not be professional actors, then they can go play.”

Are you sure you want to do this? ” Frank asked.

A few of the kids started to cry and walked a few steps to the parent group which was a few feet a way by this time.

It's up to them, not me.” Gerald made it abruptly clear.

We're sorry.” Said one of the boys.

Gerald looked at the kids and the parents and saw their sad, disappointed faces.

Oh. You still want to be in the film? ” Gerald asked.

The kids either said yes, yeah, or nodded their head in shame.

Okay then. Can we get back to work? Because we do not have much time left to get everything we need, plus everyone's close up as Chardonnay walks away.” Gerald inquired.

The kids got excited and got to their positions and were ready for the take in under a minute. Gerald conferred with the crew about the time and told them thanks for the help. He hopes he felt his disappointment with them and not the kids. They were just being what they are, kids. And if he had a chance, he would have been playing along with them.

The kids were perfect and gave everything they had and finished scene 14 and got through scene 16 following direction and paying attention. Some of the girls still had a chip on their shoulder for Gerald making them go through the emotions. Gerald could tell that the demeanor of some was different from the beginning of the day. and that made their performance a little better than the first day.

Gary L. Conover showed up a little earlier knowing the kids would be there to hand them a special card he made for them. Scene 16 finished as Charlie, Gretta, Jim, and Jeffery drove in. Gerald said his thank you's with hugs, and picture to the kids and the parents and went around the corner with a small crew, Karly, and Freddie to capture scene 15.

Scene 15 with Freddie and Karly was uncomfortable at first about getting close to each other and kissing and punching. Gerald reassured both the actors that there would not be any real kissing and no real punching.

Sunday, October 9, 2011 conversation

Freddie. Karly is not really going to hit you. We are going to make it look like she did. You have to make it look like she did with your reactions. Can you do that ?

Freddie said yes with enthusiasm and excitement.

She can hit me if she wants.” Freddie said as he smiled.

No, no. No real hitting, this is a movie. There are no real hits, punches, explosions, or kissing in movies.” Gerald replied.

Freddie looked up at Gerald with confusion and that Gerald did not know what he was talking about.

I've seen real kissing in movies.” Freddie stated.

It is all fake. And make believe. Right Karly?

No, they actually kiss in movies.” Karly points out.

Ewe, Yuck. Really? ” Gerald plays.

Karly and Freddie both nod their head.

Well, not in this movie there will be no kissing. You only try to kiss her. You do not really do it. She punches you before you can.”

Freddie lets out an understanding “Oooh.”

We are going to capture a couple of wide establishing angles, so do the motions of kissing and punching but do not do it for real. Then we will get in for close ups and make the kissing look very close and the punching look real. It is going to be a quick thing to do in fifteen-minutes. Ready?

Scene 15 went a little slower than expected, but it did get done. Karly and Freddie did well considering the rush Gerald created. Gerald thanked them and headed for a lunch break to clear his mind and welcome Jim, Charlie, Gretta, and Jeffery back. The lunch break for Gerald was a short one as he was already thinking about the Scene 18.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 3 Patricia Collins image 119.

photo by Patricia Collins ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 3 of principle photography for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Wayne Young with quad-copter/drone

Petite Chardonnay Day 3 Schedule adults.

Day 3 schedule for scene 18 on Petite Chardonnay (2012) House Parking Area

During lunch, everyone was gathered down near the cliff to the vineyard, watching a quad-copter/drone fly around by Wayne Young, Tamara's brother. It was brought to Gerald's attention that he might be able to use the quad-copter/drone for the movie. Gerald wanting to move forward with the day, agreed to let Wayne come back next Sunday to capture some aerial media for the film. Gerald had no idea what he would get or what he would use it for. After the day was done Gerald told Brendan about it who was super excited about it.

Scene 18: I/E. RENTAL CAR/HOUSE PARKING AREA - DAY is over four and a half pages long and has Michael with five lines, Richard seven, Teresa nine, Chardonnay ten, and Jessie with fourteen. The premise was Teresa and Jessie finally find Michael's family's vineyard and stop. Jessie leaves to relieve himself and Chardonnay comes from the far end and sees her mom. They hug and chat until Chardonnay sees Jessie and asks, “What's he doing here?

Jessie feels her disrespectful the attitude and says “Well. hello to you too little brat. Get in the car. Your mother's been worried about you. Where’s your sleazy dad? ” Chardonnay tries to run away when Jessie grabs her arm and brings her to the car and she screams. “Let go of me you creep.” Chardonnay struggles and falls against the car and then to the ground. Teresa is upset at Jessie and he begins to explain how child raising should be when Michael comes into view and the chaos begins until Richard shows up with a shotgun held in his arms and speaks with a soft but assertive tone before Jessie is scared back into the car and drives away.

The scene was captured with Gerald carrying a monopod with the camera on it, and an audio person behind him. The first three takes were wide establishing shots for rehearsal and for cut aways. There was a break to discuss blocking, intensity, and choreography of the punch. Gerald followed one person for two takes trying not to get in the way of the action and the actors. When it was done, the actors did the scene fourteen times and each time it got more intense. The crew not on camera or on the audio were entertained that when the last take was done they gave the actors a standing ovation. When Gerald apologized to the actors for getting in the way, they replied with, “I did not see you. I forgot you were recording.”

Dylan assisted with operating the camera for a few takes to give Gerald a break, and operating the audio equipment, to give Jim Heck a break. Justin was the armory handler, Krystina Mae was script supervisor, McKenna Whiting was second assistant camera, Jeffery C. Vanacore help Frank Cosgriff who kept the production moving forward. While George Ann Heck, Patricia Collins, and Lisa West captured the action in stills. “It was an awesome way to end a day that did not start very well and was stressful until lunch. The my brother in law Wayne, shows off his Quad-Copter and wants to help with the film. Not sure how that will be, but we will give it a try.”

DT.3 Down Time 3: October 10 - October 15, 2011
Elsa, Ludmila & Olivia Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Dear Gerald, We loved spending the night at your house. You have such a wonderful and warm family! You all made us feel at home. Please, don't apologize because the girls and I enjoyed the "show and tell" very much, and we actually wish we had more time to see the pictures your dad was going to show us. The only problem is that now Olivia wants me to make beautiful dresses for her just like Tamara does for Kyrie. :). And of course Olivia and Ludmila love their new wallets!.

We are all very excited about your movie, and Olivia is very proud about being part of it, so we wish you the best of luck with this one and all the other great movies you will make. GRACIAS!! and Olivia says Hola to Yoshi.

Gerald Monday, October 10, 2011 8:50 AM email

TO: (child actor and parent)
I want to thank you for your time and effort coming so far up the hill to be in our movie. I am truly saddened that I did not get to say goodbye to you before you left yesterday.

You were fantastic and I will make you look good on the big screen that will be seen by thousand into the hundred's of thousands of people — if not more — along with some influential people in the movie business — we hope.

We are making Petite Chardonnay to find funding to make the full-length version called Chardonnay, as you already know, which will propel my career as a filmmaker, writer, and visionary in the entertainment business, but it will also help actors and crew members with their goals with their exceptional work ethic and performance that shows on screen.

Concerning my sternness toward the kids, I am sorry I lost my composure and professionalism, and everyone had to see that from me. This is a collaborative team effort. You came and gave a great performance in my movie which makes me look good, and in turn the editing and final product will make you look great. In other words we helped each other get to where we want to be, or at the least jump start our careers. So it is OUR movie, not mine. You have ownership to it as you gave a piece of your heart, mind, and soul to me to assemble into a story that we know people with love. It may not be an immediate rise to the top for either of us, but the journey we take together will be a cherished and fruitful one, plus the relationship and friendship we have created will last forever.

Michael Klemp Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Hi Gerald, I wanted to wait until Haley got home from school to share this email with her. She was really very touched, and said that she really feels like there is a bond between the two of you for sure! I know she didn't get a chance to say good-bye to you as her mother Hannah, and Kalya Jagger's Dad Brian, drove up together. Kalya's Dad had to get back to town asap, so they left in kind of a hurry. But, Haley is so excited to watch the film making process she said that she will be coming along with me on one of our upcoming shoots so all is not lost! :)

I honestly have just been gushing about this film on Facebook and to all of my friends. I am just so impressed by the quality of acting, the "feel" of the film, and just how everything is seeming to fall into place...

Karly told me yesterday when we were getting close to being done with our scenes together, that she was "having so much fun." I told her that I felt the same way. When I talked to her Mom Tracy today on Facebook, she mentioned to me that Karly needs no help in getting out of bed at 5 or 6 in the morning, and getting ready to come to the set! I've also noticed that no one has been "acting" in this film project. Everyone has just become the character that they were cast as. Perfectly in fact... Gretta said it in a nutshell yesterday during a break in their film scenes by saying to me: "I think that this film was cast perfectly." Ummm.... No kidding Gretta!!

I am so proud of our film. I get so "into it" and I emesh myself so completely into the project, I really do forget what I "should" be doing! Yesterday, when I was helping you and Frank with the kids wasn't a "job" for me, it was an honor. Those child actors will be making this film a success, and to be able to work with each and every one of them really meant so much to me. I truly hope I didn't get in the way, or slow down the production.

In my mind, I was right there with them as a kid myself! I have worked around plenty of "Lead Actors" on different projects, and I've never seen one of them do what I have done on Chardonnay, so I hope it works out right for all of us. Usually the "Leads" have an air going on that is all their own...:) So Gerald, Congrats well in advance of the completion of "Chardonnay"!

Everything inside me tells me that once this film is done, it is headed for nothing but greatness, whether it receives the additional funding needed for the feature length version, or if it gets approved for a Lifetime, HBO, or Hallmark channel production, or even if this version sells the screenplay itself to Hollywood, something great and grand WILL HAPPEN! And, when it does, I will be more than proud to know I was a part of that greatness!

Gwen and Kameron Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Gerald, Thank you for allowing us to be part of your vision. Please continue to let us know how the movie progresses and when the funding comes in. Believing in the success of this great film and all the who were a part of it. We look forward to being able to work with you again.

Lisa Hilsman Bourassa Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Hi Gerald, Thank you!! How sweet of you to take the time to send such a nice, heart felt and personal message! I will share it with Adrien when he gets home from school today. I know he will be very touched. I did not watch the filming as Adrien did not want me around ;). I am really looking forward to seeing the film and certainly hope for the funding to come through and your career to take off!

I would have said goodbye, but you were off shooting again and I did not want to disturb you. I said goodbye to Tamara and those others I saw around. We will see each other again very soon, as Nolan will be joining in the fun in 2 weeks :)!

Linda Dowd Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Gerald, Thank you for this heart felt letter. It will mean a lot to Kayla and I can’t wait to show her when she gets home from school. It is also nice for her self-esteem. I also want to thank you for such a wonderful day! I had so much fun watching how a movie is made and taking pictures. As soon as I get a moment, I will email you all my photos. You are great with the kids and the crew. You have tons of patience and you are very kind and professional.

My Dad enjoyed meeting you and sharing his stories. I know you had tons to do, but I appreciate you listening to his story about the child who was going blind. Both Nada and my Dad had a fantastic day.

Gerald Monday, October 10, 2011 9:39 AM email

Subject: Karly you are my shining diamond.
Some actors have said this is Karly's movie. The actors, the adult actors, in the final scene, along with the crew members, including myself, were absolutely memorized at your performance, energy, and willingness. Karly, stay humble and sweet, but you are in a class by yourself. In fact some of the adult actors were worried you were going to out act them, and they said you stole the scene.

You should already be in Hollywood and I am so proud and honored to have you in this movie as the lead, I know the movie will do well. You are my secret weapon, my hidden aces up my sleeve, my Shining Diamond that will propel us BOTH, and the rest of production, to stardom where we belong.

On the note that I was stern to the kids, it was because of you. Yes, I could tell when your energy and happiness disappeared. "Why is Karly not being her jovial self?" I ask myself as I looked around at the kids not being professional. Yes, it was getting to me and at that point, when my lead actress is upset, I AM UPSET.

I am so sorry you had to see that part of me, which has not come out for many, many, years. It takes a lot to upset me. I am trying to make the best conditions for you so you can do your best work and if you are unhappy with anything, it lets me know you really, really care about this movie and if you are going to be able to become a star with the movie, you want it to be the absolute best it can be and I can see that from you and respect it, encourage it, and thank you for it. It is taking shape.

Tracy Avvakumovitz Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Thank you so much Gerald! Karly is having a blast on the set, working with all of the talented actors and crew! She truly appreciates the opportunity to play Chardonnay and all of your support and encouragement! We are all very supportive of Petite Chardonnay and hope and pray you get the funding to make the full length movie! Way to go for your dreams! Can’t wait to see the short AND the full movie!

Gerald Monday, October 10, 2011 9:39 AM email

Karissa you are a wonderful person and professional actress, and I meant what I said if Karly could not be Chardonnay, you would have been.

Tracy Avvakumovitz Monday, October 10, 2011 email

Hi Gerald! Those are such kind words. You are very sweet to include Karissa in your production. She and I had the most pleasurable time in your company. Karissa had a terrific time with you, the crew and the cast. Thank you for everything you did - I know it was a lot of work for you and it will pay off in the end, I'm sure of it. The story is amazing and you are incredible; a combination that makes a perfect movie.

We do hope to work with you again in the future. My husband and I agreed that if every movie production is as gratifying as this, we wouldn't mind letting Karissa do it full time. We'll have to find her an agent I guess....hehehehe! We all learned a lot working with you and this experience is something we will always remember. We can't wait to see the finished product. Good luck to you and everyone!

Gerald received a concerning email from Scott's wife, Tonia, stating that Scott had gone to the hospital very ill and in great of pain and Scott believes that the outcome is up in the air. Gerald sends and email and says he will pray for Scott and his health.

Monday, October 10, 2011 message
8:53:10 AM Patricia Collins: I'm happy with a lot of the shots from yesterday.....will be sleeping well this week.
8:56:59 AM Patricia Collins: Do you have some luck going with you on this movie? Or what?
8:57:29 AM Gerald: having to be stern with the kids upset me
8:57:35 AM Patricia Collins: It has been good...yesterday was amazing.
8:58:06 AM Patricia Collins: Let Frank do that...he is good with the set...he is amazing actually.
8:58:30 AM Patricia Collins: And if that was
8:58:35 AM Gerald: well, it had more of a effect coming from me
8:59:04 AM Gerald: and it was a speech I wanted to say before we started to EVERYONE, but frank says you think it is needed?
8:59:12 AM Gerald: so he talked me out of it.
8:59:27 AM Gerald: so i was upset with myself, him, and the kids for us getting there
8:59:56 AM Gerald: but the big thing is Karly's attitude changed and she was not being what I wanted and before I yelled at her I needed to know what her issues was, it was the kids. I could tell
9:00:11 AM Gerald: I was going to send them home and scrap the kids scene. I really was. I was not bluffing.
9:00:28 AM Gerald: but we did the next scene in record time.
9:01:28 AM Patricia Collins: Oh I hope I didn't screw things up...
9:03:34 AM Gerald: bring your battery charger... and an extra battery and take MORE PICTURES
9:03:45 AM Gerald: you have a fantastic eye, oh my gosh.
9:05:27 AM Gerald: Have no idea who, what, or why, but the heavens have sent me people to create a solid foundation for this project, maybe for this project or for future one's or somewhere in the stars we were just meant to be together at this time in our lives, i try not to question it, but I am one that gets to the root of the subject and analyzes it for better understanding
9:06:11 AM Gerald: but sometimes you just let it happen and hopefully add to it and encourage it.
9:07:36 AM Patricia Collins: I had battery until the end. And I will take care of the battery problem this week. I bought an extra, and it is only giving me about two hours. So I'm taking it back and hopefully getting a more powerful that can hold a charge.
9:08:22 AM Gerald: we have power for you to plug in a charger to keep one charging while you use the other.
9:09:14 AM Patricia Collins: I took about 200 shots yesterday, and Dylan helped me conserve the batteries I had. My batteries charge through the camera, so it is down time while they are charging.

10:18:57 AM Carinia Olmos: were you able to get it good, or was he still showing signs of his embarrassment?
10:19:07 AM Gerald: Freddie was good
10:19:15 AM Carinia Olmos: ok
10:19:58 AM Carinia Olmos: I was even hiding behind the truck in hopes he wouldn't find me watching, but apparently he saw me! Ugh
10:20:23 AM Gerald: He was looking, I could tell
10:20:50 AM Carinia Olmos: I think he embarrassed me more! lol
10:22:10 AM Carinia Olmos: I think you were great with the kiddos! They were a rowdy bunch for sure!
10:23:16 AM Gerald: Yeah... i should have had the talk to the sooner
10:23:19 AM Gerald: At the beginning of the day
10:24:07 AM Carinia Olmos: It's funny that you told the kids that they need to act like adults on set because that is actually the same talk that I have with Freddie before going on set!
10:24:18 AM Carinia Olmos: He says, i'm a kid though
10:24:34 AM Gerald: Yeah, but when you are working. It is a job and you have to be professional
10:24:58 AM Carinia Olmos: but I explain that when he has free time, you can be a kid, but when you are on a job its time to be professional!
10:25:01 AM Gerald: The reason I will not work with some kids I have worked with before. Because they just do not listen or follow directions, and they are a pain on set
10:25:20 AM Gerald: It is a different kind of playground
10:28:57 AM Carinia Olmos: I hear ya. I hope Freddie was ok. I wasn't watching the whole time. And I hope that you would let me know if he was misbehaving so that I would be able to talk to him and try and nip it in the bud!
10:34:17 AM Gerald: It worked out
10:39:07 AM Carinia Olmos: I will. And thank you so much for your thoughtful email! I wish I could write the way you do! I can't seem to ever put all my emotions out on paper the way you do. So thank you again!
10:39:31 AM Gerald: Thanks for that. Lots of practice since I was 3
10:39:39 AM Gerald: Not all good, but I write everyday
10:39:41 AM Carinia Olmos: wow!

9:48:17 PM Gerald: McKenna!!!
9:48:35 PM McKenna Whiting: Hey Gerald!
9:48:43 PM Gerald: QUESTION
9:48:54 PM McKenna Whiting: Yes what?
9:49:01 PM Gerald: Would you be interested in playing a role in petite?
9:49:17 PM McKenna Whiting: YES!!!!!
9:49:47 PM Gerald: Okay, I am working it in.
9:50:01 PM Gerald: Be done on Saturday, October 22
9:50:40 PM McKenna Whiting: yeah cool! I can wait, that'll be awesome thank you for considering me!
9:58:56 PM Gerald: It will be the flashback scene with young Michael and Cecilia.
9:59:17 PM Gerald: Do you have a black dress? It will be a funeral wake service at the vineyard.
9:59:45 PM Gerald: You will be a niece of Cecilia.
10:00:02 PM Gerald: which makes you a cousin to Michael
10:00:41 PM McKenna Whiting: Yes I have a black dress, but it's short... hmm or I have a long dress that looks black but it is dark dark blue... I should have a long black dress. I'll need to look!
10:01:05 PM Gerald: how short?
10:01:16 PM Gerald: Going out on the town short not like a church dress?
10:02:03 PM McKenna Whiting: the dress is about mid-thigh length
10:02:26 PM Gerald: You will be playing your age... back in the late 70s
10:02:29 PM Gerald: So it might work.
10:05:25 PM McKenna Whiting: yeah we'll see. I'll bring several options that you can take a look at if you have the time. I could also ask my mom if she has any older looking dresses.
10:05:48 PM Gerald: that are dark in color
10:07:28 PM McKenna Whiting: Oh my goodness! So excited! Thank you!
Gerald Monday, October 10, 2011 post

Petite Chardonnay Day 3
Filed under: Aria Pictures, Chardonnay, Petite Chardonnay by editorgerry

Day 3 was initially planned to do the car scene ending up with the conclusion of the car scene with all 5 lead actors. With the rain out on Day 1, I had to reschedule the scenes with the child actors. So what day would that be? Day 3. So while planning it, I find out that Brendan Brooks will not be able to make that day, nor would Todd Boyd or Scott Slotterbeck, my audio masters, no Mark Hoffman and Lisa West would be coming in around lunch time. So I figured I would send Jim Heck and Jeffrey C. Vanacore in the car with Charlie Merlo and Gretta Askew Sosine, while I stayed with the child actors and knock out the two scenes with no problems. Sometimes things don’t work out like you planned — sometimes.

The rain was gone, the day was nice, and I was feeling industrious — or crazy — maybe a little of both. The stage was set, the players were in their spot, and the clock was ticking I knew what I did wrong but still thought I could pull it off, and with a little push from Frank and myself the day ended with a roar from the crowd as we were mesmerized by the performances of everyone there.

We wrapped Karissa Lee Carleton as Kimmie, Olivia Martinez Prado as Kyriè, Haley Klemp as Oceana, Kayla Rosa as Meadow, Kayla Jagger as Sunshine, Kameron Woods as Forest, Adrien Bourassa as Sean, and Freddie Olmos as Aria.

Michael Klemp said it so well and there is no reason for me to reinvent the wheel, so I am reposting his comment.

This set of pictures means so much actually! It shows the true dedication of the cast and crew working together to make “Chardonnay” the block-buster hit that it is meant to be. I worked with the young actors in the morning (probably getting in the way:), and then I had the honor of doing my scenes in the afternoon along with Karly Avva, Charlie Merlo, Gretta Sosine, and Gary Conover… There was no “acting” going on by any of the actors I worked with… Was I disappointed? No, not at all… None of the actor’s I mentioned needed to “ACT” at all. They were, and they became, the characters in the film! Why “Act” when it was so “real” already? Karly Avva, in her role as Chardonnay, consistently delivered one stunning performance after another, take after take. Her “looks” of fear, happiness, and curiosity, will surely win your heart over when you see this film! Gretta Sosine amazed me by the look of sheer fear and apprehension as Charlie Merlo’s character grabs her daughter “Chardonnay” from her arms. Gretta is an unbelievable actress in that she made it all seem so “Real” during the scenes that I worked with her in… Charlie Merlo was mesmerizing as he “owned” the role of “Jessie…” He is truly an outstanding actor and a powerful one at that. When he and Gary Conover squared off together as Gary’s character “Richard,” armed with a shotgun, demands Charlie’s departure from the Vineyard, true chills ran down my spine as I was standing off to the side between them thinking to myself “This has got to be a movie … right?” Kudos to the two of them! Gary Conover’s soft spoken exterior pales when he assumes the role of “Richard…” Strong, fearless, opinionated, and tough are only four of the many traits he brings to life to his character who plays my father in the movie. Working with him is a real example of how a professional actor works their scenes! All I can say (and I’ve said way too much already:) is that I have never been on a film or TV set where EVERY SINGLE ACTOR nails their roles so perfectly. Gretta Sosine said it best to me as we were talking together in between her car scenes with Charlie Merlo… She said: “I really think that this movie was perfectly cast”.

- Michael Klemp

Michael did not describe himself, but he was not without merit or distinction in his non acting achievement, it was nothing short of brilliance by all of them. Charlie Merlo may or may not be wrapped, we are in discussion, or actually I am in a decision mode to bring him back to do some pick ups in the car with Gretta. scheduling nightmares.

I am so proud and honored to be blessed with so many people that care about me, the story, their fellow actors, filmmakers, and themselves. I have no idea what I have done in he past to deserve this, but I know I will be waking soon as things like this only happen in a dream. I have looked through the clips and they are breathtaking. Thank you all. this is a project that we can all be proud to be a part. Congrats on being nearly half way done — with principal photography that is.

Gerald publishes the official Petite Chardonnay (2012) film poster for everyone to view and get excited about the film.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) poster sheet - a story by Gerald Martin Davenport - When love is more important than life

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 message
6:37:36 PM Gerald: Did you look at the poster credits and read them all?
6:38:02 PM Krystina Mae: i did..i saw something but i'm not gonna say
6:39:40 PM Gerald: What did you see?
6:40:08 PM Krystina Mae: well i didn't know McKenna was
6:40:20 PM Gerald: Yup, yesterday
6:40:33 PM Krystina Mae: what part
6:41:28 PM Gerald: Michael's cousin
6:41:40 PM Gerald: Cecilia's niece
6:42:05 PM Gerald: Small part in the funeral scene, Saturday the 22
6:42:24 PM Krystina Mae: thats cool!
6:53:46 PM Gerald: So if you can bring the outfit you wore on camera on the 22nd, there will be still photos taken of the families
6:54:21 PM Gerald: I was thinking McKenna could have been you at a younger age. But she may not be seen in the photos

On Wednesday, October 12, 2011, Gerald receives and email from Scott Slotterbeck saying he is home, but not really any better. More tests to be done. Gerald sent him his more prayers and love.

Early Thursday, October 13, 2011, Jim Heck and Gerald went to Double Oak Vineyards & Winery to take additional stills for marketing needs, and video to possibly use for the beginning credits.

Todd Boyd Thursday, October 13, 2011 email

Gerald, I just got back and heard from Scott that he has been sick and is not going to be available for sound production. He has offered to loan me all his equipment but I feel I should check with you first. I understand Dylan did the sound last weekend. I need a decision from you Ok'ing me continuing w/o Scott so I can get together with him and he can give me a short course.

I used his equipment for The Break-Up with him mostly in an advisory position and I feel I can do a good job. However, if you are getting someone else, but think there is something else I can do to make myself useful, I will consider that. I enjoy being around the set So please let me know what's happening. I have a tentative schedule for this Sunday's shoot but that's all. Is everything on the same schedule?

Gerald called Todd Boyd to discuss it so there were no misunderstandings or confusion.

Gerald decided to do a production newsletter like he did for THE GOLdEN TREE that helped keep people in the know, boost their enthusiasm for the film, and give everyone involved a sense of belonging to something that they will remember for a very long time. On Wednesday, October 13, 2011, Gerald published Issue #1 of Petite Chardonnay Newsletter, and just like THE GOLdEN TREE newsletter, it was a rushed publication without direction or a title. Gerald published Issue #2 of the newsletter titled The Grape Vine on the following day with additional updates.

Issue #1 of Petite Chardonnay (2012) newsletter

Issue #1 of Petite Chardonnay Newsletter

Wednesday, October 13, 2011

Issue #2 of Petite Chardonnay (2012) newsletter

The Grape Vine, Issue #2 of Petite Chardonnay Newsletter

Thursday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011 message
9:53:18 AM Patricia Collins: Hi Gerald....loved your newsletter. I've been spreading the word! ....I hope all is well

2:03:27 PM Krystina Mae: cool newsletter! Also I think Sun will be a calmer day for all our nerves. LOL
2:03:45 PM Gerald: Hopeful
2:04:48 PM Krystina Mae: well you got Michael who we know is good and professional, we got Karly who is good and very mature for her age and also Gary so I think we'll be good to go!
2:05:24 PM Gerald: Not the cast it is the crew I am worried about
2:05:40 PM Krystina Mae: haha..wait why?
2:05:47 PM Gerald: People not doing their jobs
2:06:16 PM Krystina Mae: really?
2:06:35 PM Gerald: Some
2:08:00 PM Gerald: I will get with each person
2:08:08 PM Gerald: But since I have you, you need to be more vocal.
2:08:23 PM Gerald: You are the script-supervisor
2:08:41 PM Gerald: In charge of the list of shots. You tell me what was covered or not
2:08:48 PM Krystina Mae: OK. In what way without crossing Frank's line
2:08:57 PM Gerald: With the notes. You write down all the info about the take
2:09:20 PM Gerald: that is your job...
2:09:39 PM Gerald: If take one was good up to middle and we cut, you write that down
2:09:48 PM Krystina Mae: Ok, so I will speak up, I feared that because I didn't want to cross lines
2:09:52 PM Gerald: If take two bad then good then bad
2:10:29 PM Gerald: Than I want to go to next set up you have to tell me, you should take another for coverage cause you have 1 good take for the whole scene
2:10:36 PM Gerald: Or if we have good up to middle
2:10:40 PM Gerald: Good up to middle. Yes, it should be discussed with Frank to let him know, so he can plan and schedule other things and such
2:11:04 PM Krystina Mae: I did forget to note about scene 15 with all the kids when you went off the shot list on the notepad but marked the takes on the shot list
2:11:09 PM Gerald: When I say let us got to next set up, you have to stop me and tell me what we missed or need.
2:11:45 PM Gerald: It is your job, and I am relying on you to make sure we get what we need from each camera set up and take
2:12:09 PM Krystina Mae: OK, i will do as you said, I guess if I cross a line then apologize of not knowing but you are asking me to speak up more, you got it!
2:12:10 PM Gerald: Reason we missed lots of coverage on the WATERING hole
2:12:38 PM Gerald: If you come to me and say, hey you did not get this, I might say, we will cover it from this angle.
2:12:58 PM Gerald: You just have to remind me so I can go through my mind as I am editing and think if I might want another take
2:13:14 PM Gerald: We never got the shot from rob when he says. I don't drink. on camera
2:13:32 PM Gerald: SS fault. Well mine actually because I put a person who never did SS in the position
2:13:52 PM Gerald: Your are Script supervisor. If that means over riding frank or me, that is the job
2:14:44 PM Gerald: You are in charge of the takes and camera set ups and notes.
2:14:53 PM Gerald: The technical stuff, so I can concentrate on the creative stuff.
2:15:49 PM Gerald: It is not about who is in charge, it is about getting the stuf we need and who is in control of that knowledge
2:15:52 PM Gerald: you are.
2:17:23 PM Krystina Mae: alright. will do. i felt like i couldn't say much last week so i will just speak up on things that need to be brought to your attention
2:17:59 PM Gerald: Someone changes a line, that needs to be noted.
2:18:02 PM Gerald: continuity
2:18:22 PM Gerald: The first take they say "Cover the mast and sheer the lines"
2:18:39 PM Gerald: The remaining takes they say "Cover the mast and sheer the front lines"
2:18:59 PM Gerald: or anything outside the lines in the screenplay
2:19:24 PM Gerald: These need to be noted and brought to my attention so we can get everyone on the same page as you have in your hand.
2:20:08 PM Gerald: If the actor changes it, note it, and say. to me, that the actor said this then that then went back to this. that way we can get them to be consistant what ever they are going to say.
2:20:22 PM Gerald: SS is a tought job...
2:20:44 PM Gerald: Lots of responsibility. Lots to stay on top of.
2:21:06 PM Gerald: Which is why 2nd AC helps with that. At least I like my 2nd AC to help. They should be paying attention to the action being recorded.
2:22:02 PM Gerald: You have to be near and behind the camera.
2:22:07 PM Gerald: It is a team. Not a social hour.
2:22:13 PM Gerald: I will talk to Frank about what we discussed.
2:22:31 PM Gerald: Jeff too. Dylan, Justin. and so forth.
2:22:42 PM Gerald: Need them ready for anything, be on alert and ready to go
2:22:57 PM Gerald: It is not a two man job camera and audio. And the others can socialize and kick back.
2:23:09 PM Krystina Mae: like karly said for instance 'gymnastics, ballet, softbal'l in one take then said 'softball, gymnastics and ballet' in the next..even if its a CU covered scene that needs to be brought up or noted?
2:23:25 PM Gerald: OH YES!!!!
2:25:07 PM Gerald: And the circle of talkers needs to be split up. I know it is a rookie crew, and having fun. but we are there for a reason.
2:26:49 PM Gerald: As I look at it, the SS is the directors assistant.
2:27:01 PM Gerald: that overrides any thing the 1st AD says
2:27:20 PM Gerald: just because I say so
2:27:52 PM Krystina Mae: I didn't realize the authority level so i will throw down the gauntlet when needed.
2:28:00 PM Gerald: Frank is there to keep things moving, not much in the creative side but technical and organization
2:28:24 PM Gerald: Again, it is a serious position...
2:28:26 PM Krystina Mae: Alright now i am looking forward to sunday now..haha
2:28:54 PM Krystina Mae: yeah i know. so what is it we missed last weekend
2:31:02 PM Krystina Mae: Well i apologize if i didn't live up to the job last weekend
2:32:17 PM Gerald: It is not you. It was me for not discussing this sooner with you and telling you what I was expecting
2:42:45 PM Krystina Mae: ok, well now i have a better understanding of whats needed. i will bring a chair so i can sit this focus more
2:43:22 PM Gerald: I had chairs for you each time and a table
2:43:27 PM Gerald: Course the table gets food on it
2:43:47 PM Gerald: Why do you think I set you up with a table the first day
2:56:09 PM Gerald: Here is an image I am working on
2:57:36 PM Gerald: What more does it need? Is that simple enough, ornate enough?
2:58:11 PM Gerald: I think I might add grape bunches inside the tree a few places
2:58:37 PM Gerald: Established should be same Style as the other text?
2:58:57 PM Krystina Mae: Are you asking for creative advice? i like it a lot but to top part i think should be the darkest and then keep the colors lightening down the tree as it is.
3:03:24 PM Krystina Mae: What is this gonna be used for?
3:03:55 PM Gerald: The logo for their winery
3:04:08 PM Gerald: On the mug Richard will be drinking from
3:04:13 PM Gerald: As well as props in the house
3:05:10 PM Krystina Mae: that is neat! damn, do you ever let people help

3:06:08 PM Gerald: It is not that i do not have people help. It is more about that do they know what to do? And what I want?
3:06:57 PM Krystina Mae: You are directing, even working the camera, editing, writing, now designing, many hats are you wearing today?
3:07:19 PM Gerald: Too many
3:09:17 PM Krystina Mae: indeed. i wish i was more experienced so i could take a hat
3:09:34 PM Gerald: I would give hats away. I am not afraid of that.
3:10:44 PM Gerald: Cause I really want to create a team that creates the vision I have, but more importantly is able to be engaged and implement the ideas on their own.
3:11:22 PM Krystina Mae: I know and i want to work with you on many more projects
3:17:16 PM Krystina Mae: you inspire people to be their best and learn from the best. You are fair, strict when needed, kind and trustworthy. You seem to want to stick with familiar and comfort. Not kissing ass, its just what I have learned from 5 months working and knowing you.
3:18:11 PM Gerald: Thank you. It is what I aspire to achieve.
3:20:22 PM Krystina Mae: oh it works. i mean i want to be better and achieve at high levels because of the experiences i have learned from working with you. I've worked with some directors and none have inspired me or fired me up Day 4: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery: October 16, 2011 Aerial Test
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 4: Drone, Wayne Young, Brendan Brooks, and Gary L. Conover.

photo by Jim Heck ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 4 - Petite Chardonnay (2012) Opening
Scene 1

l-r: Drone, Wayne Young, Brendan Brooks, and Gary L. Conover.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Day 4 Schedule.

Day 4 schedule for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Day 4 started with Don Weller and Wayne Young arriving early to capture some aerial video with their quad-copter. Gerald thought about the images he wanted using aerial video and tried to explain it to Wayne. The cast & crew looked on as Wayne flew the quad-copter over the vineyard with Gary L. Conover standing, looking at the vines. Don Weller monitored the video feed while Gerald looked over his should to view the small, dark screen the images the quad-copter was sending.

Brendan Brooks was more excited about the copter and pushed Gerald aside to view the feed and get talk to Don and Wayne. Wayne took twelve passes at the instructions Gerald gave him of the camera flow he wanted, but it was not working due to some equipment issue. While everyone was standing on the small butte, cliff, or elevated area above the vineyard, Gerald came up with several new angles for Wayne to capture. Gerald needs to add the action to the screenplay to create a shot list, updated the length of the scene, and to add the new scene, or extended scene, to the schedule.

You need to use some aerials. They would add great production value.” Brendan tells Gerald. Gerald tells Brendan his ideas and Brendan adds a few of his own while Wayne, Jim, and Don all agree. They also agreed that today was not the day to do it. They asked Gary if he could be up by 6:00 AM next Sunday to capture him looking out into the vineyard with the quad-copter before the scheduled scene. Gary gave Gerald a stern look and then smiled. Morning Tranquility

The Davenport's library of movies on DVD and Blu Ray add up to over 4,100 titles. Gerald has watched most of them at least once. The ones he has not watched are either movies his daughter Kyriè, his son Aria, or his wife Tamara like that he does not, but are in the family movie collection. The collection does not include every movie that Gerald has seen in his life, only ones he truly likes and were available for purchase. Gerald studied the classics to the award winners and everything in between to compare the camera angles, editing, acting, story, action, and pacing.

Most of the cinematic films, not always the big budgeted ones, had a way of displaying the opening credits without taking away from the story. They actually added to or enhanced the story. While other films, still good stories, looked like they were made for television with the credits over the action, placing them anywhere without any concern for the imagery, emotion, and continuity.”

Gerald's wrote his first screenplay back in 1980 about the imagination, it had an opening credit sequence. For ten years he felt it establish the mood and feeling of the film. In 1990, people whom he he let read it said it read like a slow, drawn out novel, so he removed the opening credit sequence and it is not in the novel. Since then, Gerald has never written an opening title or credit sequence in any of his screenplays, nor has he included a closing credit sequence. The opening credit sequence for Paint (2006) was penciled in during the images of Aria running that he might add credits. THE GOLdEN TREE screenplay began with two miners panning for gold. It was an after thought that it needed something for the longer version when Brendan and Gerald captured the river from first light to the miners, to display the credits.

Chardonnay, as with Petite Chardonnay, Gerald begins the screenplay with imagery and action with no thought of opening credits. However, he did write a montage of images where Richard is taking his morning walk though the vineyard inspecting the crop and enjoying the beauty.

TITLE: Chardonnay

December 17, 2016



An AGED MALE HAND grabs a MUG off the hook and sets it on the counter next to the COFFEE POT. Coffee pours into the mug, and the pot is set back.

The mug disappears and a slurping sound is followed by a sigh. Footsteps walk away and a door is opened and then closed and an Aged Man with a beard walks passed the window.


RICHARD, (60’s), is wearing typical work clothes for working on a farm or winery. Richard walks to the railing on the wooden deck and looks out over the vineyard. Richard takes another sip of coffee as he surveys the landscape.




Richard walks down a row of CHARDONNAY VINES and stops and looks at the grapes. He picks a few, rubs them, sniffs them, and takes one of the grapes and eats it. His face shows pleasure and happiness for the flavor and quantity of the crop when...


Dad. What are you doing here?
Petite Chardonnay (2012) Production Day 4: Drone, Wayne Young, Brendan Brooks, and Gary L. Conover.

photo by Lisa West ©2011

Behind the scenes - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery

Day 4 - Petite Chardonnay (2012) Crew
Scene 2, 3, and 4

l-r: Don Weller, Steve Dakota, Gary L. Conover, Todd Boyd, Justin Mosier, Krystina Mae, Gerald Martin Davenport, McKenna Whiting, Wayne Young, Dylan Nelson, Jeffery C. Vanacore, Brendan Brooks, Jim Heck, and Frank Cosgriff.

Scene 2 where Richard and Michael talk in person for the first time in over twenty five years, and it does not go well. The camera was managed by Brendan Brooks on his steadi-cam system. The day was beautiful and the buzz was still in the air about the drone, when Gary L. Conover and Michael Klemp began working on their greeting scenes that take place in two rows of vines.

One of the actors was not off-book and brought a white board to remember his lines. At one point while the actor was saying his lines, he said words that we not in the screenplay. Gerald and Krystina looked at each other with a very confused look. They flipped through the screenplay to see where he was, but they could not find it. After the take, Gerald appraoched the actor and asked what he was reading. The actor told him he rephrased and summarized the lines so he could remember them.

After the stunned silence from the crew and Gerald, things were worked out that it was not going to happen again, or so they hoped it would not. Someone mentioned that Gerald should recast the role of Michael, but since the=y were already so far in to production, and time was not on their side for the fall colors on the vineyard, it is not going to do the production and good to change now. Chardonnay Syrah Oak

After lunch the cast and crew set up for scene 3 where Michael and Richard walk up to the house next to Michael's car and Richard is introduced to his granddaughter Chardonnay Syrah Oak played by Karly Avva. Scene 5, the most touching scene between Karly and Gary takes place and after a few takes, Karly asks Gary if he is crying. An unfortunate situation happened after the day's production. The extra takes that Brendan did with Karly exiting the vehicle and an angle of Gary was not downloaded, Brendan swears he gave Gerald all the sd-cards and Gerald downloaded all the cards that were given to him. Yet, those takes are gone forever.

DT.4 Down Time 4: October 17 - October 21, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011 message
8:27:02 AM Pat Fleming (gerald's mom): how the move coming
8:28:03 AM iGer: speechless
8:28:11 AM iGer: drives me to tears every day
8:28:14 AM Pat Fleming: ok
8:28:17 AM iGer: fabulous actors
8:28:21 AM iGer: wonderful crew
8:28:25 AM Pat Fleming: happy
8:28:28 AM iGer: it is taking shape
8:29:01 AM Pat Fleming: can't wait to see some of it
8:29:08 AM iGer: you seen the pictures I surmise of the days?
8:39:48 AM Pat Fleming: k sound good wish i could help
8:39:58 AM iGer: we want this thing to pop and rock people's worlds
8:40:14 AM iGer: doing that will get us the 3.2 million we want to make the full length picture
8:40:40 AM iGer: so I am focusing on making the best thing we can with what we have
8:40:51 AM Pat Fleming: you know it well you have it in you to be great
10:06:00 AM Bill Bettencourt: Hi Gerald. Are you almost done shooting Petite Chardonay?
10:06:19 AM iGer: two more planned days.
10:06:46 AM Bill Bettencourt: sounds like everyone is having fun and things are going well for you
10:07:20 AM Bill Bettencourt: have a great day
10:07:31 AM iGer: it's been a ride so far.
10:07:33 AM iGer: thanks
10:10:42 AM iGer: how is your project coming?
10:14:56 AM Bill Bettencourt: I am meeting with denios GM and others on 11-25. if we get approval we will shoot a live show at the farmers market.
10:15:19 AM iGer: SWEET!!!!
10:15:32 AM Bill Bettencourt: crickets check, taser check, costumes check
10:16:08 AM Bill Bettencourt: this is definitely not the fun part of the business
10:16:26 AM iGer: you are learning quick grasshopper
10:15:00 AM Patricia Collins: Hey....did my pics transfer ok on your computer? I can't get my computer to read my card....arrrgggg....
10:15:33 AM iGer: really? yes they did.
10:24:48 AM Patricia Collins: so...did you get a chance to look at them?
10:25:03 AM Patricia Collins: ok...tell me the bad news first.
10:25:45 AM iGer: and they looked fine. i saw nothing wrong with them
10:26:13 AM iGer: i had lots to transfer over. 78 gig.
10:28:12 AM iGer: i do need an assistant or two to handle some of the other stuff
10:28:25 AM iGer: the pics are all there
12:15:43 PM Delaire Doyle: yo!
12:15:48 PM Delaire Doyle: hwya been?
12:15:49 PM iGer: hey hey
12:15:59 PM Delaire Doyle: how is your shoot coming
12:16:12 PM iGer: sweet
12:16:17 PM Delaire Doyle: cool
12:16:46 PM iGer: i know, better than hoped for
12:16:47 PM Delaire Doyle: do u know anyone that is good with horror stunts, blood, and killing people?
12:17:07 PM iGer: I know a great special effects make up artist
12:17:22 PM iGer: she is working for us and is without a doubt, someone I will not let go.
12:17:32 PM Delaire Doyle: lol
12:17:36 PM iGer: she will be my make up lady for the rest of my life, and I don't do horror movies
12:17:38 PM Delaire Doyle: that's good news
12:18:05 PM iGer: she was the make up gal for ignoble caper with Vincent
12:20:45 PM iGer: send her message
1:44:25 PM Krystina Mae: Hey G! Guess what I have a table read tomorrow for a movie. I play this nice lady, or what you think is nice with a dark past and the by the end I am revealed as a ME? HAHA! Its being filmed on Halloween weekend. Crazy, huh? How are you?
1:45:01 PM iGer: cool
1:47:03 PM Krystina Mae: you seem busy, i leave you be but I thought I'd let you know that having a part of Char, I am not at all apprehensive to this new opportunity. I will chat with you later. Have a good one!
1:47:21 PM iGer: i am glad to hear.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 message
2:52:51 PM iGer: Miss Victoria Gary. I hope you are having fun. you are the silent rock that supports us.
2:53:22 PM iGer: everyone is truly appreciative of you and Laura!!!
2:56:01 PM Victoria Gary: Hi! I am having a great time. You are all great people and I'm enjoying the experience.
2:56:26 PM Victoria Gary: Very talented group of people.
2:57:02 PM iGer: I got lucky. I really did. I am so humble and honored to have such talent not in front of me and not behind me but at my side.
2:57:38 PM iGer: not sure everyone thinks the same of me... "that crazy guy."
2:59:33 PM Victoria Gary: Ha ha. Well, I do know that everyone speaks highly of you and I don't think your crazy. But then again, my mom is the craziest of them all so everyone is normal to me. haha. jk
3:02:13 PM iGer: funny!!!
3:02:20 PM iGer: crazy good!!!
3:03:32 PM Victoria Gary: That's what I always say!
4:02:15 PM Beth Cameron: i am hearing the whisperings of some amazing things with chardonnay congrats on it going well
4:02:43 PM iGer: whispers? really? only whispers? hmmm.
4:03:05 PM iGer: thanks. though, but it's not me it's everyone
4:03:12 PM Beth Cameron: well from people enjoying the filming
4:03:33 PM Beth Cameron: that is always a good sign if people are enjoying themselves
4:03:56 PM iGer: i wish it were because of me... but it's not
4:04:06 PM Beth Cameron: well it is your idea
4:04:15 PM Beth Cameron: stop being so hard on yourself you darn artistic types
4:04:23 PM iGer: that's us
Wayne Young Tuesday, October 18, 2011 email

Don and I have worked on the 'jello' roll we have and have gone to the gopro case and mount. and the camera is now slung under the copter.

I have attached todays last test clip, you'll see the roll just before takeoff and from what my player plays back it looks like it goes away after liftoff.

I will take more clips in the morning plus I will have a white target with black lines on it so we can see what is happening.

Gerald Wednesday, October 19, 2011 email

Alright everyone.

I am sending this out as a pre-get yourself ready info type thing. does that make sense? NO. But I am not ready to send out the finished info packet for this SATURDAY, but I want to give a heads up, a pre-warning so you can put it into your calendar and plans. I am planting the seed.

We do not have Frank this Saturday, but Jeffery C. Vanacore will be filling in for him.

Also. call time for crew and cast [Lori, Jacob, and Michael Klemp] is 7 am: be camera ready by 7:30am

Michael could probably show up at 8am.

the video from the Quadcopter had some artifacts in it, so we will be doing new takes for that with Michael and Richard -- be prepared with wardrobe.

ALSO: we need two boys bikes for the afternoon scene, Justin not sure if you have two semi working one's but I think the one you brought might work as one since we did not really establish the bike and get a good look at it. also bring a pad or two for stunts.

need the pistols.

•••• which brings to mind, Jim, Brendan, Justin, and other tech crew. If we think we cannot get bikes and/or we think the crashing the bike might be difficult to organize, should I rewrite the scene to something other than bikes?

More to come as I get it organized

Jim Wednesday, October 19, 2011 email

What if the two boys are riding down the row. When they approach the end of the row Martin ,who was out guarding the vineyard, jumps out from around the adjacent row, plastic guns drawn, and startles the two and say HAULT or something. They skid to a stop but Michael bangs the sign while trying to stop and the dry rotted wooden attachment cracks(sound), gives way and the sign falls to the ground

Gerald Wednesday, October 19, 2011 email

ooh, that's good.

the only thing though. and this is just from a pacing and dynamics point of view is the movie has no REAL action. this could be one of the action scenes if there is a crash, that is the only thing that is bothering me about changing it.

I like the crash, but unless we find a good feasible place that would make sense.

I figured as he says his line "we're pro's, what could happen?" as he turns his head he turns the handle bars and heads for the end of the row and cannot correct in time.

CRASH!!!! he lands, the bike goes careening over the 3 mile high cliff and explodes when it lands. then the sign falls.

Brendan Brooks Wednesday, October 19, 2011 email

How about a cougar jumping out from the vines and mauling the living shit out of Michael, one of the other kids comes up and grabs the sign off the post and starts bashing the cougars head in, all the while saying "take that bitch." then when they kill the Cougar the rip out its heart and drink its blood, and they all laugh with their blood-stained mouths.

now there's some action people.

Gerald Thursday, October 20, 2011 email

Yes, I messed up. which is why I am glad we have frank, except this weekend.


if you can follow along closely I will try to be as simple, to the point, and detailed as I can be.

We need, AT LEAST, Wayne, Don, Gary, Brendan, Jim, Michael, Jeff, and me as early as we can be to get the Aerial's redone in the morning. ASAP.

• the aerial of him on the ledge looking out and walking away
• wide panning shot of vista and horizon [we never got]
• the aerial of Gary in the vineyard.
• the aerial of Gary and Michael in the vineyard arguing.

If we can get those in less than 30 min that would be awesome.

So yes, Gary, Michael, Wayne, and Don your call time has been upped.

You also notice that after scene 21 - 22 Gary and Jacob go with Patricia to take stills for pictures we need for the 13th of November: she knows the details.

After scene 23a, we need Jacob, Gary, and Lori to take pictures in the vineyard as a family, but Lori needs to change clothes or put something over her whites real quick.

At this point in time, we are setting up for the WAKE scene as everyone should be getting prepared. We start with the 3 main actors, Lori, Jacob, and McKenna, and as the scene ends we bring in the mourner's and Gary. Hopefully all the above is done by 11:30 -- we have a long day, lots to do, and this is lunch time.

After lunch: Lori, Gary, and Jacob for more stills down in the tasting room and other spots with Patricia. We need to get started no later than 1:30 for the boys scenes.

thank you all for your time and effort. lets make this thing awesome, it has been so far. We have five new faces on the acting scene, well two really, McKenna has been with us and know how we rock.

Lori Grbac is Cecilia Oak
Jacob Ambrosini is Young Michael Robert Oak
Nolan Bourassa is Darrel Mosier
C.J. Berdahl is Martin Davenport

We welcome you to our little production. wardrobe and other details coming individually.

Friday, October 21, 2011 message
9:34:20 AM iGer: went to look at Brendan's brother's house
9:34:47 AM iGer: looks good, not what I think richard would have but it has the wood floor, ceiling, and very very interesting architecture
9:35:10 AM iGer: more so than other normal home's that people have offered
9:35:59 AM Jim Heck: I'll ask around. see what I can find
9:36:26 AM iGer: it looks great. I fell in love with it as we kept looking around.
9:38:05 AM Jim Heck: so lets use it.
9:38:18 AM iGer: We will if he hasn't sold it.
9:38:26 AM iGer: he'll know by monday if he gets an offer
9:38:46 AM iGer: all this after I started planning the shots
9:41:09 AM Jim Heck: My neighbor is walking away from his home. Don't know the timing. It has a darker interior with lots of homey wood on the walls. I could ask him.
9:41:22 AM iGer: walking away?
9:42:25 AM Jim Heck: Can't pay and he is living on borrowed time. Cancer of the bones. Great guy to.
9:42:56 AM iGer: that is sad. just horrible... more so on the cancer part.
9:44:41 AM Jim Heck: Bought a house in penn valley. Doesn't know when he will stop payments and the bank will take it back but if its avail it might work.
9:36:02 AM iGer: you almost got a call from me for Aramis. thought I might have had a boy not show up for tomorrow.
9:36:24 AM Beth Cameron: ahh hope he shows
9:36:57 AM iGer: had a confirmation that he'd be there, but I had my fingers on the phone ready to dial.
9:37:10 AM Beth Cameron: lol
9:37:14 AM Beth Cameron: glad to hear it worked out
9:37:59 AM iGer: so just letting you know I am always thinking of you and him.
9:12:27 PM Patricia Collins: What are you doing up?
9:12:47 PM iGer: working... finishing script changes, printing it, shot lists...
9:12:54 PM iGer: I can ask the same to you
9:13:08 PM iGer: It's only 9...
9:13:37 PM Patricia Collins: I'm still recovering...I'll be there. I don't know how well I'll feel, but I shall do my best.
9:13:55 PM Patricia Collins: 9? It feels like midnight....
11:09:05 PM Eileen Giuliacci: Hi Gerald... Are you going to be casting any extras for your movie Chardonnay?
11:09:27 PM iGer: uhm.. well the day we would be needing any is tomorrow
11:09:50 PM Eileen Giuliacci: oh really.. lol
11:10:22 PM Eileen Giuliacci: adult or kid
11:11:51 PM iGer: did not matter it was a wake scene, background and how background they might have been. won't know till we get there tomorrow and set up the scene, I figured it wasn't that important enough to bother real actors to be in black clothing and may not be seen so I opened it up to the crew.
11:12:24 PM iGer: it is a really small segment that they MIGHT be seen in.
11:12:35 PM Eileen Giuliacci: oh..
11:12:42 PM iGer: no more than 2 minutes... maybe...
11:13:00 PM Eileen Giuliacci: well, if you ever need any kids last minute let me know..
11:13:56 PM iGer: I did cast 5 out of 18 girls
11:14:08 PM iGer: and 3 out of 6 boys
11:14:11 PM Eileen Giuliacci: I saw that.. I know a few of your cast members
11:14:14 PM iGer: plus added freddie olmos
11:14:53 PM iGer: tomorrow is the boys scenes... and more adults most of the day will be crying. sad and touching....
11:15:21 PM Eileen Giuliacci: can't wait to see it..
11:15:32 PM Eileen Giuliacci: looks like a good movie
11:15:47 PM iGer: i can't either. I am hoping so. on my end.
11:16:06 PM iGer: the cast has been WOW. crew OH MAN.
11:16:07 PM Eileen Giuliacci: Saw some of your recent stuff.. You do really nice work
11:16:16 PM Eileen Giuliacci: I am sure your movie will be GREAT
11:16:31 PM iGer: performances are amazing and the locations are breathtaking
11:16:32 PM Eileen Giuliacci: I want you to do the reel for Elissa
11:16:45 PM Eileen Giuliacci: I am trying to get more stuff for it right now
11:17:10 PM Eileen Giuliacci: Yes, I saw all your pictures.. Looks like you have an awesome group of people involved
11:17:21 PM iGer: I want to make this movie speak for the talent in sacramento...
11:17:41 PM Eileen Giuliacci: that is why we were so bummed we couldn't even audition...
11:17:44 PM iGer: and for me too, but to spread the wealth
11:18:00 PM Eileen Giuliacci: hopefully my girls will get a chance to work with you in the future
11:18:25 PM Eileen Giuliacci: You already won an award.. you will win another for this maybe too!!
11:18:36 PM Eileen Giuliacci: When are you going to screen this movie?
11:19:02 PM iGer: there is that, but I do it to entertain, educate, and meet and work with great people to create an ever lasting story
11:19:30 PM Eileen Giuliacci: I love it when people give others a great opportunity to become successful
11:19:59 PM Eileen Giuliacci: that is a very selfless thing to do for others...
11:20:00 PM iGer: the date in pencil to have a screenable version is april 9
11:20:04 PM iGer: my son's birthday
11:20:41 PM iGer: there will be private screenings for key people before that making notes and critiques
11:21:23 PM iGer: so some time in april or may there will be a screening to the general public to see how they respond then go back and tweak it again
11:32:50 PM Eileen Giuliacci: So, what do you think of Michael? he is great isn't he?
11:32:59 PM Eileen Giuliacci: he worked with Elissa on a commercial before
11:33:13 PM iGer: he is when he understands the scene then it's spot on!
11:33:41 PM Eileen Giuliacci: I think he is a great guy overall
11:33:49 PM iGer: but before that, it's interesting11:34:22 PM iGer: last week, we did a scene and he read some lines and I went CUT. what are you reading?
11:34:44 PM iGer: he had rewritten a section of lines.
11:34:54 PM Eileen Giuliacci: he did?
11:35:20 PM iGer: I went, hey, i don't mind people rephrasing it to meet the needs of the character, but most people ask first. read what was written originally
11:35:28 PM iGer: he did and said, your right it plays better
11:35:58 PM Eileen Giuliacci: wow, I didn't know people actually tried to rewrite it.. lol
11:36:06 PM iGer: I mean, I am all for someone getting into the role, but he completely changed the lines and the meaning.
11:36:21 PM Eileen Giuliacci: that would have ticked me off a bit...
11:36:33 PM iGer: the lead female asked, she said I think teresa would say this....
11:36:41 PM iGer: and I liked it and said, do it.
11:36:55 PM iGer: Charlie asked about something, and I went, okay lets do it.
11:37:07 PM Eileen Giuliacci: well, at least you are willing to go with it if you think it fits
11:37:11 PM iGer: Karly, the 12 year old lead did the same thing and I said, you;'re right
11:37:23 PM iGer: Gary also asked and made suggestions.
11:37:37 PM iGer: Michael, he just came in and read them and threw me for a loop
11:38:08 PM iGer: it was sort of making me mad. but I said read what was written.
11:38:11 PM Eileen Giuliacci: well, maybe he figured you were cool with the others doing it..
11:38:27 PM Eileen Giuliacci: but he should have asked
11:38:43 PM iGer: he did, then every once in a while as the scene went on he changed a few things and I would have to do another take and say, no the word or line is this....
11:39:27 PM Eileen Giuliacci: so, do most actors try to change things that you notice or do most of them just read what you wrote?
11:39:27 PM iGer: I just see he's passionate about the project, story and character. but I think he needs to know, he's an actor and does not know the whole story
11:39:52 PM iGer: most read what is written afraid to make suggestions or ideas
11:40:34 PM Eileen Giuliacci: thats what I figured
11:40:45 PM iGer: I ask for them to take what is written and make it what the character would say, but bring it to my attention forst so we can discuss it if it ill fit
11:51:58 PM Eileen Giuliacci: karly is a cutie
11:52:18 PM iGer: yes as so professional, she has all the adults and crew mesmerized
11:52:27 PM iGer: they just want to sit and watch her act.
11:52:37 PM Eileen Giuliacci: how awesome
11:52:43 PM iGer: the adult actors have to up their game with her around
11:52:55 PM iGer: she makes them sometimes look like hacks
11:53:05 PM Eileen Giuliacci: maybe she will win an academy award... lol
11:53:06 PM iGer: she has never forgot a line or screwed on up yet
11:53:15 PM Eileen Giuliacci: isn't that amazing?
11:53:19 PM iGer: the others have....
11:53:24 PM Eileen Giuliacci: kids are great sometimes.. less pressure on them I think
11:53:32 PM iGer: and they are upset about that and work harder...
11:53:34 PM Eileen Giuliacci: or they don't stress as much
11:54:38 PM iGer: kids can be a blast
11:54:47 PM iGer: just not 9 of them to do 2 scenes in 2.5 hours
11:54:54 PM iGer: I actually yelled at them.
11:55:02 PM Eileen Giuliacci: you did?
11:55:10 PM iGer: well to me it was yelling to others they laughed at me cause I thought I yelled
11:55:22 PM iGer: I am being to hard on myself they say
11:55:33 PM iGer: I just said, okay, you guys are done and out of the movie.
11:55:43 PM iGer: parents, crew, and the kids went silent.
11:55:51 PM iGer: "Oh you mean you want to be in the movie?"
11:55:56 PM Eileen Giuliacci: uh oh.. hhahhaha
11:56:01 PM iGer: i get quiet yeses and some nods.
11:56:11 PM Eileen Giuliacci: lol
11:56:14 PM Eileen Giuliacci: ill bet
11:56:16 PM iGer: oh well then I guess we need to act professional and not horse around
11:56:53 PM iGer: cause I can cut this scene out right now and not waste any more of your time or my time
11:57:09 PM iGer: and you will have to explain why you had your parents bring you all the way up here for no reason.
11:57:13 PM Eileen Giuliacci: Ill bet the kids were scare when you said that
11:57:22 PM Eileen Giuliacci: lol
11:57:25 PM iGer: parents were too
11:57:34 PM iGer: we did he next scene in record time
11:57:44 PM iGer: course no time for close ups....
11:58:13 PM iGer: I mean, kids are kids and they want to play, fine, but for 2.5 to 3 hours, you need to be an adult
11:58:37 PM Eileen Giuliacci: well, especially if you are there to work
11:59:00 PM iGer: this is a job and if you acted like this on a set in hollywood, they would tell you to go home and it would be on your record and I guarantee you, you would never work in that town again as an actor.
12:01:04 AM iGer: and when you are upsetting my lead actress, Karly, it makes me mad.
12:01:16 AM Eileen Giuliacci: really.. someone did that?
12:01:34 AM iGer: oh yeah, i did say you are seeing me at an angry moment and congrats for getting to me cause no one sees me this way
12:01:58 AM Eileen Giuliacci: wow
12:02:05 AM iGer: they were screwing around and throwing things at each other, and karly's sweet smile was gone when we were doing closeups
12:02:12 AM Eileen Giuliacci: how many days are you shooting?
12:02:52 AM Eileen Giuliacci: She was probably more annoyed than anything if so.
12:03:00 AM iGer: why is she not smiling, well i was running camera and directing brendan was not there that day and my 1st ad was not doing his job so it all complied and I shut the camera off said everyone take 5 and talked with the 1st ad and said "I'm done with the kids, send them home, I'm cutting these scenes"
12:03:43 AM Eileen Giuliacci: so, they really went home? and did you cut the scenes
12:04:43 AM iGer: no they shaped up and we did the next scene in record time, maybe because we cut out allot of camera set ups, close ups that is , or maybe they were better behaved... who know, but the scenes will not be as special to them as they did not get closeups. Day 5: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery: October 22, 2011

6:30 AM: Don Weller and Wayne Young were set up and ready to roll when the cast and crew arrived for day 5. This time the drone flying was for real. Everyone hid from the camera other than Gary who was being directed by Brendan Brooks as was Wayne who captained the drone. It took two hours to capture what Gerald and Brendan felt they needed to open the movie with. Interestingly enough, no one extra was visible in any of the drone takes.

The day was filled with excitement to be on the actual river 3 miles from the place they were portraying. History was in the air, and the thrill began on Scene 9: EXT. SUTTER'S MILL-RACE: SATURDAY, JAN 29, 1848 - DAY a 7 and a half page scene with young

DT.5 Down Time 5: October 23 - November 12, 2011 Day 6: Private Residence: November 13, 2011
Gerald Tuesday, July 20, 2010 email

From: TGT
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:52 PM
To: Slotterbeck
Subject: BTS pictures and footage.
I have a question for you, and want to wait to see you in person, but I know I will forget, but maybe you can remind me. Will you be coming to the wrap party, and if so, would you mind being the BTS / interviewer?

We will set up a place with some chairs and so forth so you can sit people down and ask them a few questions about their time on the movie and then, if i remembered correctly you said you have editing software, if you wanted to edit that as a feature on the DVD with your BTS pictures?

Scott Slotterbeck Tuesday, July 20, 2010 email

On 7/20/10 2:26 PM, Slotterbeck, Scott wrote:
Yes, I’m planning on it, and yes, I’ll be the BTS photo/videographer. Sounds like a fun project to put together a disk with the photos and the interviews.

Scott Slotterbeck Tuesday, July 20, 2010 email

Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:40 PM
I have a camcorder with a mic input and a EV 635 mic, but I also have a lavalier mic (wired) which is what I used for my interviews with the WWII vets. It provides pretty good sound.

I’d welcome any questions, but I usually ask things about background, what got you into acting, what they think about period movies, trite things like that. I do like to improvise.

Gerald Monday, July 26, 2010 email

Greeting everyone. I have added some lines, moved some lines, and changed some direction to make it easier for us to complete. I have Bill and Rob — the miners — coming at 6 AM. The crew will be there by 5 or sooner. We have lights. If we can get some establishing shots on the river bed then if we have to finish it on shore, we can do it in close up. But we need the outlaws to be there by no later than 7 AM, as early as 6 AM would be great!

I have 3 extra actors coming around 8 AM to get some establishing shots on the river that we missed last Saturday. So no matter what we are doing, I need 30 minutes for them. We need to be off the river by 9:30 AM, or we will be swimming down stream. I have a shot list ready and what lines they will be done in.

As far as I know CREW IS: Brendan Brooks, Jim Heck, Aria Davenport, Megan Alicia Engle, Noble Engle, Michael Carl, Susan Slaven, Tamara Davenport, Steve Slotterbeck, with the possibility of Jeremy Heck. Could use more. If anyone wants to help and get there early. Going crazy, getting nervous, wanting to get all we need to make this thing great for all involved.

KEEP IN MIND THAT location B is the location for the production. Location A is the location of the party that hopefully will begin around 1, maybe sooner. WHAT HAVE I missed? - gerald

DT.6 Down Time 6: November 14 - March 23, 2012

3.4.2 Additional Photography Day 7: Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery: March 24, 2012

3.5 Wrap Party

3.6 Post-Production

3.8 Crew

Directed by

Gerald Martin Davenport
Brendan Brooks … co-director

Writing Credits

Gerald Martin Davenport … (story by) and (screenplay by)

Produced by

Tamara Maureen Davenport … producer
Brendan Brooks … executive producer
Jim Heck … executive producer
Rob Tillitz … associate producer
Lisa West … associate producer
Gerald Martin Davenport … producer

Music by

Doug Hammer

Cinematography by

Brendan Brooks … director of photography
Jim Heck
Mark Hoffman … additional

Film Editing by

Gerald Martin Davenport

Casting by

Ryan McKinney

Costume Design by

Tamara Maureen Davenport … dress for chardonnay

Set Decoration by

Tamara Maureen Davenport … set decorator
Gerald Martin Davenport … co-set decorator

Makeup Department

Laura Marie Tapia … key make-up artist
Victoria Gary … makeup artist

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Frank Cosgriff… first assistant director
Jeffrey C. Vanacore … second assistant director
Jim Heck … second unit director (vehicle)

Art Department

Tamara Maureen Davenport … props
Gerald Martin Davenport … graphic artist / props
Mark Racowsky … additional prop (wooden cork)
Rob Tillitz … additional prop (clippers)

Sound Department

Gerald Martin Davenport … sound editor
Scott Slotterbeck … boom operator / sound recordist
Todd Boyd … boom operator / sound recordist
Jeremey Heck … boom operator / sound recordist
Jeffrey C. Vanacore … second unit boom operator / sound recordist

Visual Effects by

Gerald Martin Davenport … digital effects

Camera and Electrical Department

Brendan Brooks … camera operator:"a" camera / steadicam operator / crane
Jim Heck … camera operator "b" camera / second unit camera operator
Gerald Martin Davenport … third unit camera operator
Dylan Nelson … third unit camera operator
Mark Hoffman … camera operator: "a" camera additional photography
Justin Mosier … first assistant camera / key grip / dolly grip
McKenna Whiting … second assistant camera
Wayne Young … aerial photography / pilot
Don Weller … aerial operations technician
Patricia Collins … still photographer
George Ann Heck … still photographer
Jim Heck … still photographer
Mark Hoffman … still photographer/videographer
Lisa West … still photographer
Jeremey Heck … still photographer
Ginny Hilsman … still photographer
Dylan Nelson … still photographer
Tracy Avvakumovitz … still photographer

Casting Department

Jeffery C. Vanacore … casting associate
Dylan Nelson … casting associate
Aaron Lord … casting associate
Charla Bybee … casting associate
Toni Corbett … casting associate
Susan McKinney … special thanks

Costume and Wardrobe Department

The CAST & Parents

Location Management

Gerald Martin Davenport … location finder
Brendan Brooks … location finder
Jim Heck … location scout

Music Department

Améthyste … singer

Script and Continuity Department

Krystina Mae … script supervisor

Additional Crew

Justin Mosier … armorer / weapon safety officer
Tamara Maureen Davenport … craft services & catering
Maureen Young … assistant craft service
Lisa West … assistant craft service


Mario Clough & Linda Clough … location - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery
Matthew Wentz … location - Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery
Bob & Ginny Hilsman … location - Double Oak Vineyards & Winery
Daniel Brooks … location - home interiors
Rick & Eva Fisher … vehicle - Audi
Charlie Merlo … vehicle

Production Companies

Aria Pictures (present)
Double "B" Productions (present)
JBH Photography (present)


Aria Pictures (2012) (USA) (theatrical)
Aria Pictures (2012) (USA) (Blu Ray)
Aria Pictures (2012) (USA) (DVD)

Other Companies

IT Factor Studios (audition and casting facilities)
Double "B" Productions (camera, dolly, crane, lighting, audio equipment)
JBH Photography (camera equipment)
Scott Slotterbeck (audio equipment)
Mark Hoffman (camera equipment)
Dylan Nelson (camera equipment)

3.9 Production Photo Galleries

4 Marketing

4.1 Website

Gerald was proud of Petite Chardonnay (2012) early on in production with the casting, the interest of actors, the dedication from the crew, and the wonderful perfomances everyone delivered.

Since before it was even thought of getting made, Petite Chardonnay (2012) had a postive spirit about it even during the writing process, more so than my other productions before it. Petite Chardonnay (2012) may be the film that will give my film career impetus and help me, the cast and crew, and the area get noticed and be acknowledged as a serious professionals. But I knownever to assume and take things for granted. The unexpected is always waiting for you to turn your back.”

As with all of Gerald's productions, and many that he has worked on in more than a 75% capacity, he created a website to post updates, posters, actor and crew bios to showcase their hard work, and other items at

4.2 Internet Movie Database (

On July 23, 2013, Gerald submitted the film's credits and information to It took a few weeks before the film was accepted into their database.

On August 2, 2013, IMDb responded to the submission Gerald sent on July 23, 2013 stating the film's IMDb listing is live.

4.3 Posters

Gerald reworked the 2019 poster, thanks to photos taken by the behind-the-scenes photographers, to make the official poster, along with a few fun and vanity posters for some of the cast members. These posters were available for purchase at the Aria Pictures Collector shop before it was shut down by CafePress 4 years later for no reason. Although there are smaller and larger sizes of posters today, the sizes for Petite Chardonnay (2012) posters are 25 x 35 inches, the standard size for posters for many years.

Official movie poster for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Official movie poster for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Cast inside grapes poster Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Cast inside grapes poster Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Oak Family Vineyards Chardonnay bottle poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Oak Family Vineyards Chardonnay bottle from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Gretta Sosine poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Gretta Sosine poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Michael Klemp poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Haley Klemp poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Michael Klemp poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Haley Klemp poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Gerald had many poster ideas for Petite Chardonnay (2012), but the one that is close to the vision he saw that the day he was inspired to write the story is the official poster.

4.2.4 Collector Items

Gerald created many customizable products to share with the cast & crew and anyone else who wanted Aria Pictures Petite Chardonnay (2012) collector items, such as, T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, sweatshirts, hoodies, clocks, keychains, and more.

The Aria Pictures Collector shop for Aria Pictures logo and Petite Chardonnay (2012) items has shrunk over time as it was meant to be for a limited time to keep the items unique and special — the items given to the cast and at the premiere are no longer available, which makes them more valuable, special, and unique.

5 Release

The release of the film happened in two ways. There was the initial reason for the film being made because it was one of ten stories selected to Access Sacramento's "A Place Called Sacramento" screenplay contest. The viewing of 10-minute version, along with the nine other 10 minute films, was held at the Crest Theater in Downtown Sacramento, California on October 3, 2020. The 42-minute version Premiere showing was held at the Del Oro Theater in Grass Valley, California on February 5, 2011 to the cast, crew, and many guests outside the production.

5.1 Theatrical

5.1.1 Crest Theater

A Place Called Sacramento 2010 Films thumbs.

A Place Called Sacramento 2010 Films thumbs

Gerald Martin Davenport with Rob Tillitz and Petite Chardonnay (2012) Poster at the Crest Theater.

Gerald with Rob Tillitz and the poster for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Crest Theater, Downtown Sacramento

The anticipation of people wanting to see the film on the big-screen poured in on Facebook and emails to Gerald. Everyone was asking questions about what was going to happen and was anything planned before or after? Gerald sent out Issue #18 of the Roots of Gold Newsletter to help answer the questions and any others that might come up.

Gerald Sunday, October 3, 2010 journal

“I felt confident with the film we made, probably a little over confident, but I know we will be the one chosen for most, if not all, of the awards and be the talk of the festival.”

“We used 28 actors from Sacramento, we filmed on historic locations, and we made a story closer that is 'A Place Called Sacramento' much better than the ten films they showed last year.” - gerald

The 11th Annual 'A Place Called Sacramento' event took place at the Crest Theater in Sacramento California, on Sunday, October 3, 2010 at 1:00 PM. There were over 600 people at the 900+ theater to view the ten films that varied in story, quality, and entertainment. THE GOLdEN TREE played very well on the big screen. The Canon 7D proved itself of being a decent camera to capture low-budget independant film productions.

A Place Called Sacramento 2010 Films list with descriptions.

There is a rule of thumb that you want to be the first or very last performer for anything. The first one sets the bar — if they are really good then the rest are measured by them. The last one is the last thing people see and the first thing on their mind no matter how good it is, it usually wins. And this was no exception as a film that has a color effect on it, although the story was interesting, it was not worthy of the audience award or the producer's choice award. But it won both. THE GOLdEN TREE was the seventh film played out of ten.

Interesting enough those were the only awards handed out in 2010. They did not say why. View the Crest Theater Image Gallery

Gerald Sunday, October 3, 2010 journal

“Appalling. THE GOLdEN TREE deserved the assembled cast award, best story award, best technical achievement award, and some individual actor awards, but they did not hand any of those out. The last film took the prizes. We were slighted, the cast was slighted. It was the best picture on the big screen.” - gerald

Michelle Barbaria October 11, 2010 article
Gerald with Ron Cooper at the Crest Theater for 11th Annual 'A Place Called Sacramento.'

Gerald with Ron Cooper at the Crest Theater for 11th Annual 'A Place Called Sacramento'

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Crest Theater, Downtown Sacramento

By Michelle Barbaria

The morning outside the Crest Theatre in Sacramento was filled with anticipation and excitement. Friends, family, and film crew members gathered in line to get in to see the 9 films they helped to create on the big screen. Once the doors opened and the people began to flow into the lobby the place was jumpin'. The sounds of Sister Swing could be heard in the background over the speaker system and the scent of popcorn filled the air.

In the lobby there were tables set up with the filmmaker's posters and souvenir flyers for their individual films were passed out. Photos were being snapped left and right and groups of family and friends huddled together to get everyone in the picture.

At exactly 1:00pm the lights went down and there was silence. Out of the corner of the packed theatre a booming voice could be heard with a powerful message. It was the voice of one of six poets from the Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS), a program for expression and creativity through poetry for youth at UC Davis. Ron Cooper, the Executive Director of Access Sacramento then took the stage to welcome everyone. The films officially started rolling with "BarTime" by Wayne Douglas Johnson; it's that 15 minute bar time differential that really has a huge effect for this film.

The films continued and there was such a touching moment when the film "Thugs Need Hugs" by DDSO E+ writing class started. There were so many hoots and hollers from the audience from the thrills of seeing friends and family members on in their movie on big screen. The E+ writing class also wrote and produced "Are You My Girlfriend?" There was a real sense of community and fun as each film came up on the screen and the crowd clapped and yelled for their productions.

Gerald with Ron Cooper at the Crest Theater for A Place Called Sacramento.

Access Sacramento, 11th Annual 'A Place Called Sacramento' 2010 Film Producers

br: ?, Dänna Wilberg, Ron Cooper, Guy Pace, ?, Judith Plank, Gerald, Matt Leddy, ?, ?, Sean Stueve.
fr: Wayne Douglas Johnson, Somer Hoke

Each film touched a slightly different sentiment this year with love being a common theme. And not just romantic love, but the love of family and the appreciation of life. Films like "War at Home" touched on the experience of a soldier returning home to friends and family after being in Iraq. "Butterscotch" was a poetic and clever take on the mysteries of life and love.

"The Treasure Chest of South Sacramento" demonstrates personal growth through hardship and overcoming the status quo by looking inward at oneself. "THE GOLdEN TREE" by Gerald Martin Davenport delved into the history of the Sacramento region while bringing family together and "Little Thieves" reminds us to mind our manners and do what is right or else.

The film "Three Words for Dacia" by Sean Stueve really took the crowd by surprise with it's twist ending and modern noir styling. It is the only film to win both the Audience Favorite Award and the Producer's Choice Award in the festival's 11 year history. Each filmmaker took the stage and was honored for their achievements and for winning a spot in the festival. After soaking in all the films the crowd moved into the lobby to enjoy a live performance by Sister Swing and nibble on some treats and drink wine in the Lobby of the Crest Theatre. The lively crowd enjoyed mingling with the filmmakers as everyone shared their experiences on their PCS journey.

Overall, the day was exciting and the hustle and bustle in the lobby gave way to the contemplative and joyous crowd inside watching the big screen at beautiful Crest Theatre. The 11th PCS celebration and 25th Access Sacramento Anniversary Party was a great success. The films were so good this year, I'm looking forward to seeing what great films will be created next year!

5.1.2 Del Oro Theater

THE GOLdEN TREE Del Oro Theater Premiere flyer.

Advertising Flyer for THE GOLdEN TREE's Del Oro Premiere

The preparation for the 42-minute version to play at the historic Del Oro Theater, another gold rush era theater in an actual gold rush town, underwent meticulous details.

Gerald Monday, October 4, 2010 journal

“After the snubbing at the Crest Theater by Access Sacramento of receiving no awards or any accolades, or recognition for the story, cast, or the look of the film, I wanted to make it up to the cast and crew.” - gerald

Collector, hard-stock, premiere tickets were created; Tamara sewed gold nugget bags with the title of the film on them and filled them with gold candies for all the attendies; DVD's with the 10-minute, 42-minute, a production image slide show created by Jim Heck, and the teaser trailer were handed out to the cast and crew. More DVD's were sold before the event and after the showing to those who wanted extra copies or were not given one as part of the production team.

Gerald Saturday, December 18, 2010 journal

“For this premiere, I did not want people to sit and stare at a blank screen. Just like regular movies, they showed trivia and questions about films, actors, and such while you wait for the showtime. I put together my own version with items related to the gold rush, the characters in the film, and a few items of fact. Also, I did not want to just start the film. I wanted to give the attendees the typical movie going experience. When Chardonnay teaser began playing my heart sank. 'What have I done? ' There was a bit of harsh language in the teaser. I will hear about that at the end.” - gerald

Assembling of the 42-minute version went through several changes and alterations from October 2010 through the end of January 2011. Quite a few Final Cut Pro 7 output tests were made to keep the quality of the video as high as it could be and fit on the dvd. Several attempts failed. Final Cut Pro 7 wanted to be the only application running when exporting and any other operation, such as, accessing email would cause it to fail. Then there were issues with burning the output to the DVD. Once a perfect export would finish, the burning of the DVD was also temperamental. Certain settings would get reset to default in Final Cut Pro 7 and the export, although perfect, was a few megabytes to big, or a codec transcoding number was off that the DVD burning app would not accept it. The DVD burning that worked and looked good, finished 12 hours before the event.

Gerald Thursday, January 6, 2011 journal

“The Crest Theater incident was three months ago. I have been too busy preparing for the premiere at the Del Oro Theater to worry about it or to keep it inside. My focus is on delivering a spectacular film and a glorious showing for the hard working cast and crew. They deserve it and more. The time they gave driving to the locations, gathering their wardrobe any way they could, and giving their best on camera or behind it. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful memory of working with such great people. That is all the matters now. That is my award.” - gerald - January 6, 2011

Bill Gallant, Rob Tillitz, Mark Hoffman, Gary Udell, Scott Slotterbeck, and Virginia Hicks & Family supported THE GOLdEN TREE premiere by helping with the rental of the theater and more. There was a small push for marketing and advertising the film's premiere to the local residents with a radio ad, newspaper article, and flyers posted around the community.

The Del Oro put the title of the film on their marquee in mid January which helped outside ticket sales. There were over one-hundred people that attended that no one knew. THE GOLdEN TREE was premiered in the big room that seats 400 people.

Gerald Saturday, February 3, 2011 journal

I greeted everyone who entered the theater for our film. The hundred plus people that I did not know or did not know me looked quizical when I welcomed them. I could see the realization on a few of their faces when I came up and introduced the film, the cast, and crew. It was awesome to view your work: the complex mess of scenes and takes, the perfomances, and music get assembled and finished on screen.

Teasers of Paint, Detective A, THE GOLdEN TREE, and Chardonnay were added to the Premiere edition of the DVD.

5.2 Distribution

5.2.1 DVD

THE GOLdEN TREE was released on DVD at the time of the Del Oro Theater premiere for the cast and their friends and family. Version A disk, not the Premiere Disc, was the disc that was given or sold that day.

THE GOLdEN TREE was one of 9 films on a compilation Blu-Ray of Aria Pictures short-films that was screened at the Sierra Cinemas in Grass Valley, California on April 9th, 2017 — Aria Leven Davenport's 27th birthday. Aria was not in attendance.

Version: A

Out of Print
Released: 5 February 2011
Runtime: 75 min
List Price: $10
Printed Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 - Anamorphic Widescreen
Regional Information: 1 - USA NTSC, Color
Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
Subtitles: English

• 42-minute version
• 10-minute version from Access Sacramento's 'A place Called Sacramento' Film Festival 2010 Winning Selection
• 19-minute 'Behind-the-Scenes' slideshow by Jim Heck
• 2 early Teasers

Supplemental Disk

Out of Print
Released: 20 February 2011
Runtime - 120 min
List Price: $5
Paper Sleeve
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Anamorphic Widescreen
Regional Information: 1 - USA NTSC, Color
Dolby Digital Stereo
Subtitles: English

• Premiere Trivia Slideshow that viewed before the film
• 30 Minute “Behind-The-Scenes” Slideshow from remaining pictures including the Premiere at the Del Oro.
• 9 Interviews from the Cast at Wrap Party on July 31, 2010
• THE GOLdEN TREE final Trailer
• Paint, Chardonnay, and World Next Door promo trailers.
• Iron Pyrite Reel [bloopers].
• and more.

Version: B

Out of Print
Released: 9 April 2011 - Aria's 21st Birthday present.
Runtime - 75 min HD reedited version
List Price: $5
Printed Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 - Anamorphic Widescreen
Regional Information: 1 - USA NTSC, Color
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: English on both 10 and 42 minute versions

• 42 Minute version with Premiere credits.
• 10-minute version from Access Sacramento's 'A place Called Sacramento' Film Festival 2010 Winning Selection
• 19-minute 'Behind-the-Scenes' slideshow by Jim Heck
• 2 early Teasers

Official movie poster for Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Petite Chardonnay (2012) DVD Amaray Keep Case

Nolan and Adrien Bourassa poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Petite Chardonnay (2012) DVD disk

Nolan and Adrien Bourassa poster from Petite Chardonnay (2012)

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Supplemental Disk

THE GOLdEN TREE is also on the Petite Chardonnay Disk

5.2.2 Blu Ray

Out of Print
Released: 9 April 2013 - Aria's 23rd Birthday present.
Runtime - 120 min
List Price: $15
Printed Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 - Anamorphic Widescreen - FULL HD
Regional Information: 1 - USA NTSC, Color
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: English on both 10 and 42 minute versions

• 42 Minute version with Premiere credits.
• 10-minute version from Access Sacramento's 'A place Called Sacramento' Film Festival 2010 Winning Selection
• 19-minute 'Behind-the-Scenes' slideshow by Jim Heck
• 2 early Teasers
• 30 Minute “Behind-The-Scenes” Slideshow from remaining pictures including the Premiere at the Del Oro.
• 9 Interviews from the Cast at Wrap Party on July 31, 2010
• THE GOLdEN TREE final Trailer
• Paint, Chardonnay, and World Next Door promo trailers.
• Iron Pyrite Reel [bloopers].
• and more.

5.2.3 Video

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Teaser C

Petite Chardonnay (2012) Del Oro Theater Premiere Credits

Petite Chardonnay (2012) 10-minute version

Petite Chardonnay (2012) 42-minute version

5.3 Film Festivals

10 Footnotes

^1 The estimated budget for the production was $25,000 for the cast, crew, music, locations, and food. The final calculated budget for the finished production was $29,200. The cast was $7,600, crew including music, was 16,950. Gerald felt in 2019 that he should increase their offered amount due to the longevity of him trying to find funding for the full-length. As of Friday, December 23, 2022, Gerald feels it should be increased by 24%. 2% increase per year is fair for their hard work, sacrifice, and waiting. Gerald just needs to find someone to finance the full-length picture with $34,658 additional for the previous cast & crew. $1,000,000 or more should easily finance the film and fulfill the deal memo/contract obligations.

[^B]tightening means to conflate it by taking several events, characters, or conversations and merge them into one or remove some of the fiddly-bits that slow the pace down or confuse the reader or viewer.
