Aria Pictures Films Encyclopedia · Site Revision History
Updates Under-the-hood Code to entire site.
previous page2025-01-25
Changed Gallery Page creation to include script that loads all images in a directory (that I wrote) without having to type each image's information into a file.
BEFORE Line by Line for each Image
<div id="LightGallery" class="gallery-container justified-gallery"> <?php $Alt2 = $dash. $FilmTitle. " Table Read | October 18, 2005."; $Alt = "Conner Decker Ring, Justin Mosier, Robert John MacGregor, Aria Leven Davenport, Patrick Donald Wheatley, Reid Allen Young, Casey Edenfield, and sitting is Kyriè Sierra Davenport". $Alt2; ?> <a class="<?php echo $GC ?>" data-src="<?php echo $GalleryLink ?>20051018-Paint-table-read-2.webp" data-sub-html="<h4>Photo by - <?php echo $SP ?></h4><p><?php echo $Alt ?></p>"> <img alt="<?php echo $Alt ?>" src="<?php echo $GalleryLink ?>20051018-Paint-table-read-2.webp" width="1600" height="1200"> </a> <?php $Alt2 = $dash. $FilmTitle. " production on October 19, 2005."; $Alt = "Justin Mosier, Connor Ring, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gerald Martin Davenport</a> behind camera, Kyriè Sierra Davenport, and Casey Edinfield on boom during day 1 of". $Alt2; ?> <a class="<?php echo $GC ?>" data-src="<?php echo $GalleryLink ?>>02.webp" data-sub-html="<h4>Photo by - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><?php echo $SP ?></a></h4><p><?php echo $Alt ?></p>"> <img alt="<?php echo $Alt ?>" src="<?php echo $GalleryLink ?>>02.webp" width="872" height="480"> </a> </div>
Now: the only data to enter is photogpraher and description for the alt and title tags in the JSON File.
{ "imagelist": [ { "id": "1", "photographer": "Tamara Maureen Davenport", "description": "Kyriè Sierra Davenport screen grab from Paint (2006)" }, { "id": "2", "photographer": "Tamara Maureen Davenport", "photographerlink": "", "description": "Justin Mosier, Connor Ring, Gerald Martin Davenport behind camera, Kyriè Sierra Davenport, and Casey Edinfield on boom during day 1 of Paint (2006) production on October 19, 2005.", "descriptionlink": "Justin Mosier, Connor Ring, Gerald Martin Davenport behind camera, Kyriè Sierra Davenport, and Casey Edinfield on boom during day 1 of Paint (2006) production on October 19, 2005." } ]
This gallery code loads each image from a directory and the photographer and description data from a json file. When clicking the image, it still uses LightGallery to display the image, have comments with links, navigation to other images, and more.
<div id="LightGallery" class="gallery-container justified-gallery"> <?php /* GET LIST OF IMAGE FILES FROM GALLERY FOLDER */ $images = glob($dir . "*.{jpg,jpeg,png,webp,gif}", GLOB_BRACE); // Read the JSON file $json = file_get_contents($DocRoot.$DirectoryLink.$PageTitleLink.$GalleryURL.$GalleryDir.'.json'); // Check if the file was read successfully if ($json === false) { die('Error reading the JSON file'); } // Decode the JSON file $json_data = json_decode($json, true); // Check if the JSON was decoded successfully if ($json_data === null) { die('Error decoding the base JSON file'); } $description = $json_data['imagelist']; // Check if the JSON was decoded successfully if ($description === null) { die('Error decoding the JSON description file'); } // Display data /* echo "<pre>"; print_r($json_data); print_r($description); echo "</pre>"; */ $x=0; foreach ($images as $i) { printf(" <a class='".$GC."' data-src='". $DirectoryLink.$PageTitleLink.$GalleryURL ."%s'", basename($i)); echo " data-sub-html='<h4>Photo by - "; if (isset($json_data['imagelist'][$x]['photographerlink'])) { echo "<a href=\"".$json_data['imagelist'][$x]['photographerlink'] ."\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['photographer'] ."</a><h4>"; } else { echo $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['photographer'] ."</h4>"; } if (isset($json_data['imagelist'][$x]['descriptionlink'])) { echo "<p>" .$json_data['imagelist'][$x]['descriptionlink'] ."</p>'>"; } else { echo "<p>" .$json_data['imagelist'][$x]['description'] ."</p>'>"; } printf("<img src='". $DirectoryLink.$PageTitleLink.$GalleryURL ."%s'", basename($i)); printf(" alt='". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['description'] . "'"); printf(" title='". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['description'] . "'"); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($i); printf(" ". $attr.">"); printf("</a>\n"); $x++; } /* $x=0; foreach ($images as $i) { printf(" <a class='".$GC."' data-src='". $DirectoryLink.$PageTitleLink.$GalleryURL ."%s'", basename($i)); printf(" data-sub-html='<h4>Photo by - ". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['photographer'] ."<</h4> <p>". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['description'] ."</p>' >"); printf("<img src='". $DirectoryLink.$PageTitleLink.$GalleryURL ."%s'", basename($i)); printf(" alt='". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['description'] . "'"); printf(" title='". $json_data['imagelist'][$x]['description'] . "'"); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($i); printf(" ". $attr.">"); printf("</a>\n"); $x++; } */ ?> </div> <script> jQuery("#LightGallery") .justifiedGallery({ captions: false, rowHeight: 180, margins: 5 }) .on("dwd.complete", function () { window.lightGallery( document.getElementById("LightGallery"), { autoplayFirstVideo: false, pager: false, galleryId: "nature", plugins: [lgFullscreen, lgThumbnail, lgComment], speed: 500, mode: 'lg-fade', download: false, mobileSettings: { controls: false, showCloseIcon: false, download: false, rotate: false } } ); }); </script>
Updated: Image/Photo Gallery from a single PHP file that I wrote to UniteGallery Javascript Plugin. May change it again to a much better and more elaborate Gallery which means I might have to pay for one.
Change Completed: Contents heirarchy and adjusted the content to match the contents list. TOP, Second, and Third tier font-weights.
- 1 PLOT
- 1.1 Tagline
- 2 CAST
- 3.1 Development
- 3.1.1 Story/Screenplay
- 3.2 Casting
- 3.3 Pre-Production
- 3.4 Filming
- 3.4.1 Principle Photography
- 3.4.2 Additional Photography
- 3.5 Wrap
- 3.6 Post-Production
- 3.7 Crew
- 3.1 Development
- 5.1 Theatrical
- 5.2 Distribution
- 5.3 Film Festivals
- 7 REFERENCES [topic greyed out if production does not have anything]
Change In Progress: Top tier TOC number and links to bold and uppercase. Second tier numbers and links to bold. The third tier links bold.
Change In Progress: TOC tiers to be consistant numbers for the TOP and SECOND tier titles. If a production does not have them, they are greyed out in the TOC, but are not display in the content
Added: border and margin-left for the TOC.
Removed: twitter link.
Added: no ai logo with no ai information page.
Removed: css .card-content .content .name font weight: 700; and font-size: var(--small); since the font used is already bold. Bolding a bold font makes it blurry.
Added: .card.ud class for productions that have been updated colored blue.
Updated: css font weight for th, strong, and h2 from 700 to 100 since the font used is already bold. Bolding a bold font makes it blurry.
Updated: css sup border-radius from 50% to 30%. The background color looked oddly shaped at 50%.
$WebLogImage = $DirectoryLink . $PageTitleLink . "image-file.jpg";
$FilmImage = $WebPageURL . $WebLogImage;
$WebLogImage = $FilmImage = $WebPageURL . "image-file.jpg";
Updated: json schema file
"@type": "WebSite", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?php echo $WebSiteURL ?><?php echo $WebSiteImage ?>",
"@type": "WebSite", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?php echo $WebPageURL ?>",
"@type": "<?php echo $PageType ?>", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?php echo $WebPageURL ?><?php echo $WebLogImage ?>","mainEntityOfPage": "<?php echo $WebPageURL ?>"
"@type": "<?php echo $PageType ?>", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?php echo $WebLogImage ?>",
"@type": "ImageObject", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?php echo $WebSiteURL ?><?php echo $WebLogImage ?>", "contentUrl": "<?php echo $WebSiteURL ?><?php echo $WebLogImage ?>",
"@type": "ImageObject", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?php echo $WebLogImage ?>", "contentUrl": "<?php echo $WebLogImage ?>",
Updated: made the json schema segments connected with the help from
Added: javascript that adds a notice of where the copied text was copied from when people copy text from website
Removed: best and worst rating variables as they were not being used in any json file.
MOVED: $PageType = "Article"; to vars.php
Changed: production pages $Section = $ProductionCompanyName .$dash. "Film Productions";
to $Section = $FPWE .$dash. $PageTitle;
Updated: first lines of index files from: $DRParts = $DocRoot . "/_parts/";
$Vars = $DRParts . "_var/vars.php"; include_once($Vars);
to: include_once($DocRoot . "/_parts/_var/vars.php");
MOVED: $DRParts = $DocRoot . "/_parts/"; to the vars file.
Updated: Aria Pictures colors to stay in the same shades and tints from the base colors.
Changed: SubFooter "this page," name bold.
MOVED: $Section variable to vars for most pages.
Changed: _include to _parts. Updated all links and variables to match the change.
MOVED: Content to the top of page and to the left removing a large portion of white space between the beginning and section 1.
Updated: The how the section dividers for desktop and mobile are defined with new javascript that does not effect SEO and page creation speed.
Added: humans.txt. We are Humans, not machines.
Updated: People · Actors and Crew page session_start variable from FilmTitle to PageTitle
Film Pages
Added conversation as a type of correspondence for a tag used for verbal discussion.
Film and Character Pages
Added reference to signify the contents is referenced from another film.
Film Pages
Added post as a type of correspondence for a tag used for social posting of information.
Film Pages
Changed the blue color to be lighter so the black text is easier to see, per wcag.
Added json to production pages
Moved changes section from production pages to separate php file.
Added to film Production pages
json movie schema in the film production directory _json/json-movie.php
IMBb link on Production film page is now a variable to pass it to the json movie schema
Added styles to the Production Film Box
.card-content .content .name {
font-family: 'Monda-bold';
font-weight: 700;
font-size: var(--small)!important;
.card-content .content .tagline {
font-family: 'Berkshire Swash';
margin-top: 1rem;
Added films to the people page instead of just seeing a number.
Name | Films | Actor | Crew |
Gary Udell | 3 | 2 | 2 |
Name | Films | Actor | Crew |
Gary Udell | 3 | 2 Detective A • THE GOLdEN TREE | 2 Detective A • THE GOLdEN TREE |
Added to CSS
h3 + h4 margin-top: 0; and h4 + p + h4 margin-top: 0; to keep the crew listing spacing normal
Moved Marketing to 4 by itself out from under release. Moved Release to 5.
Changed CSS
Increased the margin on the top of h3 tags from 2.5rem to 10rem
Removed line-height from h4 tags
Added margin to the top of h4 tags
with 4rem
Film Pages
Added addition tag to blockquote headers for additions from outside sources
Changed the colors of the correspondence tags: email, journal, message, article,and newsletter to be tetrads from ocean1. Changed message color to be reddish and so additions can be green.
Added menu items to the footer
Removed contact from top menu
Film Pages
Added type of correspondence tag: email, journal, message, article, and newsletter to blockquote headers
Film Pages
Added 1.1 Plot - Tagline
Moved the cast listing to 2: Cast
Updated footer revision code
Film Pages
Added tags for blockquote headings