3.1 Development
3.1.1 Inspiration
While attending CSU Chico working on his Computer Science Degree Gerald Martin Davenport met Adam James Veseley a Paradise residence and computer, musical, and film enthusiast also working on his degree. They became friends and hung-out before and after classes at the main hall to study together. It was during one of these times that Adam mentions an idea for a short film where a young person, out of their element on a paintball field during a game, happens to win by accident. A sort of David meets Goliath type of beginners luck story.
Not having a completed story, Gerald encourages Adam to write one. Over the course of six months, Gerald kept asking Adam if he had written it, the answer was always no. Gerald could not get the story idea out of his mind, so on Monday, September 27, 2004 8:32:53 PM, Gerald wrote in his journal that he is thinking about the Paintball story Adam mentioned and began writing it. In a week, Gerald wrote a thirty page story and sent it to Adam.
Adam Vesely
Sunday, October 10, 2004
From: Adam Vesely
Date: October 10, 2004 8:48:24 PM PDT
To: Gerry
Subject: Re: Screenplay
Hey Gerry,
WOW. I just read your script and I absolutely LOVE it!! As I was reading it,I could clearly see a vision in my head of how it would all look. I really like the dialogue and the characters; they seem very real to me. Overall, I really like the story idea, and the way the story is told, using flashbacks and cuts between past and present. I have a few ideas/concerns to share.
First off, as I said, I love the idea of telling the story the way you have with flashbacks and present cuts. However, we need to be sure that if we take that approach, that we make sure the audience can distinguish the flashbacks from the present time. I know that there are several different approaches to this, so I'm sure that won't be a problem.
The other concern I had, and although it may sound stupid. I was hoping we could pull this off without any major vulgar material including swearing and the like. Name-calling, teasing, nagging, etc is great. But I really want this to be something that anyone could watch and feel comfortable. I realize you only have 2 swear words in the script period at the moment (although what does the Spanish say?). Hopefully we can come to a compromise on that issue.
Something else I'd like if you could, is translations of the Spanish so I know what's going on. I don't know if you want to sub-title those quotes for the audience, or if you just want to leave it to the non-Spanish speaking audience's own determination of what it means. Both leave interesting impressions on the audience. So, let me know what you think about these ideas. Again, FANTASTIC job on this script and I look forward to working on it SOON!
Cya for now!
There were a few 'S' words and some 'D' words, but nothing really vulgar or foul. After taking them out, the story read and flowed better as the focus was on the action not the shock.
3.1.2 Post Production School
After CSU Chico, Apple called Gerald to see if he was ready to come work for them, and as much as he wanted to because he loved to write code and debug, he was inspired continue his education and skills in the arts, mostly Film. So he attended Video Symphony in Burbank, California from 2004 - 2005 where he met Dan Nelson, Kristien Gabriel, and Kevin Church instructors at the school.
Gerald increased his knowledge about film and tv, and mostly the post-production process — how to finish and deliver a video or film project. He became so skilled that he was one of few new students asked to help out in the Dungeon, as they called it, and work on actual film or video projects and get actual working experience as an editor. List of projects either credited or not, but the experience was worth it, coming soon.
After graduating with very high marks, Gerald returned back home to Grass Valley, California to look for work and wait for the phone to ring to go down to Hollywood to be an editor. Meanwhile wanting to edit something to keep his skills honed he remembered the short story Paint and wondered if could or should; and if he could and should, how would he make his own movie to edit?
3.1.3 Pre-Pre-Production
Discussing it with his wife Tamara Maureen Davenport, and she supported him and his hair-brained idea — might not have been what she said, but it sounds good now, and she was not truly sold that anything would come of it. So knowing how a movie is made from start to finish with camera angles, lights, sound, editing, and such, he was ready to movie it forward. The only thing he did not know much about was directing, but he knew how to manage people and projects, so he started with that in mind.
Tamara Maureen Davenport took over the wardrobe department by making camouflaged-head-coveres for the actors to wear when they were playing the characters on Roscoe's team. They acquired several military type jackets for them to wear. Robert John MacGregor was a paintball player and came equipped with his own top end gear and attire.
When looking for equipment, such as, cameras to record onto, gerald searched all over Sacramento and nearby cities, but there was no place that rented professional cameras that he wanted to use. His search led him further south into the San Francisco Bay Area where he found Studio B Films in Berkeley, California. David Collier and Aaron Berry suggested the Panasonic AJ-SDX900 (24p) recording onto DVCPRO50 tape, using wideangle lens, high capacity sticks (aka tripod), and a high end microphone on a boom that connects to the camera to capture the audio. Gerald drove down and procured the items at a price of $2,500 for a week's use.
3.1.4 Screenplay/Story
The initial screenplay was 32 pages[^1] that consisted of a scene that was a tense battle of wits and composure between Trevor's and Roscoe's teams before the championship game. Roscoe's team came into Trevor's team's base camp and tried to start an altercation, as well as, strike fear and doubt into the guys minds. This was also the scene that would reveal that Aria had to take Garrett's place because Garrett badly twisted his ankle in the last game. Unfortunately, this scene was not produced due to lack of actors to play the roles[3].
The screenplay went through many rewrites after final casting was done and adjusted for the changes in the amount of cast. To have an opponent meant there needed to be people playing those roles, so early on it was proposed that Robert John MacGregor, Justin Mosier, Patrick Donald Wheatley, and Connor Decker Ring would play characters on Roscoe's team.
Paint2, called Paint Squared, and Paint3, called Paint Cubed were written as 30 minute stories each. In Paint2 the story would esculate to a rematch of Paint between Roscoe's team and Trevor's team with an emphasis on Roscoe and Aria meeting up at the end. And Paint3 is where members of each team combined to make a team that Aria puts together to play arena-ball, or speedball, where they play inside a small area with boundaries and obstacles to hide behind and the game is over in minutes. When watched one after the other would be a sort of short film Paint trilogy[4].
Slate for Paint 2006
Slate with Kettle™ Brand chips, Stonewall's Jurquee, and Whitewave Silk Live Smoothie
Photo by Gerald Martin Davenport - © 2005 Aria Pictures Kettle® Brand
During the writing process Gerald wanted to showcase some of the products the Davenport family used and share how wonderful they are, so instead of having just a bowl of chips on the table and glasses of water, he contacted Kettle® Brand chips and asked if they minded if their product was showcased in a positive way in a short independent film. On Wednesday, May 11, 2005, Jim Green emailed Gerald asking if they can send him some chips for the shoot.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 12:46 PM
To: Jim Green
Subject: Re: KettleFoods.com Feedback/Contact
That would be great, but we have enough in our cupboard already. ;)
thanks for the offer, no need, appreciate it though. - gerry
Jim Green
Thursday, May 12, 2005
On May 12, 2005, at 2:48 PM, Jim Green wrote:
Ok thanks Gerry. Can you let us know the name of the film and what kind of distribution you're planning? We'd just love to see the finished product at some point. Thanks again, Jim
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:43 PM
To: Jim Green
Subject: Re: KettleFoods.com Feedback/Contact
It is a short film based on beginners luck in paintball, about 20 -30 minutes long, called PAINT. I have a sequel to it already, and a third one as well — all short — to be shot in Northern California — Grass Valley and Paradise.
I actually added some dialog where one kid eats a few chips and says, “Hey, these are good.” and the two others say, “Yeah, we know.”
What I want to do with it is send to festivals, DVD distribution, and possible cable broadcast — the big reason to do this is I am an editor, composer, musician, and songwriter that is tired of whining about not getting anyone to ask me to do any of those for them. Ao I am doing it myself, and doing it right.
Small to no budget this first film, but I am determined. The reason I asked is because I would like to create a relationship, not for money, but product placement which makes a short look more reputable — I could have easily put the chips inside a bowl, but I really like Kettle Brand chips and I wanted to make my film have a little of the good edge to it.
Anyway, I told others about our communications and they said I should have taken you on the free chip thing. I told them that was not the purpose — I do not have the hard edge business sense that donald Trump, George Lucas, or Steven Speilberg might have — I am the creative type; I will hire a tough business type when I get the need. ;) - peace Jim - thanks
- I will send you a copy when finished.
ps this is a Christian based paintball story, so there is no hard edge foul language; just good clean fun. I can send you the screenplay as long as you won't give it to other filmmakers — HA! - gerry
Jim Green
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
From: Jim Green
Date: May 18, 2005 9:02:07 AM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: RE: KettleFoods.com Feedback/Contact
Wow, this sounds great Gerry and we are honored to be included in your short film. We'd be happy to supply you with product for your needs and please do not be bashful about asking!
Thank you for the further info and we'd love to see a copy when it's done. There's no need to send us a script, sounds like a fun storyline.
We wish you the very best in all your endeavors.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 1:18 PM
To: Jim Green
Subject: Movie site
Mr. Jim Green et al at Kettle Foods.
I am proud and honored to include you product, however brief, into a scene in my short movie — it will not be the only one I shoot.
If at all interested here is the web site for my production company https://ariapictures.com and our weblog (a new internet word for journal — I still like journal) https://ariapictures.com/weblog
Feel free to stop by and post if you wish, but more important to see the journey we take in making it. We are in pre-production as I
write — getting things in order, budget, what little it is, mostly for keeping the actors happy (food and drink) and rental of equipment (camera, sticks, lights, audio, monitors, and various items).
Production will begin late July early August; I am looking forward to it. Writing song for end credits — which we will also be shooting a music video as a partner to the movie. thanks again. - peace - gerry davenport
Jim Green
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
From: Jim Green
Date: June 21, 2005 4:17:28 PM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: RE: Movie site
Thank you Gerry, very cool! I love the look of your site and I can't wait to see the film. Thanks you again for including us and please let me know if you need any of our products for the crew, etc. Jim
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
Date: June 21, 2005 5:35:55 PM PDT
To: Jim Green
Subject: Re: Movie site
Jim, what you mean by products? Coupons for them?
Sure. but not many. Do not spoil me, remember, I did not contact you for free stuff. That was not the intention. It is up to you whether or not you wish to send anything. It will not change what I want to do either way. - peace - gerry
Jim Green
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
From: Jim Green
Date: June 22, 2005 10:33:41 AM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: RE: Movie site
By products I meant our chips but we'd be happy to send coupons, they're good for any Kettle® brand product. Please re-send me your address and we'll be happy to get some off to you. Thanks again, Jim
A case of twelve very large bags of different flavored chips was delivered, and they waited for production to be opened. A bag was used in the kitchen scene where Doug is eating them, but Kryriè comes out of her room and steals them from him, and he whines that she took the chips. she says “They're Kettle Brand Chips! And they're mine!” When she leaves, Aria and Trevor complain that he upset her, and they have to live with her.
“Not sure if Jim Green is still with Kettle® Brand, but we thank him and all at Kettle® Brand for donating and sponsoring our little Paint film.” - Gerald Martin Davenport. Lumen Foods
Also in the kitchen scene was a product called Stonewall's Jurquee® from Lumen Foods, a vegetarian jerky that Gerald uses their fines — the little bits that get cut off when making the product — in his vegetarian chili. After Kryriè takes away the Kettle® Brand chips from Doug, Doug keeps on whining and Aria tosses him a bag of Stonewall's Jurquee®.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:26 PM
Subject: Soybean Email
Email_Topic: Other
Your_Comments: Hello, I am a long timer user of your Jurquee — it is true.
I am shooting a short movie this October and it came to my attention that it would be great to have Jurquee eaten in a scene. I am wondering if it would be ok to show your product in a scene of my short movie?
I am NOT looking for money donations, although product would be nice, I am looking for permission to use your product. - peace - gerry
Tabetha LeDoux
Friday, September 16, 2005
On Sep 16, 2005, at 7:12 AM, Tabetha with Lumen wrote:
Gerry - We would love to give you permission to use our Jerquee in your short movie, however, I would need to know what type of movie this is before giving permission. Thank you!
Wishing you good health and happiness,
Tabetha LeDoux
Executive Manager
Friday, September 16, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
To: Tabetha with Lumen
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Soybean Email
Tabetha LeDoux,
Hi. This is a first in a line of three stories I have for this theme. Here is the synopsis and full description that are on the web site, but I understand you are busy and may not have time to navigate my site to find the info you desire.
The product would be used in the kitchen scene when they discuss the tournament, and during a base camp scene when they are getting ready for the next game. Any more info please let me know, I hope this helps. - gerry
Tabetha LeDoux
Friday, September 16, 2005
From: Tabetha with Lumen
Date: September 16, 2005 12:25:06 PM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: Re: Soybean Email
Gerry- Thank you for responding...and after reviewing the movie synopsis, it would be my pleasure to grant you permission to use our Stonewall's Jerquee in your movie. Let me know if you need a few sample bags for the scene. Tabetha
Monday, September 26, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
To: Tabetha with Lumen
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 12:20 PM
Subject: Product Release
Tabitha. Thanks for allowing us to use Stonewall's Jerquee on screen and for the promise of sending us product, although not required, it does give us a new respect for your trust in us, in which, I am sending you a Product Release Form to solidify our trust. If you can print it out and sign two copies and fax them to: 530-273-5004, I will sign one and fax it back. Or would you prefer regular mail? again, thanks. Again Shooting date is the week of October 17 - 21. - peace - gerry
Tabetha LeDoux
Monday, October 10, 2005
From: Tabetha with Lumen
Date: October 10, 2005 7:31:56 AM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: Re: Product Release
“Not sure if Zoe Farris or Tabetha LeDoux is still with Lumen Foods but we thank both of them and all at Lumen Foods for their product and donating and sponsoring our little Paint film.” - Gerald Martin Davenport. WhiteWave
Some of the guys at the kitchen table are drinking WhiteWave Foods Silk Live, a product the Davenport's found by chance and fell in love with it. One day the product was no longer on the store shelves. Gerald does not remember if he contacted Bob Connolly and asked about it. He has no record and the email for Bob is no longer active. “We thank Bob Connolly, Stephanie Null, Justine Boston, and all at WhiteWave Foods for donating and sponsoring our little Paint film.” - Gerald Martin Davenport
On Monday, August 22, 2005, Gerald emailed Imagine Foods about using their product and White Wave, makers of Soy Nog.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
From: Stephanie Null
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:40 PM
To: Justine Boston
Subject: Fwd: Sponsorship/Donations
Originally from (Gerry Davenport) Originally
sent : 08/22/2005 4:20 pm
I am doing a short film this fall about paintball — a real film — and was wondering if you would mind if your product: Silk Live was displayed in a scene? Not looking for donations -- would be cool -- looking for permission.
Bob Connolly
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
From: Bob Connolly
Date: August 23, 2005 5:39:43 PM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: FW: Sponsorship/Donations
Gerald Martin -- How are you? So, you like Silk Live? Great news, thank you.
It'd be great if you used Live! in the film. Wouldn't it be great if I could give you a donation... But I can't, we're spent. But, we can send product.
A few ground-rules, of course:
- No disparaging remarks or actions toward it -- no negative commentary about soy, Silk, smoothies, etc.
- Product and packaging needs to be used for it's intended purpose -- no wasting it, no pouring it out needlessly... Respect the product and understand it's primary function is for food & nourishment.
- Recycle the container, especially on film (ie, don't film someone throwing it in the trash)
- I'd like a copy of the scene once it's shot. I'd love to read the script, too, if possible.
- E-mail me your address... I'd be happy to send you a case of each flavor for the scene and for the cast / crew / whoever.
Hopefully you're good with the rules... This is more than just a product, it's a lifestyle and a commitment -- organic soy, all natural ingredients, no preservatives. I guess I get a little possessive because my whole life is Live! and there are those select (and odd) few who aren't big soy fans and wouldn't mind pulling a cheap shot. Sounds like a great plan. I love Kettle chips, too. Keep me posted. Bob
B o b C o n n o l l y
Brand Manager, Silk Team
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
From: Gerry Davenport
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:21 PM
To: Bob Connolly
Subject: Re: Sponsorship/Donations
Mr. Connolly, Thank you!!!!
- So, you like Silk Live? Great news, thank you.
I started out and still am a SOYNOG fan. But that is only during the holidays, shucks.
- It'd be great if you used Live! in the film. Wouldn't it be great if I could give you a donation... But I can't, we're spent. But, we can send product.
Like I said, this was to get permission, not money — same thing happened with Kettle® Brand, but they wanted to send product. They did. Sitting in a cool basement waiting for shooting day.
Let me cover your concerns on the ground rules.
#1) I will never bash any products I enjoy using.
#2) I will never bash any company that gives me the time of day.
#3) as for the product use in film, it is used strategically, for a purpose. Reasons why I asked. I like the products, I like the company philosophy, I like the smallness of the company, and I want to help spread the word about you — I want to see you keep going for a very long time, so I can keep on enjoying your products.
One scene is 6 guys around a kitchen table discussing the up coming paintball tournament. As they discuss this, they will be eating Kettle® Brand chips (ah ha) and drinking Silk Live. One guy goes hey, these are good (toward the chips), two brother do a quick look and say "yeah, we know." A plug for Kettle® Brand.
As for Silk Live, now that we have permission and you are willing to donate product — permission would have been visible on film, but with your generous offer, I feel obligated to plug the product more, so script is being altered.
The second scene is where one guy is carried off the field due to spraining his ankle. One guy explains how the guy, who sprained his ankle, won the game for them. A few guys in the scene will be drinking Silk Live for the next game coming up and eating a energy bar. (I am asking Clif Bars if they mind — I eat them as well.) Just before the scene ends, there might be a chance to have a guy drop the container and another tell him. "hey. recycle box is in the back of the truck. you know that." -not able to get the lines in, but it is penned in on the props page to have drinks there while the scene goes, at least it will be scene again.
- I'd like a copy of the scene once it's shot. I'd love to read the script, too, if possible.
Scene, heck, you will have an autographed copy of the DVD, by the cast and crew.
- E-mail me your address... I'd be happy to send you a case of each flavor for the scene and for the cast / crew / whoever.
As for product, coupons are good, or maybe wait till we are ready to shoot, cause with the movie industry, things do not always go as planned when scheduled.
Post Office Box 1983, Grass Valley, California 95945
- Hopefully you're good with the rules... This is more than just a product, it's a lifestyle and a commitment -- organic soy, all natural ingredients, no preservatives. I guess I get a little possessive because my whole life is Live! and there are those select (and odd) few who aren't big soy fans and wouldn't mind pulling a cheap shot...
Vegetarian, soy eating and drinking, proud to say and opinionated about it as well. Part of my movies are my way to try and make people see better things in life. I find it hard to believe there are people that are not fans of soy. Wait, my wife is not a big fan; she is a picky sort. I keep telling her its good. Both my children love it: liquid and solid. We use your tofu.
Sounds like a great plan. I love Kettle Brand™ chips, too. I should hook you up with the main guy there. Just as nice as you. Script should be below. Let me know what you think. also I have a part II and III going to be made as well. - peace - Gerry
Bob Connolly
Thursday, August 25, 2005
From: Bob Connolly
Date: August 25, 2005 7:13:00 AM PDT
To: Gerry Davenport
Subject: RE: Sponsorship/Donations
Beautiful. Send me a note about 2 weeks before you need the product... It'll be easier / cheaper for me to send to you rather than redeeming a bunch of coupons. Also, we have a "spice" drink that's available all year in an 11oz bottle... Almost identical to the Nog... You might like it... I'll send some along as well. Good luck. Bob JF Paintball
One of the biggest and gracious sponsors was JF Paintball. Jeff Roberts and John Jensen supplied the production with markers, paint, CO2 tanks and refills, and even shirts. The plan was to sell copies of the film, or at least show it at the store; however that fell through after the film was finished due to a few minor Paintball Safety rules that the filmmaker, Gerald, did not know about. And the on-staff Paintball expert never mentioned a thing. “We understand about safety and keeping the game of Paintball's integrity at the highest, which is what I was going for. I did not want to make fun of the game, players, or the industry. I want to make a movie with paintball as a backdrop in a good light. I understood what Jeff and John were saying when they said they could not sell or show it at the store as it does not adhere to the safety rules they stronly believed in. The game is to be played with sportsmanship and safety. To lose is not the issue, to get hurt, and hurt badly playing a game will get that game banned across the country. No way, was I going to be the reason that happend.” - Gerald Martin Davenport Cliff Bar
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Email again from Angie at Cliff Bar. She said to contact Dean Mayer, but Dean cannot receive emails...only phone calls due to shoulder surgery. So i called and he is not excepting calls. A pain with Cliff Bar, the new pr dude had shoulder surgery and cannot answer emails, but he can answer the phone. HUH?
3.2 Casting
Gerald knew he was going to use his children for this production because, Aria acted in several high school plays before being asked to act in his first film. He was not unfamiliar with a camera in his face as his father, Gerald Martin Davenport, recorded thousands of hours of home movies, so Aria and his sister Kyriè were quite used to being on camera.
Robert John MacGregor was accidentally found on two fronts. Gerald knew his father from Sierra College and his mother worked at local surplus store when they were searching for the wardrobe and material. Both parents put Robert in contact with Gerald. Robert was also the paintball expert on the set.
Justin Mosier was an accidental and wonderful find. September 2004, Aria's school has a week-long wilderness adventure and this year they went to Camp Augusta, just on the outskirts of Nevada City, California. Gerald was amazed to learn they had 80 acres of wilderness to do what ever they wanted. Randall Grayson, Ph.D., the Director of the camp, told Gerald that after the school is finished their season is over for the year. So during the summer of 2005, Gerald visited and Randy (Dr. Grayson), introduced him to Justin who was very interested in helping out on the film. Justin offered everything the camp had to help with the film.
Connor Decker Ring was a long-time friend of Aria's from school and Tae Kwon Do and was an obvious choice to ask to play in a paintball movie.
Patrick Donald Wheatley was a friend of Kyriè from school who also had some acting experience in school plays. He brought laughter not only to the set but his main character Rick as well.
[^3]During casting the cast members that were already cast, spread the word around looking for paintball players or teenage actors. News was brought back to Gerald that some of the people wanted to get paid to be in the film. That was not an outlandish idea; however, no one was getting paid no matter who you were, and the people that were being asked were not of the status that warranted them getting paid to act. After the list of people the everyone knew that they could ask was exhausted, it was decided to move forward with who they have, and that is the reason for some of the actors playing two characters. Gerald had in mind he could slow the actors voices down and make them lower and hopefully not sound like they normally do — it was worth a try.
During casting, Kyriè Sierra Davenport helped out by reading against the actors auditioning. Gerald knew she has experience as an actor in plays and she is really good; unfortunately, he did not write any female characters in Paint 2006.[5] That quickly changed when he noticed her reading any character in the screenplay without the use of the screenplay in front of her. He created a character named after herself that actually enhanced the story even further even in the short time she is on screen. Her character has a bigger impact in Paint2, just because he loves working with his daughter and she is so talented.
Needing one more actor to at least fill the basic cast needs, Gerald was down to scrapping the whole project or asking his hyper nephew, Reid Allen Young. Not wanting to do either, but wanting to make the film more than not wanting to put up with his nephew, he reluctantly offers Reid a part in the film as long as he can contain himself.[6]
After the film was finished and ADR was added, Gerald comments this about normal people and actors. “An actor can become who ever they want to be, but you cannot take a paintball player and make them an actor.”
3.3 Pre-Production
3.3.1 Equipment
Before Production for Paint 2006 began on October 17, 2005 — Tamara's birthday, Gerald had to find quality gear: A camera, Microphone, Boom pole, Audio Recoding Device, and a slate to record it the action.
After an exhaustive search for places that rented equipment in Sacramento, Gerald found a few that rented mediocre consumer grade equipment, and for too much. Gerald searched for places in the Bay Area and found Studio B Films in Berkeley. David Collier set Gerald up with all the equipment he needed for a week for $2400.00.
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Talked with Studio B in San Anselmo and in Berkeley about camera rentals.
Studio B, talked to Eli eeelye, called him ellie, oops.
The camera I want is 600 a day, + audio.
Says if we were to do it on the weekend, he would love to help. He has a brother-in-law in Placerville.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Went to Swenson's for equipment reservation and it is $409 for 3 set ups (mask, gun, tank, and some paint), 3 extra masks, and 3 extra tanks. OUCH!
Friday, October 14, 2005
JF wants to give 3 set ups, 3 extra masks, and 3 extra tanks for $100. Beats $409 FROM SWENSON'S
3.3.2 Locations
On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, Gerald contacted Homewood resort for their paintball field.
Jeff Biggs
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Once again, thank you for considering Wolf Mountain Camps for the filming of your movie. We will not be able to accommodate your request to film on our paintball fields, but we all wish we could since it sounds like fun. Have you checked with JF Paintball concerning the use of their field or to get information about fields in the area? Hope things go well with your filming! Sincerely, Jeff Biggs
Gerald secured Camp Augusta for the location for the paintball action. On Thursday, October 6, 2005, Gerald went to Camp Augusta to get the location agreement signed by Dr. Grayson. “It was a crisp clean morning out there; love the smell, but there was construction going on at a house nearby — pounding, saws, and annoying noises like dogs barking.” Dr. Grayson signed the contracts and gave Gerald a map and told me about an area past the horses. Gerald walked there to see a perfect spot. Gerald saw a guy loading hay bails onto a truck, but he did not see Gerald or look is Gerald direction. When Gerald went to say goodbye to Dr. Grayson, Justin and Casey were there and were interested in the movie.
3.3.3 Rehearsal
On Sunday, October 16, 2005, Gerald worked on storyboards and Tamara worked on the slate and head covers for the other team before the cast was to show up for rehearsal. The rehearsal went well. Gerald believed Reid could be good, Patrick was over doing it, and Robert was under doing it. Of course, Aria was on the nose.
On Tuesday, October 18, 2005, Everyone arrived early at Gerald and Tamara's. They ate breakfast, then got on the road to the Young's house. Justin showed up with Casey around 11AM. Maureen made cheese sandwiches for all.
3.4 Filming
Paint 2006 Behind the scenes - Cast at Camp Augusta
l-r: Reid Allen Young, Justin Mosier, Robert John MacGregor, Patrick Donald Wheatley, Aria Leven Davenport, Gerald Martin Davenport, and Connor Decker Ring.
Production for Paint 2006 began on Wednesday, October 19, 2005. Paint 2006's production schedule was based off of the thought that the actors have never acted in a film before; therefore to give them weapons the first day and try to keep them under control would be a ludicrous act. The majority of the crew work for the film was done by Gerald, although a few of the actors helped out when they were not on camera. So first scene to be recorded was the kitchen scene at the Young's House in Nevada City, California thanks to Doug and Maureen Young. This way everyone understood the process of how a film is captured and that cooporation, teamwork, and listening are important on set.
The next scenes to be recorded were the exteriors of the Young's House being used as the non-shooting scenes — the actors were holding, not firing, the paintball markers other than Aria's who got to fire a few practice rounds into the trees while the guys watched. These takes were important to see if the actors understood and followed the safety rules to keep everyone safe. If they failed, the film would not continue, at least not with these actors.
Once these scenes were wrapped and moral and safety were established, Gerald and Tamara felt comfortable that there would be no issues with the action scenes and completing principle photography.
Scheduling a film for production, next to doing all the legal paperwork, is one of the most complex and unappreciated tasks, jobs, duties, necessities that a film goes through. “I have scheduled countless films, and each time the Writer, Producer, or Director, if it was not me in every position, did not understand why it had to be scheduled the way it was. I had to explain, if we do this, then that is ,messed up. If we did that, then this would be messed up. It is an involved process knowing the cast and crew's availability, as well as, the locations. Then you add in, that we need to use this location for three or more scenes, which is next to this location, and so on. You do not just say we are going to be here at this time and here at this time. Your actors may not show up and you may extend your production schedule.” - Gerald Martin Davenport explains. “The one that makes me laugh every time is when someone says 'Oh, that will only take thirty minutes.' It is going to take thirty minutes for the crew to unload the equipment and get ready.”
The production schedule for Paint 2006 was beautifully crafted to allow the actors that were playing two characters to complete their first character before starting their second, and to forget about their first character to concentrate on the second. “It was surreal that the actors changed, not just the wardrobe, but their demeanor and actions for the roles of Roscoe's team, almsot enough that they were different people. The only thing that gave it a way, and one of two flaws that I wish I could do over, is that you can tell by their figure and shape that the actors were playing two roles. This confused the audience that knew these actors wondering what they were doing changing outfits and who they were against?”
“Once the non-action with no weapons fired scenes were completed, the cast understood the process of making a film: Camera set up 'A,' usually an establishing wide view, do your lines a few takes; camera set up 'B,' these two actors do the lines again a few takes; camera set up 'C' with these two actors doing their lines again, and so on to the individual close ups which could be camera set up 'S' and beyond. They were ready, or I was, to handle the chaos with running around with live paintball markers.” - Gerald Martin Davenport remarks.
On Thursday, October 20, 2005, Gerald wrote in his journal that the first day at the camp, Justin showed him an area across from the rifle range while everyone else was eating bagels at the dining area, and they captured the “Do you here me? ” scene across from the rifle range. Aria and Patrick did some stunts. “It was tough at first with the trees and the first time with paint being fired. But we got it done. We had no sound person, so I put the boom-pole on a chair.” After lunch, they captured the base-camp scene at the rifle range.
The majority of the action scenes during the tournament in the film were captured at Camp Augusta, just on the outskirts of Nevada City, California. With 80 acres of forest terrain, Gerald had a tough choice deciding which area he liked to do a particular scene, and there were lots of places he liked and wanted to use. Camp Augusta offered no external noises and no interruptions for campers since they did it after the end of the camp's season.
Paint 2006 Wrap Party Cake
Tamara had a cake made up for the cast at the wrap party
Photo by Tamara Maureen Davenport - © 2005 Aria Pictures
On Friday, October 21, 2005, Gerald arrived at the camp a little later than normal, and then drove deep into the heart of the camp, behind the horse corral and almost got stuck. He found a place for the ambush scene and started recording. The same area is used for scene 1. They moved up the hill a bit to complete scene 1. They recorded until 4:30 PM, and then had cake. They played a few games of paintball until Robert got hurt with his knee.
On Saturday, October 22, 2005, Aria, Connor, and Gerald made it to the camp at 9 AM. They captured angles from all over the area.
3.6 Post-Production
3.6.1 Editing
Final Cut Pro 5 arrived on Friday, December 9, 2005. It was updated to Final Cut Pro 5.0.4, which was the latest at the time of post, was used instead of Avid, because Gerald owned Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, and Soundtrack Pro. The DVCPRO50 tapes needed to be taken back to Studio B Films to use a very expensive tape deck connected to the Mac to import/digitize them at real time. An Imac G5 and a 17" Powerbook running Adobe After Effects and Photoshop which were used for the effects and graphics.
Post-Production began on January 6th, 2006 with the assembly of the toughest scenes put together first — “Do the hard stuff first and the easy stuff for last.”
Gerald finished a few scenes that were roughly put together to show people.
Monday, January 9, 2006
[4:49pm] Connor: Definitely need some voiceovers. Some of the transitions fell kind of weird. Can't hear Robert.
[4:50pm] Gerry: At the end?
[4:51pm] Connor: When Robert is yelling at the players on the other side.
[4:51pm] Gerry: The audio is not set images are 90%.
[4:52pm] Connor: When robert says "What are you doing?" And then the scene changes and he says "Aria what are you doing?" Again.
[4:52pm] Gerry: The thing is for everyone not to be so critical yet. It is a work in progress, and I know all that needs to be done.
[4:53pm]Connor: Paintballs splatters look pretty sweet.
[4:53pm] Gerry: Remember it is in crappy mode. It looks awesome here.
[4:54pm] Gerry: The audio is the last thing to do once Picture-Lock is acheived.
[4:56pm] Gerry: A dedicated audio person next time. No actors doing it.
[4:56pm] Connor: yeah.
[4:58pm] Gerry: We have to add new dialog.
[4:59pm] Gerry: "Guys, we do not have our masks on."
"Rick started it."
"Did not."
"Someone is gonna get hurt, it was time out."
[5:00pm] Gerry: That is why it is all weird at the end with dialog, but the picture is close.
[5:01pm] Gerry: I said it is a first cut. Rough, very rough, but it is close to what the scene is to be.
[5:02pm]Connor: It's cool, the sun was shining just right so you can see the paint really well when it hits the branches.
[5:02pm] Gerry: That was luck. No wait. I planned it.
[5:05pm]Connor: Robert gets so close to getting hit when he is telling us to stop. There is a paintball that flies right past his shoulder. Cant wait to see the final product. I wanna see the scenes where i get hit.
[5:57PM] Connor: Are you gonna make a bloopers reel?
[5:57PM] Gerry: No, I do not like funny things.
[5:57PM] Connor: Ahh, ok.
[5:57PM] Gerry: Of course I am.
[5:58PM] Connor: Sweet! I noticed what you were talking about with something being in the way of the camera. It's not very noticeable though. I didn't even see it till like the 10nth time.
[6:01PM] Gerry: well, that is not too bad, but.
[6:01PM] Connor: no, not at all. too bad robert wasn't any more dramatic when he was yelling at aria.
[6:06PM] Connor: when i return fire at Patrick, it looks like he just drops dead.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
[10:49am] Connor: Do you think it will be finished by next month sometime?
[10:51am] Gerry: Well, Picture should be. I mean it is only the 10th of January and I started editing on the 6th. Four days and 50% done. I figure next week I will have a finished rough picture cut of the movie. Watch it, make notes, change, view again, and then go from there. End of month should be picture lock, then we do audio for a week or so. Dialog, music, song, and so forth.
[10:52am] Connor: Have you a song written for it?
[10:52am] Gerry: Watching it gets me the feel and flow of the music what it needs.
[10:53am] Gerry: The song has gone through many changes: lyrics and music, but it might even be newer now.
[10:55am] Gerry: We will be gone till Friday. Going down at Macworld expo in San Francisco.
On Saturday, January 14, 2006, Gerald wrote in his journal that he opened up most of the scenes to let them breathe by letting the clips play longer, and putting some space in between the dialog. Vikie and Jerry Young came over to pick up Matthew. Gerald showed them PAINT and they loved it. “They both said the title should come in with paintball shots, or disappear with paintball splats, right after the quiet and the loud RUN.”
After fifteen days of editing a rough-cut of the film, it was ready to be reviewed and critiqued by the cast, crew, and their parents, to show what they did for four days — something that never happens with most films because the filmmakers want people to see the final product the way it is suppose to be, not a rough-cut; however, there were concerns and questions about the film by the parents since it ended over three months ago “Do we get to see the film yet? ”
On Saturday, January 21, 2006, Gerald worked on refining the rough cut. He took out the color correction, which was terrible looking. He had just finished the DVD burn about an hour before they had to leave for the Young's House. Reid, Ashley, Wayne, and Lynette were the first to arrive. Justin and his son Alex were next. Patrick, his dad Sandy, Mother, and two brothers showed up. Connor, Keelene, Cathy, and Chris show up a little late while Gerald was telling everyone about the screening process. Gerald reminded the attendees that some dialog would be heard more than once, and other audio sounds that normally would not be in a film might still be heard and to ignore the audio issues but to focus on the story. Does the story and visuals flow? Does the story make sense? Is there a story?
Gerald watched the viewers reactions to see if they laughed, cringed, and any other emotions when they were supposed to happen — and he took notes. There was applause and a sense of awe afterward. “It looks like a real movie.” Came from Patrick Donald Wheatley and Reid Allen Young. Everyone agreed that it did. Gerald asked “What did you think you were going to see? ” A few said a home movie or something, “but not this good.” Other than mentioning the issues with audio, the audience was confused about the actors playing two characters. They understood the need, but it was not clear enough that they were different people or characters.
The following month, working day and night fine-tuning each scene, Gerald could not make a few issues with the story and the actions on the screen to fit to his liking — Rick (Patrick Donald Wheatley) took his mask off during a scene and Chad (Conner Decker Ring) and Garrett (Justin Mosier) shot a few paintballs toward him, as they were supposed to, but they had no idea he had taken his mask off — it posed a dangerous and unsafe situation and was not in the screenplay for him to do that. Gerald immediately cut the take and reminded everyone not to take off their mask unless told to do so. Several other takes were captured, unfortunately the acting by Patrick Donald Wheatley was not as good as previous takes; most likely because he was unhappy and/or embarrassed about being told not to take his mask off for safety reasons.
Gerald, unhappy about the story, dialog, and visuals were not working and there was no chance of doing any pick ups. There was one option, but that meant rewriting the story using ADR (Automatic Dialog Replacement) — put new dialog over the existing visuals. Gerald set up a time for the actors to come into the recording studio to redo new dialog. New lines were given to Robert John MacGregor's character Trevor, Justin Mosier's character Garrett, and Patrick Donald Wheatley's character Rick to at least acknowledge that Rick took off his mask when he was not suppose to, but that did not make the scene any safer for John at JF Paintball.
Casey Edenfield, who played Steve, could not be located to read new lines. There was no deadline for the film to be finished by a producer or studio executive, not for a 19 minute short with a few minor flaws; however, once a location was set with a date to premiere the film, then post-production became the focus to finish the film on time. Unsure of when and if Casey could be found, Gerald made a decision to replace all of Casey's dialog in the film with Gerald Mathew Young.
Once the new dialog was completed by the actors, it made the story a little more cohesive, not perfect, but much better than it was. Gerald worked ion making the actors voices lower than they normally are when they played the characters on Roscoe's team, but again, with time running short, he moved onto other things the film needed before it was completed. A “Picture Lock” for the film was achieved on February 14, 2006. The ending credits were in a rough form because there was no music to know how long to make them or how long they should be.
3.6.2 Music
“Painted” song recording
Aria Davenport during the recording of the song Painted
Photo by Gerald Martin Davenport - © 2005 Aria Pictures & World Next Door Music (ASCAP)
Gerald spent many months thinking about story, actors, locations, equipment, and such, that he had no time to think about creating the music he wanted for the film — a very odd thing considering he was playing drums since the age of three and by twelve he wrote music on the piano and guitar. So he felt very weird and frustrated when his mind would not be creative about music like he was used to — he was depleted and exhausted, plus the time frame was not helping.
His son, Aria Leven Davenport, came to the rescue and wanted to help. They both sat down and worked on a rough idea of the music structure, then wrote some lyrics — Vikie Young, Gerald Mathew Young's wife, gave them a line for the song, but they do not remember if they used it or not. For several days they would work on it till they felt they had something that was at least decent to add to the film.
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Moved my music equipment to the living room. Connor came over to work on Painted, the title of the song for the movie. We spent a few hours completing the writing process. Aria was more involved than Connor.
I told them to get more lyrics while I worked on the drum parts. Recorded the drums while Connor tried his first time at playing the bass. We did practice and it looked like he got it, but when it was recording it was not good. After four tries, I asked him to let me try it with his bass and show him. I recorded me playing, and that is what is used in the song. Nothing on the song is Connor, except the use of his bass guitar.
Jerry and Vikie came by as we were completing the recording process. Vikie asked why it was forest instead of woods. She actually inputted more than anyone else did. Although Aria picked up the song better than Connor did. Aria tried recording the mellow part but put way too much into it and could not get it down.
Sunday, March 5, 2006
Aria still wanted to play the quiet part on the song. We tried and tried, and after several hours, I did it. I gave him another part to play — the power chord before the picking part of the guitar — he got that down.
Once the music was recorded and exported, Gerald finished the ending credits exported the film three days before the Premiere. The Total Run Time of the film was 19:12 — Nineteen minutes and twelve seconds.
3.7 Crew
Directed by
Gerald Martin Davenport
Writing Credits
Gerald Martin Davenport … (screenplay by) & (story by)
Adam James Veseley … (story concept by)
Produced by
Tamara Maureen Davenport … producer
Music by
Gerald Martin Davenport
Aria Leven Davenport
Film Editing by
Gerald Martin Davenport
Art Department
Justin Mosier … props
Sound Department
Casey Edenfield … boom operator
Reid Allen Young … boom operator
Gerald Martin Davenport … adr & foley
Aria Leven Davenport … adr & foley
Aria Leven Davenport … stunt performer
Casey Edenfield … stunt performer
Robert John Macgregor … stunt performer
Justin Mosier … stunt performer
Conner Decker Ring … stunt performer
Camera and Electrical Department
Kyriè Sierra Davenport … second assistant camera
Casting Department
Kyriè Sierra Davenport … casting assistant
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Tamara Maureen Davenport … seamstress
Location Management
Justin Mosier … location advisor
Music Department
Gerald Martin Davenport … performer & singer
Maynard Walkaberry … performer & singer
Syaoran … performer
Script and Continuity Department
Kyriè Sierra Davenport … script supervisor assistant
Transportation Department
Tamara Maureen Davenport … driver
Additional Crew
Robert John Macgregor … technical dialog advisor
Donald MacGregor … technical dialog advisor
Tamara Maureen Davenport … craft service & catering
Soundtrack Credits
Here and There
Lyrics by Tim Wilson
Music by Gerald Martin Davenport
Performed by Gerald Martin Davenport
©2000 World Next Door Music - ASCAP
Lyrics and Music by Gerald Martin Davenport and Aria Leven Davenport
Performed by Maynard Walkaberry and Syaoran
©2006 World Next Door Music - ASCAP