3.2.1 Access Sacramento - Cast & Crew Call
Read the Weblog version Aria Pictures PCS Journey part 1 - Place Called Sacramento and Aria Pictures PCS Journey part 2 - Detective A
PCS 2009 Cast and Crew Call
Wednesday, May 20 6:00pm
Coloma Community Center
4623 T Street in the Courtyard
Gerald was visiting his Daughter, Kyriè Sierra Davenport, as she was attending acting classes in at It Factor Studios in Sacramento. Ryan McKinney told the class that Access Sacramento was looking for actors for their screenwriting contest A Place Called Sacramento. Gerald looked it up online and saw they were looking for cast and crew.
Ron Cooper
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Make a Local Movie This Summer - Join Our 10th Annual "PCS CAST & CREW CALL" Wednesday May 20
Access Sacramento and The Tenth Annual "Place Called Sacramento Film Festival" invite all local folks interested in local filmmaking to come to the Coloma Community Center at 6:00 PM May 20, 2009. Local, short 10 minute scripts have being judged by local filmmakers and the top ten have been selected for production.
On May 20, the ten selected writers/producers will introduce themselves and invite your participation. Experience and inexperienced actors, directors, producers, production, post-production. location scouts, and "craft services" are invited to attend and select which volunteer team you would like to help. Introduce yourself and maybe you will be "cast" or selected to help produce a film to be seen on the Big Screen at the Crest Theater October 4 and posted "on-demand" at www.AccessSacramento.org
Bring your business cards, resumes, head shots, etc. if you have them but they are not necessary. This is NOT a traditional "stand-in- line audition". Plan to attend from the very beginning (6:00 PM sharp) to hear the scripts and then introduce yourself to the filmmakers of your choosing.
Join the fun this summer and help make a movie about y our hometown. All ages are invited. Invite your friends and family - we expect to see more than 200 people but hundreds more can be accommodated. Access Sacramento builds community by making movies - only in a place called Sacramento.
Ron Cooper, Executive Director
Access Sacramento
4623 T Street
Sacramento, CA. 95819
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Read the Weblog version: Aria Pictures PCS Journey Part 1.
I brought four copies of Paint. I could not find my demo reel. Brought five copies of my resumé and some business cards. NOTE: need to redo cards with email and contact info on them. I met Tamara at Wonderful III for lunch and to get Kyriè's photo and she told me where to get her resumé. I printed ten.
I got started late and ran into some stop and go traffic twice. Found the street which was easy and just before I go to where I needed I found a nice spot to park on the road under a tree — the whole street was tree lined.
It was the community center which had a large courtyard where they had everything set up. twelve tables for the writer and director or camera or producer, or the kids, of the movie and a place for people to be on camera.
A nice gentleman told us we needed to fill out this form and get on camera, JUST for actors. I asked about my daughter and he said how is the director going to know if she's not seen? I then heard we needed to all be on camera even crew. So I got in line, and he wanted to let me cut. I told him I am fine. I am used to showing up early and leaving late, I am crew.
Stood around while the writers and their partner introduced themselves. The Push, by Danna Wilber needed a teen girl, and since I was standing by her table, while waiting to do my camera introduction, I handed the guy Kyriè's photo and resumé. She then mentioned she needed an editor, so I handed the guy my resumé.
The director for The Push happened to take a picture toward me and I got out of frame and I told him I am not in front but behind and he asked me what I did and I asked him if he was Gary the Director and he said yes. We talked about editing and filmmaking and my daughter, so I hope he calls as he needs more editors to help him on his other short movies.
I went to several of the tables and left my resumé and at a select few, three that is, I left a copy of paint. It was fun, but it was also very amateurish in nature, but the fun was in the journey. Various skill levels and expertise along with a wide range of ages and nationalities were there as both representing a movie and as actors or crew, which by the way was about 75% actors and 25% crew, so the people I talked with made it as though I was in demand, and I knew I would be.
Gerald walked up to the table with Victor A. Nieto and Jason Moore, representing Detective A, were recent graduates of a digital film school in the area, and were ecstatic when Gerald told them he was an editor. The first question they asked him was “Do you know about 'L' cuts?”[1] Gerald was confused at why they were asking the question. “Uhm. Yes I do, but it does not matter what my timeline looks like, what matters is the finished delivered product.” Victor and Jason asked Gerald to be the editor for their film.
During the drive back home, Gerald started thinking about a National Treasure type of story about the gold rush in California to submit to next year that becomes THE GOLdEN TREE.
3.4.1 United Way California Capitol Region: July 6, 2009
Day one on set at the United Way California Capitol Region located ay 10389 Old Placerville Rd, Sacramento, CA 95827. Victor A. Nieto, Ryan Lomeli, Jason Moore, Eric Shackleford, Gerald Martin Davenport, Gary Agid, and Tyler Jerome Thompson were ready to capture take 1 of the ominous scene between Mr. Mason and Dr. X. The Gary was in front of the camera, Gerald had the audio, Jason was behind the camera, and everyone was waiting for Victor, the director, to say something to start the take. Gerald looked back at Victor and said “Audio is ready, volume is good.” Gerald looked back the Gary and reset himself holding the microphone. There was silence as time passed and Gerald turned back to Victor and Jason to see what was the hold up that they have not started the take. Realizing that maybe Victor was shy or the first assistant director was new to filmmaking, Gerald said “Roll Sound,” and looked back at Jason. “Start recording. Ready?”
Gerald looked back to Victor and motioned to take charge then he reset himself with the audio and looked at Gary in front of the camera. Seconds of silence passed when Gerald looked back at Victor hoping Victor would see they were waiting for him to start the take. Gerald looked back at Gary and waited and there was still silence. Gerald looked back at Victor then at Jason to find out what the hold up was when he realized that they had no idea what they were doing. Gerald looked back at Gary, who seemed to be getting annoyed until Gerald said “Action.”
When the take was finished, Gary stopped and held his last look toward the camera. Everyone waited for Victor to stop the take, but again, there was silence. Gerald looked back at Victor and then back to Gary. “Cut! Mark that take one, lets reset, back to one for take two.” Jason turned toward Victor and said, “See. That's what your suppose to do.”[2]
The rest of the day, Victor and Jason took charge, following the example that Gerald set, and the production moved forward. Lacking an actual slate and a boom for the mic, gerald knew that post was going to be a mess and that the audio would need cleaning.
Jason and Victor spent time setting up a visual effects angle where Mr. Mason is looking out the window through the blinds as the camera dolly's toward him while zooming out with the lens to give a strange effect on the background. The set up, rehearsal, and capture of the take went over an hour, but it was something that Victor and Jason wanted to try ever since they learned about it in digital film school. Gerald and the rest of the crew sat impatiently waiting fort them to stop wasting so much time on an angle that may or may not get used in the film.
3.4.2 Ronald W. Dahl Law Office: July 24, 2009
The scene with Detective A at his office was captured at the law offices of Ronald W. Dahl in Sacramento. Gerald was surprised to that the office in the scene is exactly the way it was in real life. there was little, very little, set decoration done other than adding the Det A name plate and the intercom — the office was that messy.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The office was messy, I mean, papers all over the place, I will get pictures when I get the footage to cut and show you the mess. We had a blast trying to get the light to match what we want. Victor brought yellow normal light bulbs which do not do well on video — they make everything look yellow so we had to push blue. Gonna be fun correcting that part of the movie.
Jason and the rest of us had a blast bugging Victor about the lack of food that should have been there, but after a while Victor was not to pleased or thrilled with our jokes and puns. Pizza finally showed up and we had to eat it fast to catch the last few shots in this messy office and the entire place.
I helped with the last minute shots outside the lawyers office, Lomeli had a great idea, i did as well, victor wanted an odd shot that we would have to blur out the license plate.
3.4.3 CSUS Humboldt Hall Room 221: August 3, 2009
Victor Nieto
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Victor Nieto
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:48:01 PM
Hope everyone is doing well this week and thanks for all those that helped with the shoot last Friday.
We have finally received permission to shoot at the Sac State biology facilities in Humboldt Hall, room 221 from 9 a.m - 1 p.m. on Monday August 3. I'm really excited about this room. It has a great stale look to it, perfect for Doctor X/Frau Hain scene and most importantly there is a lot of space in the room for equipment and lights.
Last week wasn't our best shooting so I'll be sure to bring water and snacks in between shoot but lets try our best to work together and keep a serious perspective when film set ups are involved.
Parking: Cost of permit is $6 per day. We can all meet some place prior to 9 a.m outside of campus and then I'll take everyone in my van.
Thanks. Looking forward to Monday
Victor A. Nieto
Gerry, our wonderful boom operator and editor will be developing a website promoting Detective A for the 'A Place Called Sacramento.' So at your easiest convenience send him a bio of yourself, interests, film experience, profession and anything else you would like to add. Please try and keep description to around 100 words. If you can also send a head shot of yourself that would also be great for the time being. We'll try and organize another photography session later.
The scene in Dr. X's laboratory was done at California State University Sacramento in Humboldt Hall in room 221 on Monday, August 3, 2009. Jason, Victor, and Gerald discussed the scenes and the best way to capture them. Gerald jokingly said “I wish we had a dolly, we could track Dr. X while he works around the test tubes.” Jason and Victor looked at each other and began practicing the move by hand. After a short rehearsal with the camera and Tyler's actions, Jason felt comfortable and confident that he could do it by hand. After they took the first one, they reviewed it to see what they needed to fix. And Gerald thought that it was going to be another Mr. Mason time wasting angle.
The scene when Frau Hine enters Dr. X's laboratory and slaps him took twelve takes because Tyler winced and cracked up because Cozette smacked him harder than expected.
Victor Nieto
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thanks everyone for putting in the long effort today. I'm digging the shots I've seen so far and am enjoying the physicality... again... and again... and again... Way to be a good sport Tyler.
The last big scene takes place Wednesday, CSUS Library, second floor, library research room 2024. Expect on 2 to 3 hours of filming. The time will be between 11 - 3p.m. ( within this range). I'll have a definite time by tomorrow afternoon after I speak with the head librarian again.
3.4.4 CSUS Library Research Room 2024: August 3, 2009
Detective A does research at the California State University Sacramento Library on the second floor in research room #2024. He also walks the campus in the area, which is used for voice-over.
Victor Nieto
Friday, August 7, 2009
Great work everyone and thanks so much for all the time and work you've put in thus far into this production. Things are looking great and Gerry our editor is currently molding the 3 plus hours of footage into what I'm sure will be a great 10 minute short.
There will still be needed b-roll footage and ADR from our principle actors but for the most part the hardest part the bulk of production is finished and I just wanted to thank everyone again for their help.
Victor A. Nieto
3.4.5 Solomon Dubnick Art Gallery
There is nothing documented or remembered about the day or time they captured the art gallery scene at Solomon Dubnick Gallery
3.6.1 Editing
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Gerald (10:47 AM): DUDE!!!
Gerald (10:47 AM): Or Mr. Nieto, sorry sir.
Victor Nieto (10:48 AM): Yo... just sent you something
Gerald (10:48 AM): oh, am sending you the screenplay with blue on it
Victor Nieto (10:49 AM): How much edited footage do you have right now and does anyone need to do ADR work besides Det. A?
Gerald (10:50 AM): YES!!!
Gerald (10:50 AM): I have all scenes that were shot edited into a final timeline and it is over 16 minutes long
Gerald (10:51 AM): but that includes the long version of all three office scenes for det A as they run too long with few cut aways to shorten it.
Gerald (10:51 AM): and the laboratory scene is really long too, I need to shorten it
Gerald (10:52 AM): AS for version, there will be a 10 minute for the contest and a longer one for everyone else on the DVD.
Gerald (10:53 AM): As for ADR and room tones I have a list, well lists, for each scene. One list is NEEDS, the other is why I did not use this shot and why I used this shot...
Victor Nieto (10:53 AM): Nice... Ron was very specific to me about making sure the time was 10 mins or less... "everything over will get cut off "
Gerald (10:54 AM): no prob, 10 min will be adhered to...!!!!
Gerald (10:55 AM): I'm just saying whilst editing for the festival, and if it plays well, I am going to make a 13 - 16 minute version or longer for our personal enjoyment... In fact I start with the longer and then cut it down.
Gerald (10:56 AM): to inform you now... I have shown a few people the Mason scene and they like the version without the vertigo...
Victor Nieto (10:56 AM): Okay... but I got to see both ways...
Gerald (10:56 AM): they don't understand it, and if I have to cut some time out, it may go to the floor, but I want it in the longer version
Victor Nieto (10:57 AM): okay... Whens a good day or time to go up there and check it out?
Gerald (10:57 AM): EVERY SCENE, other than the office scenes, is so easy to color correct and get a great mood with lighting, it goes to show you when you have real lights the color spectrum is there to play with...
Gerald (10:58 AM): What else you doing friday?
Victor Nieto (10:58 AM): I was hoping to get about 4 mins of film, edited with sound and premiere that at wrap party.... I talk to composers last night. They say they're on it. I'll push them hard in the next few days to get it done.
Gerald (10:58 AM): I only ask as we are in the middle of a move to a new house and all but the bedrooms and half my office is packed up
Gerald (10:59 AM): oh... we could have a full rough cut ready by rap party
Gerald (10:59 AM): but not enough that they won't show at the festival..
Gerald (10:59 AM): of which I have about 10 - 20 people coming and maybe more..
Victor Nieto (11:00 AM): Exactly... show good quality and get them interested even more...
Gerald (11:00 AM): what day is it so I can spread the news more on facebook and to my f and f
Victor Nieto (11:00 AM): Oct. 4 Sunday
Gerald (11:00 AM): Oh it's awesome...
Gerald (11:00 AM): that is the ff at the crest?
Victor Nieto (11:00 AM): yeah
Gerald (11:01 AM): sweet!!!
Gerald (11:01 AM): so if you are not doing much else afterward on friday, I can bring the set up and let you see the progress and give me notes
Victor Nieto (11:02 AM): Okay. that works. We're probably going to shot from 3 - about 730pm. So any time before 3pm or after 8pm...
Gerald (11:03 AM): you are doing late city scenes?
Gerald (11:04 AM): Friday you are doing city scenes and so forth at 3 - 7:30?
Victor Nieto (11:05 AM): yes
Gerald (11:06 AM): Um.. I understand the art gallery has moved
Gerald (11:07 AM): or they were planning on moving
Gerald (11:07 AM): did you get my email and detA.pdf?
Gerald (11:07 AM): reading the blue text ONLY!!!
Gerald (11:08 AM): I did not change any thing else... well, change is such a strong word, and it is not really changed just tweaked
Victor Nieto (11:10 AM): didn't really see changes.... script felt the same...
Victor Nieto (11:11 AM): What's your reasoning for the tweaks?
Gerald (11:11 AM): GOOD.. did not want to change it just the pacing and the acting, and added a shot from the surveillance camera
Gerald (11:12 AM): when DA falls to floor Frau is concerned as to where he went, implying that maybe someone heard or is watching
Victor Nieto (11:12 AM): I wouldn't mind a shot from the surveillance camera POV throughout the scene
Gerald (11:12 AM): FRAU HAIN (O.S.)
Detective A?
Detective A?
Gerald (11:12 AM): DA slowly gets up on his knees at eye level to intercom and looks at it with weary eyes.
FRAU HAIN (O.S.) (cont'd)
Ah. Detective A. Landlord called. Says rent's due tomorrow.
Gerald (11:13 AM): and then action with the photo, nameplate, water, and so forth so it is a fluid motion.
Gerald (11:13 AM): and i have been looking for a different poster of sac
Victor Nieto (11:14 AM): On the version for the festival what's the time....
Gerald (11:14 AM): the time will be 11:15 and 00 seconds
Gerald (11:14 AM): HA!!!
Gerald (11:14 AM): too funny.
Gerald (11:14 AM): the time will be 10 minutes like it should be right?
Victor Nieto (11:14 AM): I mean what's the time now...?
Victor Nieto (11:15 AM): I'm adding some really cool parts that take a few seconds... kind of need to know what wiggle room I Have
Gerald (11:15 AM): right now I have edited the scenes to make them make sense with these things in mind: continuity, performance, and flow.
Gerald (11:16 AM): they are long, like i said when put together they run around 16 minutes... this is not the final long version as the new office scenes will take the older ones place
Gerald (11:17 AM): I am now beginning to look at each scene by scene and see what can be taken out, a few seconds here and there to get to 10 minutes
Gerald (11:17 AM): so, do what you need and want to do, we can fit it in... we just make adjustments elsewhere
Victor Nieto (11:18 AM): with new transitions and flash backs we're going to need film to be around nine minutes prior to adding those parts..
Gerald (11:18 AM): for example the vertigo looks great, we spent so much time on it, you spent so much time on it, well, Jason did, but it just doesn't work for the 10 min version... It's got to go, but it doesn't mean you won't see it in the longer one.
Gerald (11:19 AM): not going to have a final tally until the new scenes -- office scenes -- are shot...
Gerald (11:19 AM): here's an idea of what they are now:
Gerald (11:20 AM): art gallery runs 1:30
Victor Nieto (11:20 AM): Well next week some time well get together and figure what shots are good or not so good for festival version.
Gerald (11:20 AM): sac state and library (includes him walking out side) runs 2:00
Gerald (11:21 AM): i was wanting to show you friday what I have so far...
Gerald (11:21 AM): the lab scene is 2:40
Victor Nieto (11:22 AM): Okay that''s probably the first to shed some meat..
Gerald (11:22 AM): but can be dwindled down to about 2 or less... I made it real long with the shot that spins around him... looks cool, but needs to be dwindled a bit
Gerald (11:23 AM): the opening office scene runs and hold your panties, 3:30
Gerald (11:23 AM): where DA wakes up and looks around office and DR X comes in.
Gerald (11:23 AM): not much I can do there, of course it is going to be redone, so it needs to be played out a little quicker on both actors parts
Gerald (11:24 AM): there was a lot of hesitation and waiting for direction and then there was very little to cut away to to shorten the other shots
Victor Nieto (11:24 AM): okay... sounds promising
Gerald (11:25 AM): MASONS office is 2:45 and fairly tight, but I can tweak it down a few more seconds
Gerald (11:25 AM): We will be at 10 right on with an extremely awesome story...
Gerald (11:25 AM): not too worry my master
Victor Nieto (11:26 AM): Alright ten mins... thanks for putting in the work...
Gerald (11:26 AM): so friday is good to come down and help then show you what I have?
Victor Nieto (11:26 AM): I'll email you new things we're adding and slight changes
Victor Nieto (11:26 AM): yeah... just not while were shooting...
Gerald (11:26 AM): DUH!!!
Victor Nieto (11:27 AM): glad you got it
Gerald (11:28 AM): Well let me know where you meeting and when... I can order pizza or take the main crew, you jason, and I, and ... out or take out to see what has been assembled
Gerald (11:28 AM): oh to show you my needs lists
Victor Nieto (11:29 AM): okay I'll get back to you later... thanks..
Gerald (11:29 AM): peace
The camera that Victor and Jason were using recorded onto tape — this was one of the last films Gerald edited that was recorded using tape — so he had to bring his equipment down to digitize the video for editing. Gerald pondered whether to use Avid or Final Cut Pro 5.0.4 to edit the film. After coming to the conclusion that he needs to get it done as soon as possible because the deadline to submit the film to Access Sacramento was less than three weeks away, he chose Final Cut Pro.
Victor wanted to be apart of the editing process and Gerald agreed, but Victor was going to have to drive to Grass Valley to do it. Gerald was not going to drive down every time to edit with Victor over his shoulder.
Victor agreed, but never showed up any of the days he said he would. Gerald moved forward with editing and sent a few scenes for reviewing to appease Victor's need to control things and being in charge — Gerald knew it was Victor's film, but knew Victor had no idea what he was doing, so the less he had to have Victor around, the better.
Gerald spent as much time as he could finetuning the story in post. Due to the lack of experience and knowledge of filmmaking by the director, cinematographer, and other crew, and being Sacramento actors, Gerald felt the story was good and the images, although not great, were usable and he wanted to make a statement and an impression about his talents, so he gave it that extra care, specially since it was going to play on the big screen at the Crest Theatre.
Gerald sent Victor an almost complete version of the film for review and final changes. “Wow! How did you make it look like real film?” Victor asked Gerald. “I went to a real film school.”
Gerald not satisfied with the variety of music representation from the composers, he put in additional music to intensify certain scenes. The 10 minute version was now complete and sent to Victor to submit.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Victor Nieto (10:11 AM): Yo... in class right now. What's up?
Gerald (10:11 AM): CLASS?
Victor Nieto (10:11 AM): JC final cut pro class...
Gerald (10:11 AM): ah...
Victor Nieto (10:12 AM): What are you working on this morning?
Gerald (10:13 AM): looking at DA and then exporting some footage that I have been doing for the behind the scenes of a movie made in 2007
Victor Nieto (10:14 AM): For Paint... or you do another film?
Gerald (10:14 AM): winter and spring
Gerald (10:26 AM): when you click on their name, it should play the video, but I have the video right now, sending it to them on dvd... they will upload it, so soon it should be done
Victor Nieto (10:29 AM): What happened with that other film? Winter and Spring? Short or feature?
Gerald (10:29 AM): feature
Victor Nieto (10:30 AM): she sell it?
Gerald (10:30 AM): and, a weird story about it, sort of strange, well, the director and writer of it is a great guy, funny, very talented
Gerald (10:30 AM): but, he had some issues with the movie and does not even have a rough cut to show people, he is not happy with it
Gerald (10:31 AM): and he spent 80k on it
Gerald (10:31 AM): so, it doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon, it is on the shelf as I understand.
Gerald (10:32 AM): so his roommate, or apartment sharer, is another good friend of mine and sort of my master — the guy that wants me to edit his stuff for him anytime just need to get down to hollywood. anyway.
Gerald (10:33 AM): he shot the behind the scenes while the movie was being made, he shot over 150 hours of footage.
Gerald (10:33 AM): he is trying to motivate Kristian to get the movie done by doing these interviews and also making the movie from the behind the scenes POV camera... odd, but hey, they are geeks about production
10:36:52 AM Victor: Wow.. rough... 80 k...
10:37:38 AM Victor: better get something out soon. Film seems interesting. I kind of want to see it now
10:38:06 AM Gerald: oh the behind the scenes i have created are hilarious and interesting
10:38:33 AM Gerald: there is so much info that I knew, but it is nice to hear others make a point of it about movie making
10:39:20 AM Victor: Nice..
10:39:48 AM Victor: can't believe the deal here for students.. I can buy the studio version for $300
10:39:49 AM Gerald: i's send you a link, but I have to upload and it is slow right now, borrowing someone else's in the area
10:40:10 AM Gerald: Final Cut Pro, studio v4
10:40:15 AM Gerald: 7...
10:40:21 AM Victor: Yup with 7...
10:40:48 AM Gerald: what I got mine for, but not 7 i am on 5
10:40:53 AM Gerald: or 6
10:40:54 AM Victor: nuts... but I wont be able to upgrade in future because it' student program
10:41:08 AM Gerald: just buy the real thing by then
10:42:53 AM Victor: yeah.. Gotta run.
10:43:12 AM Victor: Can you bring white reflector tonight?
10:43:34 AM Gerald: i have white reflector boards yes...
10:43:40 AM Gerald: also the intercom?
10:44:28 AM Victor: Yes.
10:45:03 AM Victor: Alright then. See you later
10:45:03 AM Gerald: need to know when the best time for you to come and capture
10:46:25 AM Victor: Sure. Capture footage Thursday during day or Wednesday at night
10:46:38 AM Victor: What ever works best for you just let me know ahead of time
Friday, September 4, 2009
I edited it up and got 9:53. I sent Victor an email and he replied with:
9:53.... don't know how you did it.... Just kidding. Thanks. Looking forward to seeing the fine tuning. Victor A. Nieto
3.6.2 Access Sacramento Deliver The Movie
Victor Nieto
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We met deadline for Detective A submission but Access Sac is intended to convert it to reel so they need either a quick time file of Detective A or converted to mind HDV tape. Most of the films did the same thing so Ron gave all of us extensions to turn in file or tape.
Let me know if you have any problems doing this. Obviously we'll need to convert it to highest HD quality.
PCS 2009 Countdown
10 Years - 100 Films
26 Days Left
October 4, 1pm at the Crest Theatre
Ron Cooper
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
10 Years - One Hundred Films - See you October 4 for 12 New Local Movies!
By Ron Cooper
Yesterday we held our breath awaiting the 2009 filmmakers bringing their final productions in by the deadline. Good News! We have 12 new original films for the 2009 Tenth Annual "Place Called Sacramento" Film Festival.
Productions have been rolling along since early June. Many challenges faced the twelve production teams. Actors moved away after shooting commenced. Plans for specific, vital locations were confirmed, canceled, and then rescheduled. Editors struggled with formatting questions as we shift from standard definition (SD) films using a 4-3 aspect ration to high definition (HD) with a 16-9 aspect ratio. Favors were requested, sweat poured on hot summer days, equipment failed, replacements found, frustration mounted.... but all these challenges were surmounted and we have ourselves a film festival in high definition at the Crest big screen Sunday October 4 at 1:00 PM.
One again here are the filmmakers and their work. Congratulations to the hundreds of volunteers for your perseverance and creativity. We are proud you live in our great City!
"The Push" by Danna Wilberg
"Fever" struggles with anger and confusion after her drug addicted Mom ran off to Sacramento. Fever is now a conflicted teen with psychic powers. Can Grandma help?
"Ten Minute Ride" by Wayne D. Johnson
Writing a syndicated travel column, Aaron thought he had seen it all. Sacramento? Just another City with a serial killer on the loose. Could this column be his last?
"Nightmare On K Street" by Jessica Vazquez
Above ground, Sacramento's historic streets make it a hot spot for tourists like John. But deep in the tunnels beneath Old Sac breeds a night scene to be avoided, if you can.
"City of Trees" by Mark Perrigan
Our trees provide a loving, protective canopy we often take for granted. Aiden dreams of a special tree and an opportunity lost far away and long ago in Sacramento.
"Beatrice & The Bike Thief" by Frank Casanova
Detectives come in all shapes and sizes. 12 year-old Beatrice solves mysteries. Steal her friend's bike? Now you are in trouble and the chase ensues - watch out for Beatrice!
"Cup O' Tea" story by Isaiah Tichenor
Senior year can be painful. For Marissa, her poems offer a private satisfaction but her shyness keeps her friends at a distance. Can Thomas reach out in time?
"Master of Destiny" by Julie Ivanovich
Some days, just surviving requires the strength of a superhero. Has Ryan found a way to cope or has he lost his mind?
"Detective A" by Victor Nieto
Have you ever felt that life was a mystery? Detective A discovers his life - one day at a time. Confused? Let the mystery begin as Detective A awakens to a day filled with new and unique challenges.
"Play Day" by Carrie Stroud
Skylab Youth Production Studios returns to PCS (2008's "Sweet Lemonade") with an updated version of "David & Goliath." Sophia steps up and demonstrates "empathy is a gift that can't be taught."
"641/2" by Chris Henry
Tobias and Avery are old war-horses with stories to tell but the world sees only 2 scruffy, homeless guys. When a Mustang stumbles, Tobias steps up and a new chapter begins.
"Midnight Snack" by Leilani Hernandez
The little 8 year old sweetie is nervous about her first sleep over. What monsters dwell in the minds of little ones? Be afraid - be very afraid!
"11 B Diaries" by Laura Tapia
Serving your country in any war bonds a soldier to his friends forever. With his only child now dying in Afghanistan, can Ed's buddies from Vietnam help him once again?
Victor Nieto
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thanks again for everything. You've made this video production process a lot more manageable with all your help. Quick time file is downloaded and will be turned in Monday when I'll let everyone on the good news.
Eric and I are really excited about the character trailers. I haven't told the cast yet so when they're ready, be sure to email them and all of us the nice surprise. Thanks and talk to you soon.
Victor A. Nieto
Victor A. Nieto
Victor A. Nieto … (screenplay by)
Victor A. Nieto … producer
Eric Shackelford … producer
Victor A. Nieto … casting director
Eric Shackleford … casting director
Victor A. Nieto … wardrobe supervisor
Victor A. Nieto … location manager
Eric Shackleford … location scout
Ryan Lomeli … location scout
Victor A. Nieto … craft
Bonnie Jacobson … craft