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Kyriè · A character in Paint (2006) and Petite Chardonnay (2012)

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Kyriè is a bit-part character in the film Paint (2006). She interrupts the boys while they are talking about paintball asking them why she does not get to play. Kyriè is also a character in the film Petite Chardonnay (2012) portrayed by Olivia Martinez Prado as a smart, but kid of mouthy girl with an attitude.

Kyriè is the name of Gerald and Tamara's daughter and a unique name. This is the fifth family name that Gerald has used in his films. The first was Aria, his son, and the name of the film production company, Aria Pictures.

1 Paint (2006)

Toni Corbett's picture in a picture frame in Paint (2006).

Kyriè Sierra Davenport portrays Kyriè in Paint (2006) as the annoying sister.

The original screenplay for Paint (2006) did not have any females roles in it basically due to a male writing a male action story — besides, Gerald did not know of any females that were interested in being in a paintball movie that was this short.

When Gerald was auditioning people for the roles, his daughter helped out as the person who the other person read their lines with during the auditions. Gerald noticed that she never looking at the screenplay when she delivered the lines — any characters part — as she knew them from memory.

Gerald realized that having a daughter who has been in many plays should be in the movie. He rectified that by giving her a bit-part, and one that was done on the first day, so the other people in the film could see how acting was done. She should have been in the entire movie and played the lead role.

This was lesson number one for Gerald in auditing and casting people, people skills, talent, and a desire to participate. If they want to be a part of the production, find a place for them, and they will excel.

2 Petite Chardonnay (2012)

During auditions for Petite Chardonnay (2012), eighteen young girls auditioned for the part of Kimmie, a girl who Chardonnay meets at the winery. Gerald invited twelve of them for callback and a second audition for a new scene Gerald was writing to add more younger talent into the film — a kid's scene as others called it. Gerald cast five girls to be in the film and created four new characters to support Kimmie. Meadow, Oceana, Sunshine, and Kyriè.

Olivia Martinez Prado thought she was going to play the Kimmie role, but Gerald reassured her and her mother that it is the same role, but with a different name, and the Kimmie character was toned down to be the friendlier character of the two.

Petite Chardonnay (2012) reference

Elsa (Olivia's mom), The name has changed not the character. The process, for my need to explain is, we saw eighteen girls for a small role, Kimmie, that was only in Petite Chardonnay not the full 2 hour Chardonnay. We are doing Petite Chardonnay to find money to make Chardonnay.

View Reference

Toni Corbett's picture in a picture frame in Paint (2006).

Olivia Martinez Prado portrays Kyriè, a spitfire - does not take any lip from anyone girl, in Petite Chardonnay (2012).

Coming up with unusual names for the young female characters to enhance the screenplay took a little time being creative with the names, not the spelling of the name — who hears the spelling of a name when it is spoken? Christina is pronounced the same as Krystina. But Oceana, Sunshine, Meadow, and Kyriè are unusual names, not matter how you spell them.



This is Meadow, Sunshine, Kyriè, Oceana, Forest, Brendan, and Aria.


Hi. A pleasure to meet you, Meadow, Sunshine, Kyriè, Oceana, Forest, Brendan, and Aria.

(bows her head)

My name is Chardonnay.


Pleasure is all mine.

Aria begins to walk up to Char when Forest pulls him back.


Get back here. She’s too old for you.


I’m ten.


Your nine.


Almost ten.



Is that your real name?


You're named after a grape?


That's weird.

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